Bought for bf. Not sure if fake. Help?

Bought for bf. Not sure if fake. Help?

You dumb cunt Beats sucks ass.

Fake where did you buy them from?

they havnt been made by monster in years... And that s450 doesnt look normal. Prolly fake.. Where did you buy from?

Also if the flap opens, does it open all the way flat?? Or just like a book?

OP is probably crying

why would you buy these pieces of shit? are you retarded?

Beats are literally the worst headphones in existence.

Wrong packaging. Definitely fake. Gg OP

I bought them from a street in England. It Was from shops that don't have licence. It opens like a book.


shitty pieces of plastic distortion by black rap guy

Kek son you got ripped


Why'd you buy beats for him in the first place?

There are like a million different brands that are way better than beats.

outdated. try again

Sennheiser hd650 masterrace reporting in. Maybe read some headphone reviews next time before buying shit, mmm?

Sorry OP you got raped.

buy him some fake designer shit to go with it

Thanks guys, u've been really helpful. I'm just lucky I didn't embarass myself.

Fake rolex