Flashing ass pics outdoors

Flashing ass pics outdoors






This one's been stealing cotton


sauce??? names??? social media???

>women arent retarded sluts

I think this is the opening scene of the Blair Snatch Project. They all died at the end.


not outdoors


Exhibitionism / Agoraphilia is my third favorite fetish. I approve of this thread.



And I'm afraid that's it for my ass-centric, outdoor photos on this partition.


beat me to it leyley

dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tell me the sauce on this




that's a hooker, same as the girl across the street. Doesn't really count as exhibitionism...











Anyone lurking?














moar of them?


So... She's blowing the "cotton" off a dandelion with a fart? That's just great.. I guess it takes all kinds..

you can really tell a lot about their personality just from their asses, each one tells a story

1) proudly presenting her big round ass, wide hips, fun loving yet also kind of dumpy and mediocre in intelligence, it may have been her idea

2) can't really see it properly but as far as I can tell she is materialistic in a lower class kind of way, her parents probably went from lower to middle class

3) tall and bony, stretching out the muscle reducing its roundness but not really flat due to the fat layer, she had a sheltered upbringing but became worldly where it matters

sauce pls

Get help please.



Dude go outside

You really like tobey from scorpion, hun?

people actually watch that?

jesus christ that butthole

this confirms what I said about 1, look at her grinning like a moron

2's ass I can see a bit more now, hips wide but not much musculature on the side, lots of fat and muscle at the back, this is someone who gets up and down but doesn't move around, always chatting and distracting herself but never doing much else except in rare occasions like this

3's posture is kind of too relaxed, she is not poking her butt out like it is a joke, she has a different attitude and may have subconsciously projected her own fantasies onto this. as I mentioned earlier she is worldly where it matters, in an unusual situation like this she is unprepared and prone to act on impulse


it has seen some shit

you can really tell a lot about user's personality just from their posts

1) You're autistic af

what is wrong, is it a crime to analyze ass
don't know who that is, had to bing it, I'm not copying a tv show, I just started making inferences based on their asses and thought I would share


>getting assmad about an asspost in an ass thread
the newfaggotry these days i swear

>le fedora autist meme
you are on Sup Forums too

I tried not to make it too verbose, I suppose you don't get it

Dubs confirms the truth.



I might be on Sup Forums but I'm not predicting girl's personalities and tendencies based on a single picture of them showing their ass.


you forgot the dog

Shit i sure did....Sorry it was a rush job, i am off work in 8 minutes




