I am a Muslim that voted Trump

I am a Muslim that voted Trump.
>Ask me anything.

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When will the bombing be?

Why did you vote for him? Does your family know/hate you now?

>Why did you vote for him?
He wasn't Hillary/Obama/Bush

>Does your family know/hate you now?
Most of them voted Trump too.

Why do muslims like to rape little girls then brutally murder them?

Hopefully, when you are nearby...

What is bad about Obama? I know Bush and Hillary are not my type of guys, but Obama seemed like a real cool guy as a President?
>I'm from Europe btw, also Muslim, so kind of curious

why are all terrorist muslim?

Probably the same reason white guys like to do it... it's fun?


Why is it called "Religion of peace"?

this OP

20 / 5 (4 * 4)

>What is bad about Obama? I know Bush and Hillary are not my type of guys, but Obama seemed like a real cool guy as a President?
All of them are part of "the establishment". They all have an agenda that is disastrous for world peace and the ME especially.
Obama WAS the coolest president ever, but that doesn't mean he was good for America or the world.

Why did your prophet Muhammad marry a 9yr old?

Why are all school shooters white?

Don't forget he raped her too. Poor child. Well that's Islam for you

why do middle eastern police preform the same punishments as isis?

Because marriage as a concept varies from region to region. Why do you expect every culture since the beginning of history to have a 2016 western standard for marriage?

Islamic marriage is merely a proposition to pair up and form a family unit. There may be times when you can secure someone with whom to pair up with at a young age.

>why do middle eastern police preform the same punishments as isis?
They don't.

just because it happened a long time ago doesn't make it any less fucked up


How exactly can a person vote for a person who would happily ban your mom/dad from entering the country you are a special retard

why do you shame women if they show more than they're eyes?

>just because it happened a long time ago doesn't make it any less fucked up
Didn't say that. Read again.
It can happen today and it is still fine. There is nothing wrong with it.

>implying raping a little girl is ok

Execution by sword for murder or rape. Very different from ISIS's beheading by knife for not supporting ISIS.

>implying having sex with a pubescent girl is "against nature" and "wrong".

>proving my point that muslims are horrible people

Lol. Yeah, we're horrible for doing something natural and beautiful that has helped humankind survive for millions of years.

You must be a new-wave feminist libcuck Shillary supporter who is offended by everything normal. This is why I voted Trump.


The fact that they had to write an article with that title says a lot... don't you think?


>liberal for not wanting children to be raped and murdered

Have you ever watched Medical Detectives or any similar crime investigation show?

There are endless episodes of hitchiking, prostituting or just regular woman being raped and murdered by white men. And yet it's all just swept under the rug while law enforcement gets the focus.
You find one similar case in a Muslim country and now you start masturbating to it...

>liberal for not wanting children to be raped and murdered
>implying a pubescent person is a child
>implying it was rape
>implying it was murder

As you can see, I'm calling you a liberal for living in a fantasy world. Aren't you late for a genderfluid rally?

>implying tv shows are credible news outlets

Because the black kids don't know where the schools are.

join the deathcult to kill your own kind and get bombed by every single nation or else we cut your head off ahhh

try to name a major terrorist attack in the last 5 years that weren't caused by Muslims

Oh okay. Sure. It was ALL fake. They made up names, paid the county Sheriffs, Police forces, FBI agents, and newspapers and TV news stations to corroborate to sell a niche Crime-Documentary series.

Get your head out of your ass boy.

Trump will do a great deal of damage to usa. more than any attempt by isis ever could.
so you most likely voted for trump because you expect him to do your dirty work .

I wouldn't insult liberals, seeing how they're the only non-muslims who support your religion

My final question is Why are Muslims such faggots?

Munchen shooting spree in Germany
Firebomb attack on civic center in Netherlands
Dylann Roof shooting up a Charleston church

Why last 5 years? What's with the arbitrary rules? I could ask "try to name a country who invaded another country in the last 15 years" in an attempt to 'prove' only America invades.

Most terrorist attacks in this current decade and some were caused by Muslims and will be for a long time unless ME foreign policy is changed drastically. Hopefully Trump can make a difference.

Trump has many Muslim friends and so do most of his supporters.
If we have to do without a single lonely neckbeard's support in the form of you, we're not gonna shed a tear.

The assassination of Jo Cox
EDL spikebomb in England
So far, in addition to this I'm not covering the last 5 years. I'm covering the last 12 months.
Should I widen the selection a bit to go back to 2011?

Only an Islamaphobe can accuse Muslims of being both homophobic AND gay.

I don't think like this, as with what you said one could argue about any evidence/proof one is faced

now answer

>Trump will do a great deal of damage to usa.
How so?
Even if his only accomplishment is not funding and arming the insurgencies or interfering in Syria and Iraq, he would be better that Bush/Obama.

I don't know how people can still ignore these Nazi faggots.

Their presence is ridiculous in my otherwise peaceful English town. Never had any real problems with Muslims but try walking through town on a Saturday afternoon.

Not at all, you aren't. No.

>I don't think like this, as with what you said one could argue about any evidence/proof one is faced
>not understanding the flaw with his question
Okay. Islam is the devil and we want to behead you all. Is that what you want to hear?
>go to bed

For some reason your radicals are making a problem for us.
C18 despite being Britain based had a collab with National Alliance back in 2006 where they staged a fucking military coup of Belgium.
We almost had an Aleppo in Europe 10 years ago. They had an assassination campaign up to raise tensions and had two platoons prepped to storm the parliament building in the chaos of race riots they were looking to provoke by killing people on both sides.
The involved cells got busted. For some reason the leadership isn't in prison and C18 is holding fucking rallies in London. Blows my mind.

implying strongly that the CHILD has no consent, or ability to comprehend the situation.
A 9 year old doesn't want to be handed over as payment to some creepy fucking man in rags

What do you think can be done to defeat them?

Anything targeted at the white working class just fuels them more.

But can you build a vr ready pc?

eleminate their reason to exist

How do you find the time to post on Sup Forums if you're supposed to be praying to your magical sky god all the time?

In our system? Not much you can do.
Maybe try to improve their living conditions so demagogues can't take them for a ride. Of course those same demagogues are concertedly working against that, and are seeing a measure of success in it.
If anything time is on their side. Front Nationale has spent 20 years fucking up the areas under their watch, so they could then campaign on these areas being fucked up and blaming someone else. It hasn't been a secret, they've got a lot of flak for it, but ultimately a lot people don't have a long active memory about political events and respond emotionally. We may have to stand back and let them burn themselves down, this could get worse before it gets better. Really don't see other solutions though. Would love one but we're in a self-sustaining campaign against nuance at this point, too many subversives in the political landscape and too many subverts. They may need to destroy their environments first, it could be out of our hands entirely and we'd just have to count on the next generation learning from the mistake and rebuilding.



How you fell when people call your "people" of sandniggers?

I was in Morocco in September, on a Sunday all the stores were closed and they were burning rams heads in the streets, every corner there was s family BBQing a head. Was this a Muslim holiday? I thought I heard something at the airport about a holiday, that was the day I caught a ride to the airport

What is the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow?

Sounds like a local festival rather than a Muslim one.

>but Obama seemed like a real cool guy

Being cool does not mean you are a good persident