Vegan just do it

vegan just do it

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lol, respecting all life. what kinda nonsense is that?



You never meet a pro-life vegan though, do you?

Why not just make sure the animal had a good life and was killed fast and without suffering

i never said I respect all life. I just appreciate it.

>vegan just do it
Kill yourself Just DO IT. Because shit posting all day while believing its ok does not make sense

There is room on this earth for all of gods creatures.

Usually it's next to the mashed potatoes.


I know. It's not as if we have canines for the grip-and-tear feeding mode and forward facing eyes indicating we're predators.

If a lion can live off of a meatless diet, then so can we!

I don't respect all life.

Why kill at all ?

Im all for 'you can eat what you killed yourself'
99% of people couldn't even kill a chicken
Problem solved

Its fun. It's like sex, but with a winner. Plus, animals are tasty.

I had a Lamb steak last night. Rosemary salt and pepper rub, set out for 120 minutes, soaked in olive oil and seared on each side for a minute and a half.

Served it with garlic and feta mashed potatoes and a delicious salad with balsamic vinegarette.

A lamb died so I could be slightly less bored with a single meal. A life was taken so I could chew on and swallow its muscle for one night. Its light snuffed out forever. A baby here to nuzzle its mother. suckle from her teat. To run and play and bleat.

Then taken out back, beaten in the head with a large stick and have its throat slit while hung upside down. All so I could have a steak, then shit it out the next day, wiping my ass clean of its digested corpse.

Circle of life.

I want to but it's really hard

To eat, you dense fuck.

What do toddlers do then?

He gets his protein by eating the fall victims of his murder horn when no one is looking at night.

Not really, predators tend to have a much wider field of view than we do. Our eyes are specialized for forward focused 3D spacial visualization, as a result of our descending from brachiators.

Because not being vegan automatically makes you sexist. The thread just started and you're already grasping at straws

Eat what their parents killed for them

Jomes on you motherfucker, yesterday i ate 2 steaks and now i will eat some charcoal roast chicken, life is tasteful.

>killing and eating alive all that grass
What a cunt. Why doesn't he makes the photosynthesis?

Because you can't.

Meat animals have hellish lives and are killed in excruciating ways. Unless you raise and kill the animal yourself, it's virtually guaranteed to have a life of misery. Even Whole Foods expensive "humane" animals live in hell. Grocery chains just tell you what you want to believe.


Nice b8 m8

And why the hell would you put whales so high up the pyramid. What have whales ever done for us? Fuck whales.

Human kind would not have developed larger brains capable of deciding to be vegan if not for eating cooked meat. Check it out for yourself. It's not about protein, it's about caloric density, and ease of access to those calories. You cannot have a big brain without lots and lots of calories in your diet. Best way to get these calories is to eat something that has a lot of delicious meat on it. Also, do yourself a favor and learn why certain things taste good to use and others do not. After all, taste is merely an electrical impulse interpreted by our brain. Things taste good to us because they help us survive/thrive. The reason people like to eat meat is because it tastes good. The reason it tastes good is because it has enabled us to thrive. Veganism and Vegetarianism are flawed and feeble ways of thinking/living. You will never see a vegetarian bodybuilder, and if you do, he will always be outdone by his carnivorous counterpart. same for science/intelligence. Check and mate good sir.

Gorillas have canines too, but they mostly eat thistles. Same with giant pandas, who mostly eat bamboo.

Except you need vitamin b12 which is only supplied by meat and meat products retard.

Why can't I eat what others kill for me then?

>retard who thinks murdering something is "humane"
the mentality you have is cancer, you're a retard and a moron
it is dead, you killed it, you are eating the corpse of another living thing

If their lives are so bad, then I'm doing them a favour by putting them out of their misery and eating them. I am a true hero.

All nature is a cycle of death. Deal with it. Going exlusively vegan is more removed from natural life than you might like.

Meat is so good tho I'm gonna eat a BBQ chicken sandwich with a Big Mac just because of this post

If meat wasn't meant to be consumed then it wouldn't be possible to biologically digest and gain actual nutrients from.

