Sub Sup Forums need some advice / what would you do, just landed a permanent job career 40k starting...

Sub Sup Forums need some advice / what would you do, just landed a permanent job career 40k starting, should I save to buy my dream car? 35k 90s import or save for a down payment on a house?

Neither. Continue living with your parents and use your money to finish college past a 2 year degree, and get a real job. Then you'll be old enough to realize that your dumb 90's rice burner is shit and you'll get a real car that impresses real women and not high school girls.

This user speaks the truth.

Who buys cars to impress women? Buy the Supra, enjoy life, fuck anyone who says otherwise.

Save for a house; much harder for the dindus to steal!

40K is not enough money to afford a 35K toy that is going to need lots of maintenance. I love 90's japanese cars like the Supra, RX-7 etc., but you must be crazy to think they aren't going to need a ton of work. It's a 20 year old car that needed lots of work when it was new.

I make 50K a year and I can't afford a 35K car.

>do I buy an item that depreciates instantly or save up to buy land that goes up in value?

user. Learn 2 economy

A 90's sports car isn't going to depreciate quickly. It is already 20 years old. It has already reached peak depreciation and is actually going back up in value because all the ones that were not taken care of are rust buckets at this point. So the nice ones cost as much or more than they did new.

Retro sports cars are a sound investment if you know what you are doing. 90's porsche 911's are going up in value pretty quick. Some people doubled their money buying one 5 years ago and selling today.

But 40K a year is not enough money to have enough to make these investments. Buy something reliable like a Honda civic or Toyota Corolla, save your money, and focus on your career. Maybe in 5 years you can be making 60K a year and then think about buying these toys.


first post best psot

I'm working in a permanent job making 20k a year and I'm still saving for my dream car so yes you should OP

I vote car. Live a little, user.

It's only a ricer if it's all show with no hp. But so many of them are....

Supras are fucking STUPID. Yeah, ok, you can tune them reliably to like 120000000HP, but they're fucking cuck mobiles. Nothing screams, "I'm still a fucking child!" more than some asshole in his Supra. So I'd go with not saving to buy your dream car if it's a Supra. Or save up for something practical

Leak your teacher or even your sister lol - snap leak .cf check the image

This 100x.

Someone likes their honda civic's

That someone you're referring to owns an F-150, idiot. LOL. All 90's Franken-Jap pieces of shit suck. Like I said, buy something practical

House you dumb nigger.
Then invest your money into a Roth IRA maybe some t-bonds or stocks get educated nigger I learned this in high school. Give up your happiness now for luxury later

All good ideas, sucks I had to drop my classes and not get to finish my finals, I live with my parents, bills rack up to $270 monthly, plan on taking online classes to get branched out further up the line which requires a BA to do anything exciting, yet there are people in my position with BAs from Berkeley with only a 50 cent pay difference and they don't want to do anything else but their current position, there are people making around $48 an hour, mom shows evidence of some making 6 figures in same position just depends on how many years and how fast you learn and good you do

I live in nz and japanese imports are pretty common here. I even have a friend who owns a supra, which used to be red like your pic except he had it resprayed green

Pic related is my friends car and he loves it. Don't listen to these anons op, it's all just personal preference. And by the way it only cost him about 15k NZD

supra rz?
no, buy a house.
I want that car. without huge market vaule

I'm from cali, where these d bags will jack up the prices on any imports like crazy, pretty sweet they're 15k, on average here it's 32-35k for 68kmiles rust free and stock

>owns an f150
>calls it practical
>spends $200 every time he fuels up

Alright bro whatever you say, but I will be laughing at you

don't buy house unless you want wife and kids.

I've had a 90s jdm sport car for 10 years now. Fun time but a money pit.

Cars arealso dude magnets. Chicks only really care about really new cars or none at all.

"Practical" is relative, kiddo. You have absolutely no idea what I use my truck for. I may need it for work, in which case, yeah, it's a TAD bit more practical than a Supra. Cuck



Using it for work makes sense, but why not just use it as a daily then and have something like a supra for your days off? Or are you just a poorfag who can only afford 1 car?

I suppose having to spend so much at the pump that makes sense. Also, calling someone a cuck for their preferred car is as logical as calling a guy you don't like gay because he gets more girls than you. And with a supra, R32, RX7, etc, you probably will get more bitches anyway.


No, it makes sense to call someone a cuck when someone's self-esteem and reasoning ability is so low they think they need to own THE FASTEST car on the planet, even if it means their entire paycheck. Yeah, you got plenty of money, shit, have fun, buy a Bugatti if you have the extra money. But buying a $35k toy when you make $40k a year is STUPID. Cuck


That supposed to be my truck? LOL, good one, Silent J

That looks like shit