Ever since trump won I've felt the urge to expose my SJW gf to trump supporters and neonazis online

Ever since trump won I've felt the urge to expose my SJW gf to trump supporters and neonazis online.

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i like where this is going


Me too

go on.....

Do it faggot

sounds like something a feminazi would do. kind of sounds like you're just as bad as the sjw retards tbh fam

What would you guys do

all hail daddy, post that shit niqqa



To the victor go the spoils

Forgot pic lol

post pics of her in sjw shit and post pics of her nude

I'd like to fuck those thighs

What do you mean by SJW shit?

id eat her ass

post moar OP

Just post nudez

Oh look, it's this fucking thread again.

stuff that shows she's a sjw? her holding a sign at a protest, wearing a pro-feminism shirt, etc

Make her pussy great again. Every single one of my sperm are wearing a teeny tiny MAGA hat.

True but we do it because it makes us horny not censoring beliefs unfortunate side effect though

For the record op('s gf), 2 are mental which has no bearing on the male base, 1 starts with 'mens' which means "less" and the other is altogether latin based.

>not having SS hats on your sperm

I have no respect for someone that would date such a woman. Expose her then do a murder suicide, cuck. Help the world in a tangible way.

Looks like her mouth's waiting for you

The op pic is all that's really out there

Can she cook?

I'd take a wikileak in that mouth.

But look, she's trying sooo hard to look good in this, even squeezing into panties that are just a bit too tight

She's terrible

What's a fashy waifu who can't cook for her man?
I guess she'd be good for blowing a load inside, at least. I do like the slight chub.

She tries so hard to hide it..

Which only makes it more obvious, honestly. I want to pick on her for it.

She's very sensitive.

Physically, too?

Yes. Just in general I guess.

I'd expose your girlfriend to my penis.

Jesus Christ show us the fucking nudes already

Let's see those tits.

Look at her trying to make them look bigger..


Got any of that ugly pussy?

Moar pls

The face isn't as cute as the body. I'd still fuck her throat though

Any pussy? vids?

Lurker here, pls post nudes so I can cum. Wonder what she would think knowing how many guys are cumming to her pics.

Is this a pussy pic? Tiny fucking thumbnails, I can't tell.

OP, you're a faggot

No that's not a pussy pic. Give us legs spread

I got you user

Holy shit you're an idiot

Let him fish through his collection; good shit so far.

Go find'em yourself if you're so impatient. For all OP's talk of exposing this bitch he only ever posts the same few pictures.

Actually, this is easier.

Who's that other girl?

A tomboy (""genderfluid"") that OP is friends with.

Beat her to death
Rape again