What did your grandparents do in WW2? My great grandad got sniped, he was an officer op in the Russian army...

What did your grandparents do in WW2? My great grandad got sniped, he was an officer op in the Russian army. My grandad was in the 15th division of the Latvian Legion formed by the Waffen SS. He went throughout the whole war since the Latvian legions were formed, fighting in Russia and going back to the Courtland Kettle, he got shot in the back and had a grenade blow up in front of him. Got sent to Syberia, barely made it out of it, lived with a shrapnel from the grenade with in his lung and died in 1992 from prostate cancer. Both grandads were Latvians btw, share your grandads events.

my great granddad fought against Italian and nazi forces on northern Greece (albanian borders)... he died of old age 50-60 years later

Sorry *Courland Pocket

My grandfather was hiding Jews in his barn in Poland. Never got caught tho

Did he tap some of those Jew chicks?

this has to be asked?

One was an engineer, and served with the RAF in the far east, in (then) Brunei.

The other was a coal miner, and so was far too economically important to be anywhere near bombs and bullets. Spent the war literally underground.

Both survived the war Having a useful trade seems to be a good way to avoid a violent death.

Grandpa1 fought on the russian front, he was with the artillery forces. He was a prisoner of war for 4 years after the war ended. He is still alive today. Told me quite a few stories. He did not like hitler, but he had no choice. He killed 4 russian soldiers with his Sturmgewehr and he has no idea how many via artillery fire. He hates it.

Grandpa2 was a real nazi. I remember my mom fighting with my grandparents because they would not accept my dad because he was more left wing.
Grandpa2 went to a Napola school and was a nazi until he died. He was damn proud of germany and hitler. He never got to see any war action though, he was stationed somewhere in southern europe, I don't know exactly and can't ask because he died from cancer a good 10 years ago.

My fathers Father was in the Wehrmacht in a Panzerschutztruppe (Tank Guarding Crew). He only talked about it few times. My mothers father was a bit younger durign WW2. He lived in a part of germany that belongs to poland now. He told me stories of how they walked hundreds of kilometers by food. Both have told me multiple times that something like this war should never happen again and how happy i can be to grow up in such a peacefull time in Europe

My grandpa worked on allied bombers as an Airforce Sergeant here in Brazil (Parnamirim airfield) making sure the grunts were putting enough gas and ammo for the american pilots

I have a picture of him and FDR somewhere, if I find it I'll post

No idea, i never heard about them paying him anything ( they were simple farmers like him ) so yeah, maybe he did maybe not

My grandpa was an SS sniper.

Mothers side wehrmacht officer died in russia

Fathers side waffen SS joined foreign legion after war.

both died before i was born

Yeah. I am this user
and Grandpa2 walked from Italy back home almost to the danish border (that is where I am from)

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Grandfather (Dad's side) smuggled wine, cheese and cigarettes across the French-Belgian border to French resistance fighters.
Got shot in the leg during a night-run, but recovered pretty quickly.

Grandma (again, Dad's side) stayed in the "bunkers" in Kortrijk, Flanders as the bombs started falling.
Her dad told her to close her eyes on the way there in the car, and that she could hear and feel the bodies underneath the weels.

Don't know about mom's side though.

He was a member of the Wehrmacht. Got shot in the leg in Norway and send home.
The next day, the rest of his company was send to die in the battle of Stalingrad.
>Talk about dodging a bullet.

Grandfather was a Sargent in the marines. Fought in the Philippines. Got left in the jungle for one month with a few others and had to eat mango and insects to survive. Killed a jap officer. He brought home the fuckers katana. Died in 1997 of old age building a car from the ground up.

>Er hat bei Juden immer ein Auge zugedrückt.

>>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

dodging a bullet by catching a bullet. kek.

why do you keep posting that? which posts do you think are bullshit?


My grandfather was fight in italy (Wermaht) i from Poland. Now i have letters from him. No one know what happens with him.

