ITT: People you absolutely hate

ITT: People you absolutely hate

>anyone who says "I'm emotionally mature"
>People with addictions
>Special snowflakes running around telling everyone about their mental health

Other urls found in this thread:

if you drink coffee or pop on a regular basis you have an addiction

if someone gave you that line its because you are a pedophile luring children

you, you fucking faggot.

Anyone who is in "therapy"
Anyone who takes "anti-depressants"
Anyone who lets their kids do any of the above.

hey faggot i have an addiction and i dont find your special edgy hatred to be amusing

>"I swear he's only a friend" type of girls then he fucks the shit out of him and cucks you.
>People who breathe through their mouth.
>Bullies and frustrated people who take out all their frustration on you.
>99.99% of gay people (I'm gay myself and I know what I'm talking about)

People like you, who are averse to basic human niceness because of deep-seated insecurities that prevent you from loving yourself. Seriously, how hard is it to not be a fucking dick?

You basically hate people who want better in their lives and look for help to heal.

Why not hate people who eat or drink water? This child rapist

Obviously because he eats food and drinks water so that must be alright. Only people who do things he doesn't are not ok.

>calling sweet-fizzle-sizzle-tonic "pop"
These degenerates

>people who hate other people, when they themselves are most likely hated by everyone.

>people who like to talk over others
>people who like to interrupt others
>black women in general
>gay black men
>lesbians who have kids and/or hate men
>people who spit indoors
>people who touch me or my things
>cashiers who try to make small-talk
This is why self-checkout lanes exist
>habitual liars
>people who say they're going to be somewhere at a specific time, but don't show up or show up late and don't explain why
2:00 means 2:00. It does not mean 3:15.
>people who don't use their turn-signals
>people who litter
>hard-right conservatives
>hard-left liberals
>fake-ass 'gamer/nerd girls'
>fake-ass egalitarians
>people who can't have a debate without shouting or name-calling
>single mothers who want a medal for BEING single mothers
>men/women who don't take care of their responsibilities
>English, Linguistics, and Sociology majors who have an inflated sense of self-worth and accomplishment
>small children
>couples, especially those who engage in PDA
>students who are habitually late
>people who can't decide which direction they're walking in
>people who take up the whole sidewalk by themselves with their erratic walking patterns
>cashiers with bad attitudes
>ANYONE who calls themselves a "foodie"
>black women who act like they're 'cultured' or 'educated' despite having bullshit degrees, knowing only 3 words in a foreign language, and doing shit at their jobs
>potheads who want everyone to know they smoke pot
>vaping fedora-wearing neckbeards
>Asian-Americans who give me shit for studying Asian cultures and languages
>religious zealots and hypocrites
>anti-religious zealots and hypocrites
>uncultured morons who laugh/make fun of anyone for knowing another language or caring about other cultures
>people whose entire personality is nothing more than an extension of their political beliefs

>be 23yo
>been working at a local cafe for about a year now
>had multitudes of coworkers (beginners) come and go, some good, most really bad

>currently, working with a fat dyke who seems to have gotten traumatized over "the unfair system" for disallowing her to ever see her son again
>she's 32, but acts like some 15 year old that wished they got more spoiled by the world
>calls in sick at a 60% rate - 5% is considered too much, so she's inevitably getting fired soon
>has the most stupid excuses for being lazy, and is lazy over half the time at work
>will rather try to hide in a corner with her smartphone
>excuses not being able to do any cashier work with "social anxiety" yet has no problems talking endlessly/bothering me with her life problems
>apparently thinks i'm a fun guy, even though i generally just "mmhm" or nod at her as response to most of everything
I hate this crazy bitch. And I'm supposed to work with her alone for the rest of this week.

People who play their stereos loud enough to intrude in my life.
People who talk too loud.
People that fucking touch me for no goddamn reason, cut that shit out.
That dumb fucker next door that sits in his driveway and revs his fucking piece of shit car just so he can hear his stupid "catback yo". It doesn't matter what you do to that fucking thing it will always be a MIATA!

Nope, I just hate cop outs.

>faggot sissy lovers
>people who are "depressed" when their lives are fine
>Social justice warriors
>pretty much everyone

In retrospect, I guess I'm just a very pissy person.

I've had an addiction problem since I was 15, and while I agree it's nothing to respect it's very close minded to think that an addiction is something to be hated for

I know somebody just like you, he thinks anybody who has addictions, or drinks is a sheep. Yet he's an edgelord who dyes his greasy mullet black every week and also has no friends. I hope you kill yourself you giant fucking faggot

i hate nobody, hatred is the projection of one's own shortcomings

>guys with waifus
>sissy lovers

>people who spit indoors
outdoors too
>people who touch me or my things
holy fuck i get mad when people do this

Holy fuck you're so right here.

depression can happen be even if you're the richest guy ever, it can be biologically for no reason at all but exist

I hate actions, not people. Except for Kevin, fuck that guy.

