How do u deal with being ugly?

How do u deal with being ugly?
Why do I feel like crap everytime I see a hot girl?

Where I live every fucking time I go out I see at least 10 or 20 stunning girls..
Sometimes i just have to look out the window.
Makes me feel like killing self.
From the last 2 girls I said "hi" to, one freezed and looked at me shocked as if i was gonna kill her or something.
The other one just looked at me all disapoint and heh'd.

smoke pot and just pretend they dont exist. works every time.
btw im single LOL i have nfi


i smoke tons of weed. How to pretend they dont exist when they're everywhere man.
I always walk fast and try not to look at them becasuse whats the point, right?
But at the same time I want to fuck one SO bad.
Had a gf SO bad.
Again. Because I know how it feels

nfi no fucking idea

dont try not to look at them thats stupid, just take a glimpse of their best assets, then eyes off, catch another peak when they turn away again
then carry on with your goal in life

Girls are a meme. A hot girl is like buying a new phone. Once you get one its cool for like a month, but the novelty wears off. If youre fat, go to the gym. But tbh the best way to get a girl is through a rich and diverse social circle.


Exercise evecise every day, do good quality pushups.
Force yourself to keep at it.
If your arms hurt, rest one day, then continue.
Don't strain yourself, use 85% of your effort.

Eat healthily, keep going outside, look at the girls.
Find a place where you can talk to them without the intention of chatting them up.
A social club, sport, book club, art, dance, photography anything.
Forget the stunning girls, lower your standards a bit and find a girl with a warm heart and a good personality.

Forget about your looks.
Exercise to build your confidence, not your looks.
Feel healthy and strong.
Study new things, learn new skills, a foreign language.
Practise socialising, it is a skill.
Find a new job.
Challenge yourself.

You are in charge of your life.

yeah i know user.

I used not to have a problem with girls, thats why it makes me feel so shitty now.
I always had a hot gf with me.
Daddy used to give me moneys and I didnt know i was as ugly as I really am, so....

Lost all that. Gym and working out doesnt make me look better anymore, im older, poor, etc.
>been lonely fro like 15 years now

Why not date a girl who is ugly like you?

Most is in your head dude.
How you feel is reflected on how people treat you.

Make yourself confident again by accomplishing difficult things.
Become skillful, helpful, useful.

Gym is to make yourself stronger, to fulfil your potential.
Women are supposed to be pretty, and they mostly look for strength, confidence, decisiveness and status in men.

If you make 2-3 of those, you are fine.

Girl I know is with a dude who looks like a werewolf.
I said I don't see the attraction, she replied she likes him because he is an old fashioned man, in terms of how he behaves.

Looks are not your strength.
What are your strengths? Use those. Girls are stupid, don't worry so much. They'll fall for whatever you present, ugly or not.
Also lower your standards. Nothing wrong with getting with an ugly chick, she probably feels the same as you.

i was doing that, until i started sleeping very bad.
I think its because excess cortisol and adrenaline even if I work out in the morning.

My body just doesnt wanna change anymore, im an oldfag and reached a limit. A skinny one, that is.

I eat super healthy.

True, i gotta lower my standars,,, the very very hot ones are the ones that hurt me the most, so the ones i always approach because then i regret for not at least trying...

But yeah, the last two or three ive approched whrere like 6s or 7s, and acted as if i had a dead monkey fetus on my head

thats are very good advice user, i work on all those aspects,
I try.
got no other option

cause no.

Im not gonna conform with a fucking monster like me.
I rather die alone. I knwo personality is more important, but still...
wanna feel attaction. I can settle with a cute 6 or 7, but it wont happen idk why,,,

I think i have also became socially awkward with grills

I'm not ugly, but i am fat as a fucking hog. Apparently a good sense of humor and an "idgaf" attitude bumps me up a few points because i have managed to get quite a few bitches in the 8-10 range, going so far as to marry a skinny little 5' 3" 115 lb solid 8.5 who is 8 years younger than me. So i would say learn to take shit in stride, be funny, get a great job, and for the love of god do not "worship" women.( The fact that you said "Where I live every fucking time I go out I see at least 10 or 20 stunning girls." Leads me to believe you are a female worshipper, because very few places, if any, have that ratio of Stunning women) Honestly most women nowadays are only worth their vagina and they know it. They have little or nothing else to bring to the table so if you have money and a sense of humor, you should have little problem finding a chick to bang.

theyr literally everywhere...

Id marry all of them.
Today i went like 10 minutes to the store and saw some of the hottets girls i've seen.
In those fucking ultra super short shorts, and shit..


Maybe you are eating too healthily or exercising too hard.

Unless you are 60, exercise should do a lot for you.
Sleep can be helped with magnesium and zinc, along with B vitamins - all from natural sources or naturally derived supplements.

Take up a new sport you can improve at.

make sure you are eating enough fats and red meat.

