Spoiled and dry women can not compete with the real beauty...

Spoiled and dry women can not compete with the real beauty. Why do we keep following the rules and settling for low quality women?

Fuck off you filthy paedophile.

Kek, you heard the dubs^

>this was legal in 70s

You're an aging woman or a normal-fag, right?


I agree.

Can anyone else agree with me that 2016 has been an especially wonderful year for girls fashions?

Love this type of outfit. Wow

Times have changed...

No. I'm the defender of morality. Stop being filthy paedophiles. You will all hang.

A little girl is the definition of pure innocence and you monsters abuse that image for sexual pleasure.


learn to spell

you should really kill yourself, trying to argue and spread morals on Sup Forums

I totally agree. But there's also a feeling growing inside... You can see, but you will never be able to touch.

>I'm the defender of morality

You're not, you're a 'useful idiot' and a feminist shill. There has always been a solid tradition of child marriages in all the great societies up until the 20th century and sexual relations with children was never illegal until recently. Marrying girls young to morally upstanding members of the community is great for the promotion of the family and a great bulwark against immorality.


>Run fedoradetector.exe

You would try to defend yourself you paedophile. You will be beheaded instead.

And this is always the argument.

Or should i say, lack thereof

I have to cease my campaign in defeat; trips never lie.

trips of truth. pedosexual master race

Sane humans will choose 1.
Brainwashed and moralfags will choose 2.

New guy to this convo, I'd rather be a pedo than a tardburger who resorts to religious-level logic

Triples Detected


watched this a few days ago, great movie

Share that shit


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