I know it's not the place to ask this, but I don't know what to do anymore

I know it's not the place to ask this, but I don't know what to do anymore.
I've been having ridiculous issues with headaches. I remember ever since being 6 years old that from time to time I get horrible headaches that make me feel sick and want to puke. I have one right now and I'm struggling to type with my head laying on the side.
The area of the pain changes all the time, it's not always in the same place. I tried taking painkillers that have ibuprofen, none work, the only remedy is puking or sleeping. Also, if I close my eyes the pain somehow is easier to take, and my eyes don't feel so swollen.
I can feel my heart beat pulsating through my brain and eyes. I also react slowly and keep my head down to ease the pain.

Can anyone relate? I really need something to get rid of this shit.
Pic unrelated, of course

It's a migraine. There are effective treatments and preventatives. See a doctor.

I've been to countless doctors and I've heard anything from brain tumor to ibuprofen resistance. This is why I am looking for people that had the same issue. I had an RMN done and there is no brain tumor involved.

Try LSD or Mushrooms.

Not even kidding, they're known to help even in small doses

I tried weed 2 times.
The first time it was actually calm
The second time the headache got much worse and I puked for 30 minutes without showing signs of stopping

Used shrooms once, no more headaches if i use em at least twice a year.. There are many websites where people share stories of mushrooms helping them cope with migraine

Mushrooms can help with headaches. Especially cluster ones. You can grow them yourself

Had this b4. Stop eating high sodium foods. Drink lots of water. Exercise.

I would do anything to get rid of this, whether legal or illegal. I'll try shrooms asap. How do I know that I am buying the right stuff?

You should look into growing them yourselves. Within 1 month you can grow between 1-3oz for around $50

Fucking geniuses in here.

I do exercise, but I have to be honest and say that I drink less than 1l of water every day. As for meals with a big amount of sodium, dude I eat close to nothing every day. My liver doesn't work right either. It takes me about 6-8 hours to process 150g of food... So because I don't want to feel sick during the night I just eat less

I don't live in a country where shrooms are very popular. A few people grow them and sell them for huge fucking amounts of money (the equivalent of 20€ for 1g) so I don't know how I could find someone to give me seeds so I can grow them

for me it was water. dropped soda and drink water at work all day. don't get them anymore

Psilocybe Mushrooms use spores to grow. They are microscopic and are transported usually in syinges. Are the spores illegal in your country? In most parts of the US the mushroom spores are legal to buy Online.

How can I help waking up with the described headaches? Also, how can I prevent them if I am in an enclosed space such as university?
Also huge thanks for telling me your remedy. If this actually helps I will be forever thankful.

I will try the shrooms too just because I never tried them and curiosity is learning.

Mushrooms are a powerful entity. 3.5 dry grams is usually a good starter dose. When you become ready for the full mushroom experience take 5dry grams in silent darkness

Tried almogran?

I'm european, I live in a really "secluded" country full of problems but drugs ain't one. Here, any kind of psychedelics are extremely prohibited and we have 3 different anti-drug departments. This is why I only had the chance to smoke weed twice in my lifetime.
Can you tell me some shroom species that won't fuck me up and make me never want to try them again? I'm a pussy I know.

My favorite strain to grow are Golden Teachers. I have been growing them seasonally since 2013. They have changed my life and put me on the path of a healer. Since then i have been introducing people to these mystical plants. With the right intention, be humble and honest, and the mushroom will work with you. With time you can build a relationship with this entity. It is loving and caring, and wants to make the universe a better place

Hey OP I had the same or similar type of headache for a long time as well. With the slightest movement of my head it got worse.

Anyway, I have moved to a different country, and I haven't had it ever since (2+ years). I have no idea why, using the same laptop, mobile phone etc, similar dietary habits.
Massive mistery but try to move to a different climate, I've lived in a continental high-altitude city and moved next to the ocean

Almotriptan is the best substance I ever used to cure the headaches, but for some reason it is nowhere to be found since 2010 where I live. I tried taking, as my doctor said, big amounts of chill pills for developing numbness to the pain but all that did was having a really calm reaction to anything while having a headache

Now that I think about it, I live 3km away from a chemical platform. Even so, I recall having those issues when I was out somewhere hundreds of kilometers away. I don't know, moving out is just not an option.
They sound delightful, and you sound like you are on them right now. I know what I am going to try first. Thanks user

They have changed the way my brain is wired. Plus now i also take other teaching plants like ayahuasca and iboga. For your headaches right now, theobromine is an awesome blood vessle dialator. It is found in dark chocolate as well as green tea. If i knew more about your diet i could totally help you out brother

I do know my diet. It's really stable and changes only on holidays. During university I eat eggs (boiled or fried) or a tomato salad. At lunch I always get something from a close fast food, no mayonnaise, no spice. After that I just feel full and don't really feel the need to eat.
During holidays, I visit my family and get fed a lot of meat whether cooked or as appetizer. Lots of fats, too. If I feel the need for something sweet. I always buy the same thing. 2 brownies with rum syrup and sweet-sour chocolate

What if for a week you have your own lunch instead of fast food. See if you notice a change. One of the first things i changed about my diet once i began to take mushrooms was fast food. The mushrooms showed me how interconnected the food energy cycle is. Fast food is low energy, then your body takes those poor quality molecules and it becomes part of you now.

I can't. I have a 30 minute break between morning and afternoon classes. I will try to cook my own meal in the morning and eat it during break.

I would like to thank everyone who answered me ITT. I just feel so much better knowing I have some ideas to stop the pain. As for now I will just go to sleep since I just feel like my head is going to explode. As for you, shroom user, thanks for giving me information about them. I will try them asap and hope for the best sensation I ever had. Good luck Sup Forumsros and once more, thanks a lot

Good luck and good night.