Last week i gave a guy i knew from school £20 for some weed. He took my money and isn't responding to my messages...

Last week i gave a guy i knew from school £20 for some weed. He took my money and isn't responding to my messages. I think i got scammed
Wat do?

learn from this experience

fight him next time you see him, display your dominance

Yeah you just got fucking robbed. Guessing this is your first time buying drugs, yeah? First of all, you never just hand over your money to some guy who claims to have weed. You set up a meeting time and place (homes are pretty safe places, unless your guy has people in and out of there all the time which is asking for a raid) and if he tries to dodge around the request, then he probably has nothing to sell and just wants your money.

ahh highschool

The only viable option here that I can see is that you're going to have to fuck him op, fuck him hard in the ass and he will never steal from you again

He is a stonier basically so i didn't question him getting it

retard op never give him the money if he dont have the weed

beat the fuck out of him

Op probably the type of dude to pay 35 a gram

nahh it was 20 for 2g

>paid currency in exchange for a product
>didn't get the product
>starting to think I been scammed
Why are brits so fucking retarded?

fuck that i pay 20 for 3.5

That's what I'm saying

Really im talking about pounds though dollars are worth more

Underage detected

assert your dominance and kill his family

I pay about $40 per 1/8th yo

this one.

So this picture is not the weed you bought for your british monopoly money?
Cause if it is, that looks like some decent pot.

the weed i attempted to buy

30 here

Hey OP I'm a britfag also. Where you at? I know ppl in most big cities who could sort you out.

WTF were you thinking giving money to someone for drugs if they don't already have them in exchange?

yo Glasgow here

are you willing to pay in advance?

reppin' Bristol. If you're in Scotland you might as well just go straight to shooting up smack. Way better than weed and you get decent gear up there.

That was OP's mistake in the first place.

>inb4 OP b& for underage

nah already did that


Bs10 reporting

Good for you

BS4 here, fukkin Knowle! I'm:
add me.

why is weed so expensivE? its a shitty plant sold by shitty people for shitty customers.

Don't feel too bad, I made the same mistake when I was 17 and handed some chavvy guy I barely knew a tenner for some weed, thought I could trust him and then didn't see him for 6 months. When I finally did confront him, he burst into tears and started telling me to take his mobile. Suffice to say I told him to keep his mobile, fuck off and chalked it up to my own stupidity.

Its 2 cents a gram in India
Practically worth shit in Morocco
Just depends where you live

I've travelled to India and yeah it's cheap but the quality is utter shite. Unless you get squidgy black hashish... bit more expensive but good quality.