Has anyone on /b had chlamydia?

Has anyone on /b had chlamydia?
What's it like?

I think one of my brothers had it. My ex had it too. Took some vitamins and it was gone.


You take 1 gram of azithromycin and it goes away. You good, fam.

>Has anyone on /b had chlamydia?
Yeah I had her. Damn bitch gave me herpes.

There was more

Took it last night. Just waiting for results to come back

It's like the best case scenario for stds. Two weeks of anti biotics and your good.

>Take the full two weeks please. We don't need super aids being created inside your dick cus your lazy.

But they only gave me 2 pills

It's a one-time dose, my nigga. Only thing you'd take for up to two weeks would be valacyclovir for herpes outbreak suppression.

You seem like you know your shit, could i have gotten chlamydia in my eye too? I got pink eye a few weeks ago

I'm a pharmacist in an area with a lot of college students. I dispense a lot of birth control and stuff for UTIs, STDs, BV, yeast infections, etc. You can absolutely get chlamydia infections in the eye. Careful where you take that moneyshot.

If i take azithromycin orally will it take care of the eye infection or do i need a local antibiotic?

Never got it on my dick

Yeah Man, had it once back in the day.
Saw doc Schwartz and got 1 pill took that shit and was all good in a week.
only prob is cant fuck whilst on treatment or you can re contaminate yourself..

Should take care of the eye thing too if it's still there. If not, there are several different eye drops that would work for you. Azithromycin eye drops (Azasite) are available, but branded and expensive. There's cheaper, generic shit that would work.

Itchy dick, burns when you pee

The symptoms are gone, just don't want that in my eye forever

Where'd you get it?

Wow I haven't seen this pic in a long time. There are more, right?
Never seen this pic of puddems and I've seen every I swear. More?

can you get chlamydia and then never experience the symptoms?

made one of my balls hurt really bad. was months until i found out what the problem was

antibiotics will take care of it

Shoulda used a rubbah

Girls show little to no symptoms, what makes you think you got it? I'd get checked it's just a quick piss test

Months? Ouch, it was obvious when I got stains on my underwear

You're good then.

You can, but it's unusual for neither partner to have symptoms. Might as well get checked if you're worried. They don't have to stick a swab or anything in your dick.

had it for an unknown amount of time with no symptoms. one girl i was banging got tested because her vagina was all fucky and informed me. I gurantee I gave it to her since i fuck a lot but she gave me an antibiotic and that was the end of that

Wasn't bad at all, some itching in the mid-shaft that felt like it was coming from inside the urethra.

Got urine test, positive for chlamidia, took one dose of azithromycin and was cured.