If you feel like crap and aren't gaining muscle mass, have a hormone panel blood test.
Testosterone, oestrogen and so on.

Read up on increasing testosterone through diet.
Eating a few brasil nuts a day will already help.

Don't eat too many minerals, can make things worse.

Challenge yourself man, do new things. For yourself. You sound like you've been in a rut.

Do the things you are interested in, find a girl with similar interests. 5 out of 10 and fun to be around and likes you for who you are becomes a 10 out of 10.

>female worshipper
i think so user.
I think i became addicted.
Since last gf, who was also hot af, something changed...
And im like a virgin now..

but i think ur right with that worshipper thing man......

Move somewhere with ugly girls.
After a while you'll see them as pretty.

Maybe it's because you're superficial and shallow and that's obvious to other people?

yeah fuck it

i think im a fem worshipper

what do?

dubs confirms

>>freezed and looked at me shocked as if i was gonna kill her or something.

That'll kill you every time, unless you find the absolutely most amazing woman ever, who just thinks it's cute of you. Any other woman, with knowledge of just how little they have to offer; other than fuck holes, will be used to men treating them as fuck holes and will either take the utmost advantage of someone who would worship them, or they wouldn't give you the time of day.

Work on yourself.
Build your self worth only for yourself.
Not for anyone else.

Put yourself first.
Avoid porn completely.

Talk with females without the intention of fucking them. This will put you in control and humanise the females.

Try to find a female you like spending time with.

>female you like spending time with
Without fucking them?
Sounds like a nice afternoon in Hell.
But yes, I still understand your point. Thank you.

Why should anyone mate with ur ugly ass. Get urself an ugly girl. Also watch my left foot. A dude with cerebral palsy who could only move his left foot got married to a normie nurse. That's a true story. He had game. He was fun. Ur being a sobby cunt.

>Try to find a female you like spending time with.
>female you like spending time with.
>like spending time with.
>spending time with
>time with

Just ask em if they want ur big daddy gorilla dick u fgt and if they say no u tell them U better open up that hole before I kill u bitch. Trust me it totally works on Asians.


there you got, you are ugly from the outside and the inside, and the only objetive in your life is to ego boost your shit, and people smells that even in the way you walk, so fuck off and die

The last part comes after some months of talking to them to find out if one has a personality worth spending time with.

They should like some of the same kinds of stuff as you, so you can share activities. So you can have a conversation with them.

Fucking shouldn't be the only thing. If you think with your dick, you run into trouble.

Welcome to the site.
Well done for reading the faq.

lol touché
Upboated good sir!

>find the absolutely most amazing woman ever,
I FUCKING FOUND HER! when i thought i never was going to fuck a hotter woman. I fucked an 11, hang out with her for like 3 weeks until she ditched me.
That killed me.

i do all of that dudes. I do my thing, dedicate time to workout even if it dosnt change my apperace (just cause health), i make musics evn tho i suck at it, i work, i eat healthy, dress nicely, bla bla bla

cant avoid porn man, i gotta release preasure somehow lol

Every grill i approach just ignores me or whatever, like i said.

I do all what im supposed to do/not do.
Still trying, bc what else.......

ty for advise tho

u answered urself, retardo

maybe there some true, idk.
Not my only objective, but I feel i need validation from a fem, or something.
I feel I NEED a girl to be with

Pathetic i guess.

not gonna kill self tho

Drop porn for 3-4 months.

Jerk off to your imagination, missionary position with a normal looking girl you've seen.

It should help you sort out your worshipping somewhat.

Do you want to stay miserable, or do you want to try something new.

Don't approach the girls then.
Join a social club where sexless interaction is expected. Where you are no threat.

Become good and skillful in the group. Offer help, advice, be a friend to an ugly chick or just some dudes.
Your social circle will increase and you'll meet more girls.
Some will be worth spending time with and will want to spend time with you.

First, stop being negative about everything.
Try it or don't ask for advice.

ty user....
good advice again

>Jerk off to your imagination, missionary position with a normal looking girl
not sure if i understand that part tho.
How is that suppose to help?

>be pic related

I pretend to be confident and that seems to work sometimes. I have low self esteem but so does everyone else.

By not staring at untouchable goddesses, and voyeuristically masturbating to them being fucked by someone else.
It will avoid the pattern of staring at girls from afar and thinking them to be untouchable.
It is pretty straight forward.

Every time you ejaculate, you are rewarding yourself chemically for sitting on your butt staring at a chick you'll never meet.

Using your imagination, of you penetrating a girl you've met and spoken to and is reachable and achievable, is positive.

Try jerking it to a 5/10 you know.

Fap a maximum of 3 times per week, try a no fap of 2-3 weeks at first so you break the addiction and just do it when you want after that.

i see!
ty heaps user!!!

will do!

Aren't we all female worshippers