Why do you fucking faggots seem to be completely incapable of talking in plain English...

Why do you fucking faggots seem to be completely incapable of talking in plain English, without regurgitating the same old memes. Seriously, everything is a cuck to you. OP is always a faggot. You always act like stupid retards whenever someone gets dubs or trips, or whatever. Oh, great, someone's post ended with two identical numbers. Woo fucking hoo.

Think for yourselves for once, you stupid fucking children. Or better yet, kill yourselves. Cunts.

Fuck off and die.

Merry Christmas to you too

Hi friend


Stupid retards? As opposed to smart ones like you right op?

You want me kill myself?

such good le memes XDXDXDXD


>OP is always a faggot.

At least you know.

ugh, you're such a faggot cuck
nice singles bro

as a wise man once said and i quote " OP is always a faggot...fuck off and die"

>Being this new.

>File: 1449204470483.jpg (34 KB, 344x291)
ITT: Faggots.
In a language you understand, of course.

Thanks for the holiday cheers, cunt.

waɪ ɑrnt ju keɪpəbəl əv raɪtiɪŋ ɪn glɔriəs aɪpieɪ ɪnstɛd əv juzɪŋ nɔrmi ɪŋlɪʃ spɛlɪŋ?

Yeah I do not like it either. I am a freethinker such as yourself sir. I do not have time for the typical sleep schedule a normal and thought destitute citizen would engage in because I am up all night studying the stars and thinking. This must be why you are up at 5:30 too, correct? I tip my fedora to you good sir. Virgins for life!

Checkity checked motherfuckin cuck!

you gotta to be kidding me newfriend. i've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? my guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.

Is this new bait?

Also, you're a faggot OP. Check em'

Some of us are perfectly capable of talking in plain English.

That said:

>same old memes

That's the nature of memes, I'm afraid. They're like clichés. They get overused.

> Everything is a cuck

Yeah, stupid kids get on here. We can't seem to do anything about it.

>OP is always a faggot

That's part of the board culture.

>dubs or trips

I don't understand that either, but again, it's part of the board culture. Dubs used to be disabled on Sup Forums - it was quite nice.

>Fuck off and die

Sounds like you'll fit in here just fine.

Tits or GTFO!

>OP is always a faggot

Hey, at least you're self-aware

Can you make a post this long without using a curse word every other word? I like how you left out edgy faggots that do nothing but hate and call everyone faggot. Dont forget OP, you're here forever :)


What do you expect.

Sup Forums got too big for it's own good. it was inevitable, of course, with how much media attention we got over the years.

Gone are the days of invasions, raids, and doing it for teh lulz. Today it's all about epic gets, special snowflakes, traps, and boring, unoriginal content... Not that OC was ever in extremely high supply, but said supply was never this low.

Of course, these fags don't seem to value OC, anyway.

The last thing in my memory that we did that was notable was Jessi Slaughter, and that was a very, very long time ago.
It's time to let it go. But that's easier said that done, once a lurker, always a lurker.

Open wide and lemme see inside your pussy, please. Quaaaaaack!

If you gotta ask you're a faggot

Don't come back. We're not your friends.

>>Fuck off and die
>Sounds like you'll fit in here just fine.

He needs to ask for sauce first.
Then comes KYS.
Then he's a full initiate.

>>OP is always a Faggot



No, for him to ask for sauce, I'd have had to have posted an image of mediocre tits that's been posted a million times before.