Mine was dodging the draft

still have his iron Cross and letters i can send some pics

Oh sh-

My grandfather was in army corpse of engineers. Fought in both germany and japan. Was in japan at surrender and kept a japanese officers sword as a souvenir.

my dad's dad was in the marine corps. drove a tank during the pacific campaign

my mom's dad was in the coast guard. he gave me a Mauser K98 that he brought back from north africa

Mine was one of the few spics that stormed the beach while showing the white man what brown is made of.

My granddad sniped some russian officer, then got a faceful of shrapnel from a handgrenade they threw in his tower

Fucking gold.
Brown-ish gold, but gold nontheless

My great granddad was a recruiter for Hitler Youth

Grandfather was a Seargent in the RAF, some paratrooping platoon or some shit.

One granddad was a bombadier over in the pacific and bombed japs during wwii.

The other was in the army in Korea. Broke his leg once in an explosion Also saw one his friends die In the same explosion. The shell literally landed on him.

My grandfather drove a supply truck. It got blown up one day and he got a dishonorable discharge because he wasn't in it at the time. Ain't that some shit?

Great grandpa made ammunition for the Nazis

Great grandad was part of Armija Krajowa and executed in Wilno in 1942.

His son, my grandad was forced labour, he had something to do with changing train tracks in Russia so Germans could run trains on it.

Italian family served mostly in Reggio Aeronautica. Don't actually know what my English family did.

My great-grand parent was Alsatian, from a little town near Straßburg. He was nearly 18 when the German annexation and he was dratfed into the Wehrmacht. He was sent to the Eastern front and wounded twice. In the last months of the war he deserted, he stole some Croat's papers and cossed into Italy. Then he was interned in a camp (the war was over by then) but met a friendly priest who arranged him to be sent to Argentina. His true identity was kept a secret for many years, even his wife called him Mirko, theCroat's name.

Was part of a company that shot a german airplane out of the sky and he was the leader of a squad sent to retrieve the pilot, which he did. After the Netherlands capitulated he went back to his village and married my grand mother. the worst part of the war was that no one was to be trusted and everything was rationed.

Both grandfathers were in the waffen-ss.

Great Grandfather was the General of the whole US army.

My grandpa on fathers side walked along side tanks and my grandpa on my mothers side drove a tank
They both lost their hearing. I know my fathers side grandfather hated his time in the military and left as soon as possible. My other grandfather never spoke about it at all.

Grandad was Puerto Rican assigned to all white unit fighting in the marines

Black grand father was a MP in Europe

My Grandad was a kid in the Nazi occupation of Germany. Sort of had to live with it.

I need to find out more from him really.

Fuck I meant poland

ask him before it is too late..

Recently discovered that one of my family members was the first Allied soldier to see the inside of Hitler's bunker.

chill in a territory not involved in the war

so you're a nigger

Soviet then I take it?


Negative. Intelligence operative.

Get born

That makes zero sense then.

The Soviets were the first allied force to gain access to the fuhrers bunker


Heh... well then I should have said non-Soviet. Can't really count those slavs as human now, can we?

Great Grandfather drove a higgins on DDay. He was part of the second wave of boats. He said it sounded like the 4th of July from hell. He said it looked like the opening scene from Saving Private Ryan, but "you can't hear jack shit from all the gunfire "
He's 92 and still kicking

My great grandfather was posted in France but after D-Day. Before that he was an officer and military policeman who had to get people into air raid shelters in London. He got a few medals but not a VC sadly. The main injuries he had were shrapnel injuries and he went partially blind after the war.

My Grandad was a pilot in the USAF

My Irish grandfather was building bits of London whilst his missus worked cleaning offices and my English grandfather drove lorries for the raf on the south coast. Did some work on bombed out homes too.

oh junge, wir könnten n dorf von einander entfernt sein

I'd have to disagree, being part Slav myself.

War was an easy thing when you are 20 to 1

Grandpa WW2, fights Japanese at Guadalcanal, as a medic saving white men from the asians.

im looking at his war album this christmas i havent seen it since he died.

My great grandfather was a sharp shooter for the English. Born in Ireland and when the Irish refused to engage he took off to England to fight for them.

