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i can fap to this.

I would marry her

P gross



It's just acne you stupid edgelords. I'm sure most of you underage cheese dicks have them all over because you're disgusting.

Post more of her.

Eh it's normal. As long as she does her best to take care of it like me

Convince her that daily semen treatments on her face will cure her



I'd trade her Proactiv for sex.

>called disgusting because they like hygiene

Does she have a nice body.

Her acne doesnt define wether shes beautiful or not. I like her eyes and smile and that makes her Ok

if she cant even take care of her face then imagine what her fanny is like, dipshit

>Only people with poor hygiene get acne

Do schools teach you kids nothing anymore?

>has clearly hoarded herself with make up to hide the acne
>the rest of her skin looks soft and smooth

Okay Chad, I'm sure you'd surely deny her skin to skin contact.

>clearly doesn't know how to combat acne appropriately

stop using it as an excuse to be a lazy cunt

She's beautiful.

Acne can easily be cured / covered with make up.

spoken like a truly desperate virgin



8/10 would fuck vigorously

holy shit she's really cute

I have rosacea too. No issues.

she's a beautiful girl. any more?

Fun fact. You actually have little microorganisms (demodex) pooping on your face and that's why shits red. Enjoy!

Grosses me out

Hey faggot, you gonna post more or no? My dick is going limp.

i want to cum on her big cute eyes

I'd ask to pop that cluster of angry zits above her right eye. Then, I'd vigoursly scrub the mess with an alcohol prep pad and then bangage it all up with some antiboitic ointment.

beautiful girl, i cant afford to be picky i'm not rich and i only got average looks

but really, she is beautiful


She is super cute. Would date than take her to a dermatologist. I got more than enough money to pay to help her clean up.

Would ruin.


Time travelling much?

I need her name, NOW!


Would you marry her if her face never cleared up? I think the whole appeal is a hot chick down on her luck, makes it seem like an easy kill of prey you otherwise have no chance of catching.

It will probably clear up in a few years. 8/10 would breed Aryan babies with.

Underage b&

I would. Even the most severe acne can be controller to a point. Put her on birth control as well to control hormones and it would clear up significantly. Shes cute with acne, she would be drop dead gorgeous with it cleared up.

>Put her on birth control as well to control hormones and it would clear up significantly.

Most cases that causes acne you dumb Cunt

>insert inappropriate comment here

see, i got you there. rekt.

Fanny?What are u an asshole who calls it that.fuckin fanny.

So you wouldn't then? You'd only marry her if you could control that raging acne?

who be fany tho?

I'd like to give her some cream for her face.

i'd like to rub my ass on her face.

still 8/10

I'd smash that.

I would seduce her give her presents, compliments and afection, then when shes hooked on me and having my kid id fix that fucking face with some medicine then shes 8/10

some dumb fanny having an argument with himself there

start smoking some pot and worry less itl go away eventually


and drink nothing but water and dont wash your face more than you should the skin needs natural oils

that'll go away.


Very pretty girl but bad skin is a huge turnoff for me.

Could be easily prevented by washing morning and night with neutrogena face wash and moisturizer and some peroxide cream for treatment. Also high sugar/fatty diet makes it worse, cut the sugar and fat and see big differences.