Inappropriate images of cartoon boys thread

inappropriate images of cartoon boys thread





extra lewd

>inappropriate images of cartoon boys thread- 0 post shown.
I like this.

Hmh~ ._.


ehm~ .____.

btw - nice captchtcha

reee~ =-=


n-nyou ever think about how we're all going to die some day?aah~

P fruity in here.

SO can we have some winter / christmasy themed stuff guys?

now post BUTTS

halloween > christmas


I think about it every day.

fat shotas not welcome

>caring about something that'd out of our control and not living your life to the fullest while you can
i mean n-nani?

no one is arguing this you slut.

>tfw I posted that image with you in mind last thread
Now you're posting it.

>with you in mind
what are you a fag?

same autism

I don't actually understand you

the usual

that'd > that's

make more sense?

to be fair, ur both fags, actually.


only ironically

except louder

We've been over this.

have we? i forget

Delete this.

bet ud say that while kising me

i'd do it ironically, sure.

what do these digits mean

extremely racist things

oh ok i didn't know


Does Emizel always look cranky?

shiposting makes you angry

what is this autism


fite me

This is too good.
Shota threads shouldn't have their own culture.

if your definition of culture includes inside jokes that are beaten to death then sure

But really does anyone know anything about this character?

about which character

I'd say that's more than enough for a place like 4ch that's supposed to be anonymous.


and yet we have "culture"

This one.

emizel? what about him?



Is he always cranky looking?

100% of the time.


Cute posting fags are no fun.

Lewd posters know how to live.


lewdposters are going to hell where they belong

You can see their balls lol






shota are not for poking

c u t e

he's dead jim

rip mccoy


In the game Nethack if you use a stethoscope on a dead body while hallucinating the game says "He's dead jim"

i should play nethack at some point



cute picture

Any 3d shota? mmmm

rivercraft boy



you're a cute pic


get off my dick reijifag


Do you have the rest of this?

>posting sexually suggestive pictures of cute underage boys feverishly making out is fine, and wholesome, but if they're fucking, well now that's where I draw the line.

cute =/= sexually suggestive you dip


At least 95% of cute posting is sexually suggestive, don't pretend it's not.

The whole POINT of these threads is based in attraction in the first place, why do you have to beat around the bush? what purpose is there?




Am i doing it right





Love this pic how they switched instead of just one being the top. Do you happen to have the doujin with Totsuka having the horse dick and turning 8man in to his cumslut?

Sorry man I don't.
If I had time I'd get it and post it.