Bathroom rekt thread

Bathroom rekt thread
Piss, shit, vomit, cum, fornication within bathroom, just as long as it's disgusting.
This is my shit in a Walmart bathroom

Your parents must have never loved you

You sad creature.

WTF did you eat? That's not normal.

some poor fuck has to clean that, you cuck.

They loved me in more ways than one

I ate your dead mother's cunt before I shat that golden muck

I don't give a fuck. If I did I would have shit in the toilet right next to that tile

You fucking fuck, i hope one day a flying shit truck rains down on you for what you have done. Imagine going to take a nice poop in a bathroom and you can't because fucks like you shit on the fucking floor. I actually hope Hitler comes back just to shit in your bathroom every fucking day for fuck sake

Can I taste it , looks like brownie mix yum yum in my tum tum

I can only hope the same for myself. I deserve it just like the Jews deserved what Hitler dished out. I will fuck your throat with my shit if you ever speak to me again

OP you are an absolute monster

10/10 thread

why do people do this shit? this is why we can't have nice things

thanks to assholes like you I never shit in public toilets

Have a bump for the road, OP, you glorious bastard

>This is my shit in a Walmart bathroom
So you're just a normal Walmart patron then, huh?

Or because your an insecure pussy who thinks someone will judge you based on your excrement. You weak minded fuck. You should be exterminated.

I know this is a guy who did this only fucking men do this !

u wot8

i guess you enjoy shitting in public toilets with other people's shit all over the place

I once was so horny i licked toilet seat after my mom took a shit

Because women are inferior to men and no where near as funny. Stupid cunt


Not really rekt but

he isnt a monster just trying to be "edgy"

I just squat and no shit gets on me buddy

in general women are much more disgusting in the bathroom

This is why we have a wage gap! Men like you think this stuff is funny, thus giving them a raise

I bet you make minimum wage, and think vaping is a hobby.

Hell yeah bruh

No I just hate wasting water. If trying to be green is "edgy" then I guess I am


this is why im afraid of having children

I sew for Nike so fuck you

I'm so sick of sexist pigs getting whatever they want... Hope you're joking


so you make $1 over minimum wage?

yeah because the chemicals that will be used to wash that bathroom are so environmentally friendly


$1 under you dumb cuck. Learn about the American corporations corruption. Stay woke

At least Shit in your yard it acts as a fertilizer

The chemicals they used to preserve your cunt of a mother's body wasn't green...or worth it



Shut up you worthless cunt

ive got 2 dads jokes on you

The best thread ive seen in a while

Well the dad who is most like a bitch then

Fuck off, dumb nigger!

Thank you for the support


Sounds about right.

Glad we're keeping you down.

ill let him know


Like a clown charlie brown

This is the most original thread I've ever seen on Sup Forums lol

Thank you Sup Forumsro


Wrong kind of rekt. Now, if they were located in a bathroom that would qualify.


I'm exaggerating, of course. There was a really good thread about "stupid shit you've done at work" in 2005 that this just can't beat lol

okay, again, please refrain from posting non-bathroom rekt.

Don't fucking exaggerate with me. Last time that happened I went to church in Charleston and well...You know the rest

>be me
>be 23 or so
>go to rock bar
>get wasted
>go to loo with glass of beer
>loo is disgusting shuthole, literally
>leave beer right by the toilet
>gonna grab my beer
>notive maore full glasses
>dunno mine
>grab one anyway
>decide to drink it upin one big gulp
>too late to notice it was the wrong glass
>yes, it was piss from probably several randoms
>puke a little
>grab my beer
>beer never tasted so good
>leave rock bar

Baby girl u know I'm do dat


This one time I was in a public bathroom at a children's hospital. I had to take a shit really bad and all the stalls were occupied except for the handicap one. I pulled my pants down and shat, but I never sat on the toilet because I have a fear of toilet germs. I didn't realize it wasn't a solid load and I sprayed all over the floor and back wall. On my way out I saw a nurse pushing some kid in a wheelchair in, and I'm sure they had a good time.

That's beautiful my friend. Which orifice did that birth from?

You need more fibre

Fuck those Jews:)

Hopefully he didn't make it through that exact hour

He died of terminal ass aids

>go to bar on mug night
>get sloshed
>go to favorite diner
>go to bathroom
>lock door
>spin in circle while peeing
>leave bathroom
>Enjoy chili cheese dog with nacho sauce because drunk
>that was a good day.

Niggers are simply fucking not human

I kljasd

I have golden showered so many pisser cubes


Pow! Right in the shitter

Op is jesus

So sad good food gone to waste

Thank god. Little fuck deserved it

I expelled it from my mouth. What we have here is the vomit produced as a result ordering a ridiculous pizza and consuming the entire thing, along with copious amounts of beer. If you look closely, you can spot the Kalmata olives. The lovely orange patina is courtesy of the Buffalo ranch sauce.

That would be about a 4 month old shit if it was black. Not relevant

>be me
>first time at gay glory hole
>massive schlong the size of my arm emerges from the hole
>ask myself if I'm really about to suck another mans dick
>changed my mind last minute
>slide my boxers off and shit all the way down the wall all over this guys dick
>"hey man what are you...AH FUCK!?"
>picked up my boot drop kicked it so hard that I'm sure they have erectile dysfunction now

Feels good man




I bet no one know what this product is

**introducing.... Coffee pants!**

For a limited time, now you can spill coffee all over the floor without using a glass.

(warning this product may cause 3rd degree burns to your legs)

underrated post


lol, shut up faggot, he is a monsta

Must mossa