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Damn, that's one way.





damn that was awesome

Not even that effective.





This was on the original faces of death VHS. I'll never forget seeing that tape

Nigs gonna nog


Nigger ded..






Based kitter

Merry christmas from me....Enjoy the leak and check out this shit lol - snap leak . c f

Wow, what a goober.

Fucking spam faggot. Check your threads at least retard.

Who is that?

story>? hes black dude, no story behind this

Good ol' Budd

His son was in the news for being arrested or something

Pestering journalist doesn't leave the old man alone for it

He tries leaving into his business, but the journalist tries following

Old man sees it as an opportunity to slug the faggot Reck'ed thread's first discord chat
Join and post cool picz

That file name though. nice

Watch as the neet son successfully pays homage to his parents and is redeemed his stay for many moons

Holy shit

Those tits.

Me too especially the monkey brain eating....

I saw the tape too. My older brothers had it. Classic .

That's still on YouTube

Thats one boss ass kitty

what's coming out of there?

Looks like cement.

Dude just popped like a balloon

Relieves the pressure of swelling. Done it myself after hitting my thumb with a hammer before. Just a smaller bit than that.

thought maybe it was nerve gas

Not all heroes are humans

Truthfully, it looks more like a septic pump truck, so that's probably liquid shit going everywhere. Could be wrong though

Fucking brutal


Anyone have the one similar to this? It's closer up and on a highway, the guy stumbles around and falls backwards underneath a truck wheel, head explodes in the same fashion

Definitely nerve gas bro, I enhanced and checked the pixels

what the fuck man, you can't just post shit like that on here, what the hell!!!


OH GAWD... Things that can not be unseen. Not gonna sleep well tonight.




She thinks its like a piƱata
She has to wack it for it to come out


Dude set himself on fire LOL

Oooooooooh dear.

What's that shit tho?

stay classy, China

I cant post anymore it always say file too large


fuck yeah kitty!


Hey Man Nice Shot by Filter is about that.



Most definitely wrong. I have it on good authority due to enhanced pixels that it is nerve gas.


no way man this is too much for my


I can't blame the guy. I'd probably do the same if a reporter wouldn't leave me alone and tried following me indoors while I try to get away from him.

One of the couple real deaths mixed in with a bunch of fake shit. Seriously couldn't figure out how anyone believed it was all real.

welcome new friend



A lot of people heat a paper clip and burn a hole in their nail instead of drilling.

this is fake

Nerve gas.

no i think he actually spilled it

Chocolate milk..lots and lots of chocolate milk

also: checked!



man I really wish he had got some of them, but apparently they escape unscathed

I can confirm it's nerve gas.


Them digits

Holy fucking shit


chinks are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

What did he think was going to happen- because he hit the door that the elevator would MAGICALLY be on his floor and work perfectly?

Been there, done that. Oh the instant relief....

I lol'd