saying youre depressed or suicidal for attention will make me want to blow your brains out though, the horrors of true suicidal depression are unimaginable to somebody who hasnt experienced it, PTSD moreso

People who only think white men who don't vote Democrat are racist

People who think there are genders other than male or female

Irrational fear of "guns"
>2nd amendment is only for hunting brah
>you don't need a salt-rifle 15 just call the police, oh and by the way all cops are pigs and they should not have guns

People who call the ground outside the floor

> any person that supports a culture filled with degeneracy that's popped up in the last 10-20 years ie. gay pride, BLM and other nigger stuff.
>also I hate Nazis(like specifically "Kill the kikes" I have no problem with national socialism) because they make white pride look racist
>I hate retards and anyone who wants me to fuck them
>fat people
>unhealthy, uncleanly people

You know how I can tell somebody's not actually suicidal or depressed? They've told me about it, told someone else about it, or are still alive. Fuck off with your fake bullshit.

People really need to wash those hands, and keep them to themselves.

>2nd amendment is only for hunting brah
>you don't need a salt-rifle 15 just call the police, oh and by the way all cops are pigs and they should not have guns

I don't see a problem with any of this. I only use my firearms for hunting and generally the only reason I still support faggots like you owning military-grade firearms is that the police are packing similar stuff.


>aside from this fat dyke whom i forgot to mention has literally recolored her hair so often that it'll never repair into something that can look nice
>even more gigantically fat, black girl
>she's got an extremely mood-swingy attitude and often acts childishly aggressive
>other co-workers and even higher-ups constantly tell her what she needs to do and what she does wrong
>she sees it as them "not understanding her" and just gets pissed off at everyone around her
>is even lazier than the dyke, will often straight up refuse to do anything, just sitting there and talking to herself
>is 29 and also has children
>often tries to bring up her love life with me, what the fuck?
>apparently she sees sex as an open subject, "nothing to be ashamed of lol why are you not interested??"
>apparently has a severely cucked white male husband who lapdogs her like hell, does anything for her
>acts like she's actually super sexy, talks about strangers flirting, clearly delusional

People who post on imageboards.

Samefag here. Admittedly, I could have just said attention-seeking fucks with "depression" but I feel the term is so worn out anymore from people not really knowing what it is. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's just where I stand on the matter. I think a lot of people consider themselves depressed when they are simply upset or stressed.

You from Youngstown?

people who eat or drink water

Your entire point is the definition of circular logic.
>How do I know if someone is really depressed? They haven't told me about it!
>If they tell me they are depressed they must be lying for attention!

like seriously sort your shit out you dumb fuck

Sweden I'm afraid. inb4 jamal memes and shit.


anyone who posts anything of facebook or other social media

>Not knowing that 50 years ago people hunted using the same firearms in the military
>Not knowing that we've been using the ar-15 since 1960
>Not knowing that until the 30's civilians had better firearms than the military

>actually being this retarded

You live in Massachusettes don't you?

Look there's a couple varieties of depression. You have neurological depression and situational depression. The two tend to be mutually reinforcing but are not always so.

>britbong detected*

i was hoping our main topic could be emotional maturity but instead it's addictions
this makes OP sad

"Therapy" is literally just a process where somebody helps you learn to deal with your shit. I'm assuming you live in the united states. Because at least here, there's no cultural basis for dealing with shit other than Christianity or just "manning up" which tends to be an incredibly shitty way of dealing with things and leads to a lot of shitty, miserable people and a lot of suicides.

As far as the antidepredsants, I will agree they tend to be incorrectly used, but remember that the brain is an organ like anything else. If an chemical imbalance causes somebody to experience unabated misery, why not correct the imbalance?

Nope, it's simple logic. Depression, as a disease, doesn't exist. It's all cop-out bullshit from people looking for something to blame. If one of my friends came to me and said "I'm depressed" that would signal there may be a problem in their life that they may need some help sorting out. Not that they have a fictitious disease that someone should write them a fucking prescription for. If they said that it was a disease and they just needed to see someone, I would tell them good luck and consider them no longer a "peer" because they are an attention-whoring piece of shit.

None of that proves anything. Your argument is a non-sequitur. You don't need assault rifles to hunt, only to compensate for your tiny dick.

i have bi polar
How the fuck am i not supposed to take anti depressants
>live a month in my shoes without anti depressants you fucking scummy cunt


>I'm emotionally mature / tough!
>This is my mind right now!
>What do you mean, I'm not special? :(

Isn't this like 25℅ of women?

You are why Reagan was a devastating failure as a president.

People who, when answering a question, begin with "So"...also people who speak with an upward inflection...

>fat people who refuse to get better
>people who joke about depression/killing themselves
>high pitched feminine bottom guys
>guys who fuck their eyebrows up and end up looking like angry clowns

Well I imagine you're a shitty friend and probably don't have too many friends, then. Also you're grossly uneducated about depression. Some people genuinely do have neurological depression, and even if their depression is contextual the symptoms remain very real. Communicating with others about it is one of the best ways to help deal with it. You're basically an idiot and an asshole and you should kill yourself, I doubt anyone would care because nobody probably even likes you anyway.

