Does anyone actually use youtube red?

Does anyone actually use youtube red?

Yeah, with Google play.

In YouTube red you can download vids and watch them offline. Perfect to long road trips

Who the fuck would actually enjoy doing that? How old are you, user? You still live with mommy? Gotta watch your maymays on the road, huh?

Smells like shill.

I have a free trial that came with Google home. And I believe it works really well with Google home because of endless music.

It is awesome. I listen to podcasts while having that lil perk of turning the screen off. Comes in handy especially when it's like an hour and a half at a time

I do because I can afford it and feel bad about using an ad blocker on YouTube creators I like.

Just get a browser extension for this. The most popular ones are totally free and rip videos and music in any format from any site.

Holy shit this thread really is an ad. No one on Sup Forums would support the scum on YouTube.


I use an adblocker but I think youtube red is just a huge fucking scam.


I, for one, make a point of disabling my adblocker whenever I watch videos by creators I like.

If I don't see an ad, they don't get paid. If they don''t get paid, they lose incentive to create.

It's quite simple, really.

You know there are sites that can do that for free, right?

Exactly, why would you want some faggot to get paid to put cancerous shit on youtube? I don't care how good it is, youtubers can fuck right off and get real jobs

I use it so I can watch youtube during road trips or listen to it when I'm outside. I can also do other stuff while listening to it besides having to sit in youtube. Pretty convenient tbh

>INB4 poorfags crying

you seem upset, user. is it because you wish you could do that and get paid?

I have youtube red because it is free with my google play music account.

No it is because those people should be helping advance our society. Stop paying people to distract your work.

they are. it's called


>What is the entertainment industry

You ever heard of these things called movies or television, user? Ever watch any of that?

You know you can download YouTube videos without paying for it, faggot?


>being this autistic

Me too. I enjoy supporting them, though I usually mute the sou d and look away from the ads.

They get paid and I don't have to endure the poison.

>Perfect to long road trips

This gave you away as a marketer.

Google "keepvid"

>what is 4k video downloader

Only benefit to YouTube Red is no ads, but that's why there are adblockers. FREE adblockers.

Everything else is worthless.


The ads support the site, but I hate watching them too.

I only watch them fully on the channels I enjoy most.