Life shows, through logic, that it is meant to be a food source.

Thats how I steal there POWER!

Brains use glucose as a fuel source, not fat and not protein. Glucose comes from fruit and from breaking down starch in tubers and grains. Bodybuilders definitely get bigger on meat than on vegan diets, and there are various reasons for that, but size isn't a measure of health or fitness. Soccer players for example aren't nearly as swole as bodybuilders, but are definitely in peak physical condition.

Monkeys eat meat.

Monkeys eat monkey meat.

Monkeys are obligate cannibals. And sadistic ones at that. Watch that one video where the monkey takes down another one and then pulls meat from its victims back while it's alive to eat.

Primates are fucking vicious. We need to embrace our nature.

Vitamin B12 is basically in the soil of the earth. Our food is so clean today that we don't get it from vegetables. Animals take in B12 because they eat directly from the ground.
Problem is, today's industrial animals also don't eat from the ground anymore. Their food is also too clean, so they need to feed them B12 pills. And we eat the meat with B12 pills in eat. Why not eat B12 pills directly? Or eat dirtier, more natural food.

fucking vegans go to hell

That's a cop-out. When you pay for meat, you're paying someone to breed and kill the animals that you eat. You're paying someone else to create a hellish existence for those animals.

>circle of life !!!
except its not
you probably haven't ever visited a slaughterhouse or watched the whole sale slaughter of animals that you eat daily

if you think they dont suffer, you are just ignorant and delusional

But I don't respect all life.

>implying that putting yourself before other people is bad

That's fucked up. I try to eat from not he'll is how farms but if they're gonna mislable it then fuck I'll eat elsewhere

At least random fans who devote their lives to this shit are there to keep an eye on things

Well I'm a busy man. Its not like I have time to go out and abuse and torture the animals myself. Sometimes you gotta let others have the fun.

Nice try. Learn to history. Civilization was founded upon eating cooked meat. Fire + Meat = Modern humans. All other arguments are invalid.

You can eat animals and respect them at the same time, like when some tribe catches a deer or something then they say thank you deer for this meat you've given us that seems like respect I don't see a problem here.

Hurting others is immature and illogical

not him but i work at a slaughterhouse. it's fairly inhumane, but they're not human so why should i care?

Trees are bigger and they are not vegan

> Obligate cannibals
You don't know anything at all. Tell me when you were last obliged to eat another human. Monkeys live in captivity on no-meat diets. Chimps hunt sometimes but they don't need meat to survive (i.e. in captivity), and meat is a very small fraction of their diet. Hunting is mostly done by males to signal fitness to potential mates.

> Civilization
Do you even know what that word means?
Also, not an argument.


so they dont suffer when a lion tears apart their neck? fuck off, brutality is an evitable reality of nature, the only reason we think its not, is weve been removed from it so long, having the luxury (!!!) to eat vegan exlusively

You're thinking fructose.

Glucose is animal sugar. Yes, plants make it to, but they turn it into starch.

Hurting others is the entire history of life on this planet.

I fking hate chickens. This would not be a problem for me. Hell, I could kill a chicken just to kill the fker, not even eat the meat and i wouldn't feel the lease bit bad. They are mindless eating machines, much like cows, which i could also kill without a second thought. I would feel bad about killing and eating a wolf however, among other predatory animals that actually have some semblance of a brain.

Nice generalization. It's impossible to go through life and never hurt someone in some way.

Do you? Because it would seem that you do not when you fly in the face of it by trying to stop eating meat, which is the very thing that it was founded upon.

Okay, okay. Just let me put this out there.


Yea they eat mostly bamboo cause they are fat, lazy fucks and have adapted to eating only bamboo cause it's everywhere around them and it's the easiest way dipshit. In the past there probably was some slow as shit animal that they ate but it naturally went extinct or there was some larger predator than the panda with whom the panda couldn't compete you ignorant piece of shit go watch a documentary.

>Glucose is animal sugar.

This user gets it.

I can tell you're like really smart.

