Roast me niggers and faggots

Roast me niggers and faggots

You look like you harvest rice for a living.
You look like a dead body pulled up from the ocean but uglier.
You look like a square.
You look like a tumblrina.

that poster behind you is stupid.

damn take it easy dont need to be so ruthless

how can you put that much makeup on and not do anything about those eyebrows?

Why the fuck are you insulting my eyebrows? its my fucking life and i do whatever the fuck i want, i bet i actually have more of a life then you unnormal faggots fucking black nigger whores

miranda cosgrove lookalike
tits or gtfo, btw

You'd look great with cum on your face.

>posts a roast thread
>unnormal faggots fucking black nigger whores
>uses this as an insult
>looks asian
are you even thinking

bretty good 7/10 need full body to tell for sure. the picture isn't your most flattering angle and you look kinda edgy but I'm guessing you'll grow out of it and become a nice housewife since you're filipino

Dildo or vibrator? Anal or spit-roast? Spit or swallow? Airtight or bukkake?

I'm actually from Vietnam

Damn you're ugly, I think that you don't understand the rules here, tits or GTFO

you dont deserve to cum on my face

who is that ?

Atleast im not ugly XD

Actually I'll be doing it very soon and posting the results.

I mean, no you're not ugly. I'd absolutely make a go at you.

im not ugly

yes pls user post results

You don't look Viet. My girl is Korean and she has a bunch of Viet girls for friends.

Alarm... Trapfag OP

its the makeup

Dan Schneider's cum toy

You wouldnt have a girl you ugly fuck


LOL her face is too round and she doesnt really look like any rice niggers i know

you gtfo

>projection, the post


no u

that thread needs more pics

Ooh I roasted you too hard?

Swede most prolly

Post a few more face pics.

You look like a rotten cumrag

Icarly, are, you are?


what does that have to do with me

Beats me, dude.

OP here
Send me dick pix with time stamps and I will deliver vagoo with pen


Wtf is wrong with you you filthy fuck?

thats not me wtf dont send dick pics

Not bat. Are you a escort?

what the fuck

Yep, just watching all that German cum fly.

You look like an emo buzz lightyear.

You look like a whale, not kidding , that's one big jaw, maybe more like jaws


What's his name again?

Fuck off, quit pretending you are OP, I am op, I will send pussy pix with pen if you guys show me dick timestamps

Atleast i have a life :)


You've got my dick oozing...gonna lay a nasty facial on you


Such a shame. I will pay some good money to fuck you.

OP here, my pussy is wet just waiting for lots of cock pix

>asking people to roast/validate you on Sup Forums on a Friday night.

Lmao bitch please.

Do it faggot, no balls

Yeah , yeah, forgettabouit

Your name is Ivet and you're from Missouri.


you are just some undercover faggot wanting some cock

>Friday night

I didnt know they had internet in the 3rd world

my name is sara and im from vietnam

Wtf man i told you to roast me not bully me online:(

I bet I've more scars than you on my wrists,OP

Well, then you're as stupid as you look.

We're roasting you dumbfuck

My name is Ip Chong Plinko Pong and I cum from a land down under

Roast you like a Vietcong with Napalm

post tits please

tits or gtfo, bitch

fuck off asia nigger

Wtf why the fuck are you calling me a dumbfuck you fucking nigger

but I'd fuck you're mouth

The game developers didn't put enough polygons into your face


>third world

Lmao good one faggot.


*rice niggers

get the fuck out you fucking nigger faggot

now thats funny

crispy duck skin on this chink

Cuz you're dumb , fucker

You told us to roast you, we're roasting you and you're already complaining?


you look like a shit i took this morning

You look like a emo Ching Chong, that has a long schlong under your thong

post tits, fucking slut. now

hey im not a slut

>be me
>18yo in some shithole vietnam
>rape bitch in a swamp
>OP mother burned savagly with flame thrower but survives
>Gives birth to autistic OP 9 months later and dies in childbirth
>rapes baby goes home for profit

Youre a slut, tits or GTFO

Nasty little cum slut.


no get the fuck out

Uglier than Hilary Clinton's Vagina

This is me a couple years ago

I bet an uncle liked to cum on your slut face.


Dubs confirms