Do you trust this man with nuclear weapons?

Do you trust this man with nuclear weapons?

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You have no idea what the policy is when it comes to Nukes, if you did, you would realize he can't just press a button.

more than Hydrogen Hillary yes

no. now stfu and save political discussions for Sup Forums or a forum in which the issues can be fully fleshed out and is not full of plebs.

And you do?

You know it takes more than just a whim to launch a nuke. Trump can't just nuke someone without going thru the proper channels

as much as i trust my girlfriend at home alone

He can't do shit without the approval of congress and the senate and then it still has to go through the heads of the military. The president alone does not have the power to nuke.

Even if Trump did go crazy and somehow use launch codes to authenticate an order, any general or subordinate down the chain is allowed to disobey an unlawful order.

Even tested under ideal circumstances, people tasked with launching nukes refuse do do so in nearly 50% of the test cases. Fucking hillary scare tactics...

implying that's an issue.
this bullshit is older than you kid

so she is a slut? pics? nudes? cuck pics?


I'm a dragon

Sharpie in the snout or GTFO


He can, in fact. It's actually one of the few things the US President can do unilaterally. Once the order is given, there is no debate.

Only someone as volatile and simple-minded as Trump, himself, would be comfortable with this situation.
>Trump strong and make murrica gret again *beats chest and makes ape-like grunting noises*

I think the liberal media has a tendency to make mountains out of molehills, but I think any rational person knows that making ambiguous statements about nuclear proliferation on twitter is inappropriate behavior for a president. At least in a press environment, he can immediately expound on his statements, rather than leaving everyone to speculate about what the fuck he's talking about. He's a fucking clown.

narrow minded. i trust my woman completely

Yes, I do.

Yes there is. There is a descending chain of command. Anyone in there can disobey the order to launch.

fucking retard.

Should anyone with nukes be trusted?
Answer is no. Even if it's your own government.
Lesson of the day for all you brainwashed sheeple

the US have around 100 nukes stored in Italy
it'd be fun if they blow up one by accident
or let some of our refugee to steal one...


Oh, so you are relying on chain of command to override the Commander-In-Chief to prevent nuclear destruction. Good plan. At least once he starts the war, it will be over quickly and we will all be dead.


wow. so enlightened and smart. why can't we all have noonan syndrome like you??

It's already happened multiple dozens of times here, and once in Soviet Russia.

The one in Russia was an actual order to launch based on faulty data.

So quit getting all your fucking information from Facebook and actually learn what the fuck happens in the real world.


>fully fleshed out
Unfortunately, "Sup Forums" is not "politics"; it's an echochamber, just like most special interest forums.

I wouldn't trust him with a fork


Facebook, sure. How about directors of the NSA:

more than hillary that's for damn sure

Pretty sure orders go through the DoD and other departments, so it really isn't up to him whether nukes are employed or not

Forks are irrelevant, believe me. Spoons are a fantastic utensil and they're much better and more good, believe me.

keep telling it yourself until you believe your own shit

fuck no. This guy really wants a shooting war with someone. He's nutty as a goddamned fruitcake. You all got duped for voting him in, and we will all pay for it as a consequence.

>more than hillary that's for damn sure

Then you are retarded. Srsly.

NSA = trustworthy


wtf I hate trump now

pic related, it's you

dude, post 'em. we won't tell her.

Do you trust this man with a nuclear bomb?

yes because usa is now own by a big zionist jew !

pol is an echochamber. these threads are good for here.

it's the inherently right threads that don't belong here.

I'm currently working on a "best of" compilation of bright red flags that should've tipped people off, and this one will fit nicely.

>tinfoil hat

Why shouldn't I? He already handles them regularly.

Do you just have a folder of crying underage girls saved?

>You know it takes more than just a whim to launch a nuke. Trump can't just nuke someone without going thru
You are dumb as shit:

"The president has supreme authority to decide whether to use America's nuclear weapons. Period. Full stop," said the Arms Control Association's Kingston Reif. A president could only be stopped by mutiny, he said, and more than one person would have to disobey the president's orders."

If the President gives the order to launch, they fucking launch unless they purposely want to disobey a Presidential order. The President has 100% autonomous authority to fire nuclear missiles.

Yes, it's Sup Forums/liberals/

This guy's clearly a fucking moron, a butthurt Hillary supporter, or both. It's hard to believe that people like this are actually alive and breathing.

>Once the order is given, there is no debate

You obviously don't know military personnel either.

Bullshit: in a democracy, everything is up for debate.


I think we all can see who the retard is. The President has 100% autonomous authority to launch as he sees fit.


If he gives an unlawful order, it's just like any Sergeant, Colonel, or General given an unlawful order and Soldiers are well within their authority, whatever their rank, to easily disobey it.

There's not a distinction between "A Presidential Order" and any other dipshit officer in the military. Get a fucking clue. It's some of the most basic shit you learn in boot because when the smoke clears you'll have 100 lawyers up your ass if you do the wrong thing "becuz the Prez sed so."

In other words, you're still butthurt and can't get over it. *yawn*

You forgot "during times of war"

Cool. Let's rest the future of western civilization on the hopes that Sergeant Fuckdinkle decides to disobey the President.

>authority to call for a launch*


Unless you meant some president is about to somehow walk his happy ass across the desert, activate a two-person authentication system, and magically fire them off himself.

Let's say it's a few months later and the bromance between Trump and Putin is over
Putin says something shitty about Trump on Twitter.
Trump is up at 3 am, pacing. He can't stop thinking about that Tweet.
He decides to nuke Moscow. He asks for the football and proceeds.
Is there anything in place to stop him?

