Cringe thread?

Cringe thread?

i wonder if he had extensive plastic surgery to look more youthful







It's made by Odeon, illegal in nine countries, and made with bits of real panther.





>xtensive plastic surgery

you fo real son?




>not including his love for dogs.





Why is this idiot hitting on a shit character from a shit anime?





















Why is it illegal?







Is that the fat kid from the sandlot


Might be his kid




You realize he is referencing Zoolander you fucking idiots, right?


its a line from anchorman






What the fuck man. that's like easily 15k worth of dildos.

Some people don't make that much in a year.

So u KNOW it's good.

>60% of the time it works every time!

holy shit!


Imagine the smell of the room

Anchorman.. It's Anchorman.


No way is that real

can't be serious.



145 isn't considered genius, Augustus was actually very attractive, and not to mention rich, and the sole ruler of the largest empire in the world at the time, and Newton died a virgin.

Had to get that out.



theres no way that wasnt sent by one of that dudes friends after he left his phone out

Please kill me. This has gone too far




I don't hate trans people. I don't hate LGBT people at all, actually. I support them fully. HOWEVER, this BS needs to stop. For real.




Why must you torture me in this way. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. Should've known the furries had an ace up their sleeve.

Rancid swine will never not be funny



What is this TRASH

Legit one of the ONLY things that has ever made me actually cringe. Well done.

Is this furry BDSM? WHY

fucking WHAT
please post more photos of that room






Yeah, I saw the text on a Tumblr textpost once