People who diagnose them selves even if the diagnosis is wrong
>they will always talk about it
>im not meaning the people who have been diagnosed by a proper doctor
>im meaning the people who think its cool or want attention

Hot takes suck.

and you need to get a life you fat neck beard

i guess i hate women then

>have bi-polar disorder and manic depression and PTSD
dont take meds
also addicted to a lot of drugs

youre a pussy user, youre only weak because you take the meds and now think you need them

6'1, 185, goatee...

I'm a woman

checked and don't we all

Well then you're compensating for your tiny clitoris. Also tits or GTFO

Same here.
I'm bipolar type 2
Social anxiety disorder
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Major depressive disorder

I'm not taking anything because the last time I did the doctor gave me wrong meds and made me kill myself. After a week in the hospital I decide to stop taking them....It's horrible without....It's like I'm in hell then a rush of happiness (mania) comes in then I fall back in

Your addicted to alot of drugs your the pussy mate
>my life is on track
>your life is shit because of addiction and ptsd
>your way weaker than me you take stronger drugs to feel good i take medioka medication
>im the stronger one

did i ever ask your height
>6ft 3

That's like saying a cancer patient : you're a pussy, you only have cancer because you take meds and you think you need em

We got a real Tom Cruise over here. And like Tom Cruise, he doesn't understand anything other than pseudoscience bullshit.

Until you've dealt with depression or anxiety and don't everything in your power to correct it, you will never understand it on account of your inability to change your mind when facts are presented.

>this is what i mean people talk shit about how we are pussies about it, but you live are life with it and say that

That's a really long list, have you considered chilling the fuck out?

It's surprising how quickly non-voluntary commital cures bi-polar disorder in young people. Maybe we can get some of those laws back on the books soon.

>People who wear flip flops
Sorry Straya, but you will be first against the wall.

Lib tears were tasty this year but nothing is as sweet and pathetic as the tears of an as mad cuck

No, but it plays a huge part in whether or not someone is fat.


Anyone who uses the words 'cerebral' or 'quirky' to describe themselves or another

people who talk, laugh and look at their phones in the gym instead of working out, stfuomggtfo

doesnt fix anything
>i stayed in a care home for it , it just got worse nice try though user


But shouldn't we love and cherish them? Should we not listen to their hopes, and dreams? Are they not charming in their own way? Are they not uniquely gifted, and special?

Why won't you listen!!

not really mate just shows that your a fat tall neckbeard

Its funny you think you've affected me in any way whatsoever. All you've done is confirm to me that gun fetishists have no real argument and despise logic.

Maybe people should stop fulfilling those things.

Next should be jail when you act out. You'll sort it eventually...


>young adults

>typical people who are loud, they advertise everything in public.

>rich and casually cocky people

>every tumblr user in existence

>average middle aged people who thinks they are old and will have some superiority complex despite that they act like this towards similar younger people within their own generation

>older people because their generation is arguably one of the most fucked up of all generations and they accredited to all other existing problems with recent generations.

>people who easily fall into dumb fashion trends, i will personally pay someone to kill every person that is wearing yeezy shoes and 6 panel hats

>try hards no matter the culture

>social/political activists, most dumb and mentally unstable people who try to force feed their ideals and pass it off as normal into todays society and the media and eventually the normies buy into.

>niggers because aids and africa

>poor people, poor people culture is one of the worst cultures out there and this includes niggers, white trash, spics. They never pursued education but will complain about everything including minimum wage, they never want to take responsibility, they are dependent on ebt but will waste it on bullshit like overpriced and unhealthy convenient store goods but wil use their own money on cheap beer, lottery, scratch offs and ciggerates. Despite not being economically endowed they continue to have kids and act like retards in public, zero class whatsover.


Fucking faggot.

gr8 b8 m8


been to jail again nice try


As the sentences get longer the cure gets more permanent. You think I mean curing you? Silly rabbit, I mean society.

"silly rabbit"
>think you need to go to a hospital mate

>Not even reading any of my previous points
Confirmed for hill shill

Your argument was a non-sequitur. I already pointed this out. It doesn't matter if people were packing "military grade" weapons in the 30s, back then that meant bolt action rifles like I use to hunt today. It doesn't matter if people have been using AR-15s since the 60s. This changes nothing. This isn't an argument, its a bunch of irrelevant nonsense.

>Mfw Americunts call forcery fun time "rape"

Post guns faggot

I hate people who wear purple shirts and yell out "oogie woogie paraloogie" while dancewalking to dubstep


Do I have a reason to be depressed, I was raped by my brother about 7 or 8 times when i was way younger when he was on a drug binge, and when i told my dad sure he cried but he didnt do anything about it in fact they kicked me out for calling my step mom a bitch but they didnt kick my brother out for raping me

No, we call it consensual sex.

people have been hunting with automatics since prior to the first world war