Yfw every thread you've ever posted in or lurked on Sup Forums is mysteriously made public to your friends and family

>yfw every thread you've ever posted in or lurked on Sup Forums is mysteriously made public to your friends and family









im this guy. and have posted threads with my nudes in numerous times. so i dont think itd be a good thing.

deleting this pic from thread in a minute or two.


mfw I have no friends or family

all this sushi captcha is making me hungry











So true user

What's done is done.

2 L8 m8

> I have saved it

what? i clicked delete why the fuck is it still here.



its deleted now. fuck sake. can u delete ur copy??



what friends and family?



Nice shopped timestamp. You should just do this



it actually wasnt. but its deleted now so fuck off i dont care..

it's not like anybody respected me before


Post his deleted pic if u really saved it fag


>nice teeth






fuck it. heres pic. jerk off to it quick. deleting it in 10 seconds.


stiff dgaf




>implying I have friends or a family that cares about me

Mother fucking roddy piper got some love in this thread







I care about you.



I'm afraid you don't understand what that means.

No I do.

favorite reaction in thread
