Hello Sup Forums

hello Sup Forums,
help me plot rabbit murder.

I was drunk and bought a rabbit with my boyfriend's roommate a few weeks before finals. We are co owners of the rabbit. My boyfriend thinks we are fucking idiots for getting a pet. I now agree that I am a fucking idiot.

I play with the rabbit everyday, but honestly it seems like a miserable and terrified creature almost all the time.

I want the bunny gone, ideally without admitting that it was a mistake to buy it. My co owner doesn't want to put it up for adoption. It would be really convenient if it just died.

How do I kill the rabbit without anyone suspecting it was a murder. I want to wait until after winter break so I can kill the rabbit in my boyfriend's apartment. Then I would not be blamed for it's death.

How do I kill it? I was thinking poison in its water, iodine maybe? Should I just set it free outside in the middle of the night? I really don't want it to suffer. Also am I a psychopath? I would never hurt another person, and have never hurt an animal before. I am just convinced this bunny is better off dead.

If it has to die then snap it's neck then snap it back or inject it with dish soap. But you're better off setting it free for some neighborhood dogs to eat or something.

inject it with dish soap? shit, I'm not injecting it with anything. I think setting it free in the spring would be pretty humane. My boyfriend doesn't live around dogs. I hope I am not a monster for thinking this way, its just annoying and a really sad pet

That's my honest thoughts, my Sup Forums answer is space program!

Nah m8 you wanna see a monster linger on here at night and check for cp threads. You're fine you just don't want the sad little emo rabbit, anons understand.

actually, i could possibly get all his housemates drunk enough that they would want to space program the bunny. they already are trying to make it morbidly obese

best solution would be killing yourself then you'll be free of the rabbit

Do it and post it and you will be a goddess of Sup Forums lol I'd send you a pizza but I'm a poor fag

It sounds like you are moving the rabbit between two households. It's miserable and terrified all the time because it has no stability and is incredibly stressed. If you don't want half the responsibility for the rabbit, then give your boyfriend's roommate all the rabbit stuff from your house and a couple big boxes of rabbit chow and tell him the rabbit is entirely his now. IMHO there's a very good chance the rabbit will settle down and become affectionate because that's what animals do when they are properly cared for and not treated like toys.

I would never drown it, I don't want to electrocute it, I really don't want to hurt it in any way. I feel so fucking bad for it, I just want to aid it in the suicide it probably wants

Just give it to someone else and say it ran away.

If you feed it enough treats it won't be miserable, it will be obese and die an early death death by alfalfa

Just give it away to someone who wants one you pathetic cunt

Rabbit is delicious I wouldn't waste good meat. At least it would give you a reason to kill it. Get the sharpest knife you have and behead it


inject it some heroin man
happy death for the bunny

would molly or coke work? They have a lot in the house. They also have acid and edibles? Could the rabbit OD on any of these things. Could I feed it coke? Would it enjoy it?

where do you live? I'll adopt it for you

don't you fucking dare hurt that rabbit you fucking nigger

just kill yourself and let the co-owner have him

someone wasnt held enough as a baby

I find just shooting it in the very back of the head while it is eating will be the best solution. Easy for you and the rabbit gets to die happily eating :).

Drugging an animal is worse than snapping its neck. Grow up bitch

I had an chinese classmate who had a rabbit. She didn't take care of it that well so her parents gave it to her grandparents and they raised it till it was big enough to eat lol

Fucking this. If post ends in 0 OP must get that fuzzy fucker so coked up that his little heart explodes.


Rolling for this

Gawed damnedit, get that fucker coked up already!!!

Take it to the local humane shelter and tell your "co owner" you are a worthless cunt with mental issues.

Okay last try.

OP you stupid, leave the bunny alone and put it up for adoption you fool.

OP, what's the deal with the co-owner? Why don't you just give them full custody?

Pretty much this

Start tying balloons on the rabbit and watch it fly into the sky.

dude just set it free. do the right thing.

Rabbit are already prone to heart attacks so this would probably work

OP is just a poorly disguised troll, though he seems to be using his powers for good as animal rights fags are some of the cuntyest human beings on the planet

I heard people accidentally killed their rabbit just by leaving them outside for too long on hot days

Wtf give me the drugs and ill take care of the rabbit aka party with him

Is that the actual rabbit, OP?

put it in a blender with a bottle of hot sauce.

I think I played that on newgrounds back in 1999 when it was assassin.com .

Abandon it. It costs zero dollars except for a box. Go to the local animals shelter in the morning and before they open leave it in a box with food. Tell roomate it ran away and if he really wanted it back he'd call the shelter or put up lost animal signs. I did this with a flea ridden kitten and had no money to euthanize it or kill it.

Fuck you.
An animal does not deserve to die just because you are too incompetent to make good decisions and too arrogant to admit you were wrong.
Find it a home or send it to the humane society.
Grow the fuck up.

Just donate it to someone else you piece of shit idiot

Killing yourself would solve the problem

That's what made me think about it!!! He would O.D. on coke so easily!!!

Are you trolling or are you really just a stupid bitch?

Kill yourself u fuckin gay fag.

Yeah, just put it on a cucumber and give it to him to nibble on.

You are all getting trolled.

Rabbit tastes great. Make an nice stew and salt the pelt for a rabbit fur to play with. I don't see the problem.

So you want to kill an animal you bought and agreed to care for, just so you won't look like you were wrong.

How about just admitting that and letting the roommate have it and then you won't have to be a shitty human being.

OP, if you want to be as humane about this as possible, you should mix up a little mdma with a little more than that of coke, and go find a female rabbit for him to fuck himself to death on.

what kind of shop sells pets to drunk people ?

when do you buy it ? In a shop that sell rabbit during nighttime ? Or you were drunk during daytime ? Maybe you should seek help for your alcoholism.

Or you weren't drunk at all, and you just use "i was drunk as an excuse" and you should keep your bunny as a reminder that you are a dumb ass who need to think more before you act

kill yourself and let them sort out the rabbit

They didn't even buy it from a pet store

OMG that's so hardcore. Look I you really want to do the best for the rabbit just leave them free. An animal doesn't needs a fucking jail. The rabbit needs freedom. Please think about it... Fuck. Sup Forums is being a hole of shit.

It's winter. A domestic rabbit can't survive in the winter outdoors.