Eminem or Kanye West?

Eminem or Kanye West?
>who's the better rapper?

Stop using greentext like that, it makes you look fucking retarded.


Fuck off cuck
>you must be new here

Both have been shit since 2011 fight me


Every single musician ever begins to lose their touch a few years after they've peaked. Don't know whether it's because of laziness or what. Eminem still owns Kanye though.

Rap is just niggers trying to be artistic and failing horribly. All rap is degenerate filth that glorifies violence and chimp behavior.

Eminem isn't a chimp though.



Some white people inexplicably decide to act like niggers.

Looks like I touched a nerve there m8. I didn't say anything about niggers not being people.

What's the matter Johnny Reb? Still butthurt you inbred pigfucking traitors lost the war?

4chans memery is fucking tiresome and this whole place is a giant circle jerk. Start being original ffs.

Insult me all you want, it won't make rap any better.

Eminem, hands down. Kanye is just shit, Eminem spits fire.


Not the user you replied to, but even that shows how much of an autist you are.

Maybe not. But you know what would make America better? Executing every illiterate mouthbreathing hick south of the Mason-Dixon.

Mom's Spaghetti

he needed to put food on the table i guess.
Saw his documentary, he's ok.

You don't have to be from the south to dislike chimp behavior. What exactly are you going to accomplish?

As one of five white men trapped in the south who can read, I'm alright with this.

eminem no doubt but as an overall artist its kanye


Look, the game just ain't the same, it's changin'
Shit, Dre's quittin', Jay's quittin'
Now it's just wangstas just sayin' the same shit
It's fake and it's ancient
It's makin' me so bored, I'ma just make a new language
Fubba you cubba kubba, yubba yub yubba yooba
Yooba can subbabick my dubbibbabick through a tooba
I'm not a human, I'm a suicider supersonic suicidal unabomber
You think I'm the new Osama
Press thinks I'm the new Madonna
Jeffery Dahmer left me with his legacy to carry on
A lot of talk and rumors honest
"Who's the hottest?" – to be honest
Hip hop ain't been the same since 2Pac moved to Cuba on us

Eminem is the better rapper, but Kanye can turn something into nothing when you get him on production, plus some of his wordplay works. Kanyes music is better, but Eminems lyrics are better.

Eminem has a couple good songs, but all of college drop out and graduation is gold standard hip hop.
>bum is on my lips