Can you solve this you autistic faggots?

Can you solve this you autistic faggots?


nice try faggot

everybody knows that there's no solution for this one

how is it supposed to test autism? i don't get it

put a line through all the doors.
Nailed it.


>draw one line trough all of the doors
>you cannot go trough same door twice

I think the person who made this image is the real autist.


yeah i drew one line through all the doors, all the doors have one line through them

guys i think i fucked up

I don't see the problem here. there is one line through all the doors


Noone said anything about portals


Confirmed auto ism

faggot cut this shit out fucking reminds of when i was 12 and got hte mail facking pathetic


Here's your (You)


There are no doors. Just gaps in the wall.
Pic is impossible

Confirmed autist