It doesn't have to be during a time of war for him to decide to leverage nuclear weaponry. Even if it did (it doesn't) the President has the authority to put us at war without congressional approval. Bush did this. The Vietnam war was an example of this. Etc. Etc.

i mean sure, you can call Wikipedia an echo chamber if you really want..

No, but once things completely go to shit, I want to show them how blind they were to the warning signs. It's important to document these things so that perhaps people can learn from their mistakes.

The only thing available to stop him would be to have two separate people decide to disobey a Presidential order.

Good on you, user.

>Cool, let's minimize the reality of the situation because someone BTFO of me

I love how these reddit faggots think soldiers just kill babies and launch nukes because some voice on a radio said so. You think it's more likely some power-crazy President could successfully launch nukes than Generals and Colonels with decades of service making rational decision and tell his men to stand down knowing it would likely be the end of the entire planet? Wew. Hillary really fucked your head 4 ways from Sunday.


My father was a marine. I served a tour in the Army. Deployed to Iraq for two of those years. I'd say I know the military fairly well.

Yeah, great point, user...

More than Killary

Gotta love these "end of the world" faggots who can't just let it go already. There's not one person on Sup Forums who has seen ANY change whatsoever to their life since the election that they haven't manufactured in their own mind aside from the stock market rocketing through the roof, but somehow "ohhh noo the world's about to end but not before torture camps for gays" or some shit.

very much so

>Trump may nuke Earth to a crisp. But it'd be crispier under Hillary.
yeah yeah

>my father was a marine
>I know nukes
>I was in Iraq
>I know nukes


Ok, Cook McGee. Whatever you say, shitbag.

I wholeheartedly trust my emperor.

My mother legitimately believes WW3 is coming and lives like there's a death sentence on her. I'm fucking horrified that she's so convinced, and I'm a little scared myself.

Fuck everything.

When you're masturbating to traps tonight, give a thought to a couple of my brothers who took IEDs in Iraq for me. Thanks.

uh oh, here comes to libtards with the sirens


shut the fuck up and stop projecting your stupidity everywhere, you might hurt your tiny brain

>stock market going through the roof
Ask any stock broker what happens right after the market is in a state of euphoria.

Anyway, I'm not one of those "end of the word" faggots; I'm just betting on the fact that after 4 years of Trump (if he even manages to get that far), the country is going to be in a terrible state.

>Some guys got hit with IEDs and told me about it while I was serving them mashed potatoes and wild tigers

>so I know nukes

AHAHAHAHAHaAhaha keep going, please.

I now live in perpetual fear of what's life is going to be like for my two year son who happens to have brown skin. I've woken up in a cold sweat at 2am several times since the election.

I never felt this way until Trump won.

Does that count?

the market is based on speculation of FUTURE reward. People literally betting on the fact that businesses, worker wages, and consumer buying power will be GREATER in the future and thus return profits. It's been booming since Nov. 9th specifically because people believe there will be an overall improvement from 8 years of this dumb black fuck in office.

There's usually a slight pull-back, but of course you liberal retards are going to try and focus on that instead of the market hitting all-time highs within the past 6 weeks. Everyone knows it's a bull market like a motherfucker right now. You probably don't even know what a 401k is let alone how to spell it, but whatever you say.

I hear his bunker is magnificent

yes i do, i want to see him start a new war with someone.

I'll agree with that list, but you know who I don't trust more than Hillary Clinton?

Donald Trump

China? That's the most likely candidate. He's already said that he does not have to abide by the One China policy.


Literally nothing whatsoever has happened to anyone yet so, no, it doesn't count. If you or your kid are illegal aliens you should've seen that coming, otherwise any fear you have is completely irrational and batshit crazy.

It's funny how the only "attacks" brown people have suffered so far have been proven fabricated bullshit. You should be more afraid of your liberal dipshit friends and their wacky antics than anything.

Like what rational reason do you have for waking up in cold sweats at 2am simply because some guy you don't even know got voted into office? I'm sure we'd all love to hear the logic behind this if there is any.

>i dont agree with them so they shouldnt be allowed
Fuck you, cry more loser.

Everybody is afraid of nukes and nobody knows what a Neutron bomb is.

tbh I dont trust any fucking humans with something like nukes

theyre obviously a bad idea

but I trust Trump more than some woman or some nigger to quit the castration of our society

You act like Trump, himself, has something to do with the market right now; I know he's your God Emperor, but I don't think you understand how these things work. And no, they're not betting on "better wages" and a big boom in consumer spending, they're betting on the fact that shareholders will temporarily benefit from giant reductions in corporate taxes and deregulation.

>you probably don't even know what a 401k is let alone how to spell it
Wat. Stop posting, user, you're embarrassing yourself.


Donald Trump lied about seeing thousands of Muslims cheering the World Trade center burning. Eventually he became president. So that woman can at least make secretary of transportation.

Thank you for your sympathy and understanding. You seem like a very caring human being. Everything is so much clearer to me now. It's not that Trump has been stoking racial division for 30 years, it's that I'm a liberal dipshit.

Why didn't I see it sooner?

Nothing is going to change, things will keep going like they always have.
In 3 months the country is going to be enraged by another coon getting blasted or celebrating some lab experiment that had their genitals mutilated.

Nigger, people don't speculate on the past, they speculate on the future and, yes, "better wages">greater consumer spending is precisely one of the things they're betting on. Couple that with reductions in corporate taxes and repealing unnecessary and costly regulations and you've got a recipe for a better economy.

You clearly don't know how booms work so maybe just shutting the fuck up would be the wise move for you at this point.

It's like you think obama dumping 500 billion into "stimulus packages" and propping up Solyndra with taxpayer money actually HELPED the economy. Good god, you faggots will try to spin anything you can until you're presented with actual facts. Get fucking real, clown.

Just like the electors could have voted differently. But we both know that'd never happen.

No but here we are