Good thing I don't respect most life. Also, people are still going to kill animals and sell their meat. So, like, you accomplish nothing by going vegan. You just get to sound like a giant douche as you lord your poor life choice over the people around you.

>Monkeys live in captivity on no-meat diets

That could be said of any species held in captivity. Lions could too, if they were held by mentally ill retards who try to force morality into their diet so they can feel superior.

plants are living beings - why is it ok to eat them, but not animals?

thank you

Because hypocrisy.

Pls kill a baby cow, 10 minutes after it's born (that's what industry does)
Kill it yourself, pls do it
And if you are actually able to, you can eat it, no problem!
And then do that every time you want to eat meat.
If everyone would live like that, there wouldn't be any problems.
Problem is the industrial killing. People think eating meat is somehow 'manly'. But most of them couldn't even look at it, when an animal gets slaughterd

all mitochondria - in plants or animal cells - will consume glucose. the use of glucose for fuel is not exclusive any of the phlyogenetic kingdoms

Here is the thing. If you respect all life that includes plants. What the fuck am I supposed to eat? Vegans are half-arseing it.

He is describing the concept of biological niches pretty accurately, so yeah, he appears smart.

good luck spending 16 hours a day eating 10% of your bodyweight in plants, every day.

It's not about 'all life'
Plants don't have a brain, flys don't have a brain really. Kill how many flys you want and eat them

You need to learn how to do photosynthesis.

Plants can't suffer

Industrial killing is a human invention, scientific advancement, made possible by our intellect, which we evolved to have. The meat industry is just another factor consolidating our spot at the top of the food chain, granting us the right to devour whatever animal we damn well please.

then change your slogan. "all life" includes plant life.

Insects have brains.

Fuck this thread works every time fuck they bight

I respect life, but it's going to die anyway, so I might as well kill it and eat it.

No, infact this is not what the industry does. In reality, where i live, they fatten the animal up to produce more meat and then kill it and harvest the meat. More meat = more profit. Theres a reason we eat steaks, and not tiny baby cow hunks. logic 1 billion you 0

The thing is, we are much more sensitive about animals today than we were 100 years ago. If animals would get slaughter and selled at an open market place, no one would buy it. They all would be shocked.
The fact that the killing is behind closed doors and noone actually has to see it, is the reason people don't care about it.
We don't want animals to suffer like they do, but we just ignore it

No dumbass. Eating plants doesn't fucking disrespect them because plants don't suffer.

Also, if it was starve to death, or kill the baby cow, I would eat that little fucker, no questions asked. cow brains consist of breathe, walk, chew.

There are very intelligent flies

This is the kind of shit that happens when we move away from agriculture (farming). Too many chicken shit people who no longer know how to fend for themselves.

..... but eating the animals' food is OK?

Nah, i would definitely still eat it.

>plants don't suffer.
Lets see you prove that?

when you mow grass it gives off a scent to warn other grass of danger. It might not suffer, but it definitely doesn't like it.

kek you are so clueless
There are milk cows and meat cows
Meat cows get fattened and then slaughtered.
It wouldnt be profitable for milk cow babys (especially male ones) to get fattened, because it would take too long and they wouldn't get fat enough anyway. So they just get killed directly after birth. The mother cow just needs to be pregnat to give more milk, no other need for the baby

everything anything eats was once a living thing.

no matter what, something has to die to feed something else.

killing something to live is just a fact of life, and it will never change, because it cannot.

So you agree it's not about life and a living thing needs to have a certain level of similarity to yourself before you care about it? We just have different standards when we start to care. It's all arbitrary.

vegan's make me sick, drinking fish homes isn't okay


In reality, it is much more disrespectful to allow the meat to go to waste. I consider myself more valuble than a maggot. I am not so sure about you though so maybe you are onto something, for yourself.

People who are actually worth a damn though, let me put it this way. We are the most intelligent beings on this planet. To be fuel for our survival is the highest honor we can bestow upon an animal. To thumb our noses at their high quality and nutrient and fat rich meat would be disrespectful, not eating it.