I have the possibility of fucking this chick. The only problem is I'm married, and she is my employee's daughter

I have the possibility of fucking this chick. The only problem is I'm married, and she is my employee's daughter.

What should I do?

Mo' pics.


Looks like a Jew. Idk go for it user

I have the possibility to fuck this chick, problem is I have never meant her in person.

Why turn to us? Use your brain; do you like your wife and/or job? Then No. If you don't give a fuck, than sure.

forget this bitch dude fuck the one sitting in the back of the first pic she has a fucking party hat those are worth money

I don't see any way that could go wrong.

Proceed, user.

Can you get away with it?
If yes, fuck her.
If no, don't fuck her.

That's actually two problems, bro.

Don't be a nigger risk fucking your shit up for a few fleeting moments of gratification.

Actually, you should flip a coin.

Why the fuck you here? Get to fucking dipshit

Keep your wife and job, dude.


I'm pretty sure I can, unless she tells people.

I'm not going to lose my job, I'm her dad's boss.

Grow a conscience. Leave her alone.

Why would you ask a bunch of fatasses who are mad at the outside world to give you advice on who to fuck. We don't fucking care we are just gonna tell you to fuck her to fuck with ur life cuz we know its the wrong choice

Fuck her so hard she thinks she's at hogwarts

Then fuck her with the blessing of everyone on Sup Forums.

Fuck and post pics of benis in pooper

Do you care about your wife dipshit?

Wouldn't fuck with it. She's probably not into you like you think. If you do mess with it, I hope it ruins your life.

Hmm, Catholic school girl uniform that LOOKS like a real one (rather than a costume). Is she of age?

If not, you need to avoid that shit as sure as putting your dick in a wood chipper (and in reality, the wood chipper would do less damage).

In reality, I'd be leaning towards no. I know instinctively it's very hard to turn down a good piece of pussy, but a wife you love or putting your job on the line (assuming it's a job that's worth keeping), wouldn't be worth it.

And another thing, pussy is never as sure of a thing as it seems. Some women LOVE to flirt and they'll make it seem like all options are on the table, but the second you hang out and make a move, she goes frigid, then stops returning calls/texts.

I'd say unless you're hanging out and making out on the regular, it's probably nowhere near as sure a bet as you think....

>Be Black
>Fuck Her Mouth
>instant Amnesia

bang the fucking shit out of here what do you think? Are you some kind of faggot?

That RS reference

>I'd say unless you're hanging out and making out on the regular, it's probably nowhere near as sure a bet as you think....

Troof, I've had a couple of girls that followed me around like a lost puppy, dressing all sexy specifically for me, sending me flirty friendly texts all day long.... then the second, I ask "hey, you wanna go on a date to ______", they respond, "Oh, I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend, I thought you knew, I was just being friendly...."

And beta males will NEVER know because they'll never actually bother to ask if she wants to date/fuck or whatever.... they'll just assume that she wants a piece for sure. It's never as sure as you think it is. Some girls just have a flirty disposition or their friendly mode comes across *very* flirty.

Only if you post proof.


A Highschool friend of mine randomly messaged me, we both had just broken up with partners of a few years. We start hanging out constantly, more flirty, we get too close one night... fight,... blocks me for two months... apologies, friends again, get close for 2 months.... start fucking... start dating... 2 months going strong.


shes not hot enough to ruin a marriage

get her pregnant

Turth... This woman ain't even fine.

Go for it you obviously don't care about your wife

This bait is so low quality even lowqualitybait.jpg is above it


Fuck her but just edge, run home fuck wife just edge, run to employee's how's and bust your rocks on their face. Go enjoy burger and watch sunset.

Fucking phone I meant house

Follow your genetic programming fag and fuck that pussy

The younger the better OP, ditch your old cunt of a wife

I agree with you smart man


I'll bite
That's a hogwarts outfit

TBH I wouldn't risk it. Better off hiring a hooker on the sly, this person looks like someone that'll make a peep (eventually) and ruin your life. Especially in a management position.

>I'm pretty sure I can, unless she tells people.
>I can get away with it unless I can't get away with it