Had a collection of 13 Russian medals he had stripped from bodies he was able to gain access to (as most were unrecoverable) in his basement on a plaque until the day he died. My great grandmother thought it was barbaric and hated them, so they were donated as soon as he passed.

He survived the entire show without any real injury and then died in a car accident years later after moving to Canada.

My grandfather was a fighter pilot. He flew over 150 missions without being shot down. Dropped a lot of bombs and did a lot of work. I don't have much more to tell than that because he never wanted to talk about it or think about it. It wasn't something he wanted to pass onto our generation, I think he viewed it as serving his duty but his duty was also to protect our innocence in the future so we didn't have to live the horrors they did.

Grandfather was a staff Sergeant, mostly involved with maintaining supply lines. Got to sit back from the dangerous stuff, although at one point the base in the Philippines he was at did get hit by Japanese bombers.

My granddad had polo.
He couldn't into war.

My Grandfather (mothers Side) was an electrician for RAF as a local Malaysian Chinese in Malaysia. Never seen action but hell he was brotherhood to the SouthYankees

My grandfather was a Hitler Youth very late in the war. He was lucky enough to surrender to the Brits and not the Russians near Berlin. He is now a pilot and still flies in his 90s.

My Romanian great grandfather was sent to fight. He fell off his horse underway to the fight, turned 180 and went home to fuck my great grandmother. Lived in his countryside home and became a minister a couple of years later.

My Great Grandpa was blown to smithereens while operating a AA gun in Poland.

Mine was an ace fighter pilot. We don't know a ton about him, but he flew P38 Lightnings and later died testing an experimental plane.

>he was an officer op in the Russian army
>officer op
Hahaha! Cringed hard.

Grandfather on my father's side was flying in the Sup Forums52s as a radioman and side gunner. Flew 52 bombing missions in Japan, most people only do about half that and die/retire.

Oh and my great uncle got gunned down on Normandy beach

wow no shit, my grandfathers brother was on a test flight and died, name was buddy

My great grandfather participated in the Dersim massacre, killing bunch of Kurds who started to revolt because of their sheikh thought he was invincible when the soldiers shot rubber bullets as they were protesting in favor of caliphate and shariah. They cut off the head of the officer who ordered his soldiers to shoot rubber bullets to them to disperse them. Ataturk got mad and ordered to eradicate the whole city. His adopted daughter, Sabiha Gökçek herself participated the massacre ( she was a fighter plot ) and bomb the whole fucking city. It was in 1938 but Hitler must really liked it, he ordered Thorak to make an Ataturk bust after his death.

Sabiha Gökçen* sorry for the typo.

Granddad1: was in russian gulag for having a german ancestery
Granddad2: was in a german-ukrainian ss division
Grandma1: was in a german kz for being the daughter of german communists
Grandma2: was a lebensborn woman in german-occupied ukraine

I'm way to old to be here, and my dad was 42 when I was born, so my dad was actually stationed in England in 1942/1943. He flew B-17s, and flew 25 missions and survived when his squadron had a 33% survival rate. Cancer got him in 1979.

who cares they're old and smell bad, but they were kids during ww2 so i guess they just poked dead horses with sticks or whatever games kids played back then

Forgot to say, everyone of them was born in ukraine but was of german ancestry

Nobody knows what you're talking about anyway, kebab

Wore booty shorts and killed Nazis in Africa

Yeah, that's why you share them ye cunt.

top left btw

Femanon here; nice pic. You've got more? In shorts maybe?

lol y'all have peasants for grandparents, my grandparents were drinking cappuccino and smoking cigars in brazil while loling at your grandparents lifes

Wtf?! Tits first!

Nice beta bloodline you have there

Trapanon ya mean

are you Latvian aswell? If so, sveiks

Wife's family has some interesting stories too. Grandfather joined the Red Army in China to escape an arranged marriage. Her great-grandfather on the other hand was a fairly high-ranking KMT military officer. He escaped to Taiwan, but his daughter got left behind in the mainland literally because she she had no sense of direction and got lost and didn't make it to the meeting point in time.


Thread needs more Unit 731 grandparent stories

Nice bait dumbass

Bottom left.