I've dropped 1800ug 25b+c nbome, and Im fucking afraid that I fucking brick my mind help pls

I've dropped 1800ug 25b+c nbome, and Im fucking afraid that I fucking brick my mind help pls

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i hope you have the worst bad trip

Just don't think about all the stupid shit youve done/said over the years. Try and not think about disappointing the people around you. Avoid feeling guilty your unsuccessful and you'll be fine

Everything you read here is just your subconscious projecting. You are alone.

You'll wake up if you kill yourself

Help me

Don't listen to these other two, they're just fucking with you. The truth is, we're not real, and neither is this website. Or your computer. Or your eyes, for that matter.

See... well, have you ever heard of a "brain in a vat"?

Don't listen to him. There is hope for you. You can escape. Don't get trapped here like the rest of them by succumbing to his lies. Get out while you still can!

It's time to wake up


Merry christmas from me....Enjoy the leak and check out this shit lol - snap leak . c f

fuck off


Dude. Totes did that on some 5-meo-mipt one time. Was trying to go on a spirit journey, instead I mag'd out hard, embarassed myself. Long story short I came back but regretted the whole experience.

Hope this teaches you not to fuck with your brain chemestry. Stick to weed and alcohol, and if you truly need to commune with the psychedelic relm, stick to your normal ass mushrooms; or at worst iowaska (natually sourced dmt)

You won't be the same after this.

Shrooms are okay

To summize, man made pharmaceuticals are bad. All of them. If it doesnt grow from the ground, don't smoke snort or eat it.

Also, I pray for your safety and comfort. Come back soon, space cowboy

What is it he's on? This is curiously hilarious

i get what you're saying but jesus lord

A glass of tap water poured over the head will help.

Also avoid closing your eyes. If so picture beautiful colors. That'll help.

Thinking of running water helps me stay calm while tripping. Try looking at this picture of a forest stream and imagining the sound.

everything's going to be okay.

underrated post

seriously made me laugh so hard

True, but fam, iowasca woyld be a walk in the park compared to 1800mg of any pharmaceutical hallucinogen. I can only assume OP was too stoned to give an accurate readout of what he took, as 2 solid grams of most pharmaceutical drugs should kill most people.


I don't think 1800mg is physically dangerous. Psychedelics are so powerful that they don't even know what a fatal dose would be. He might very well fuck up his mind beyond all hope, but it won't kill him.

Are u mulatto?

Ever heard of nbombs m8

>stick to weed and alcohol
Definitely not the first brain dead hippy to say this

This is what happens when you stick to weed and alcohol, you disgrace the holy grail of psychedelics with atrocious spelling

If it's nbiome then it's possible to od on it

drink water, try not to bite down, and dont die. should be A OK m8

Ayahuascaalso commonly called yagé or iowaska


Spelled ot just like google did, fam

i bet you're anti-vac too, retard.

>holy grail of psychedelics

I wish I could try it, but I'm on Zoloft. Ayahuasca contains an MAO inhibitor (to make it orally active), which makes it potentially fatal to people on SSRI's. Not joking.

OP here
....oh my fucking god NEVER AGAIN

Only people who aren't cucks welcome.

God here
I'm definitely not yours.

Bullshit. You can't be OP, it's been less than an hour. OP wouldn't be remotely coherent yet.

To be fair we have no idea when OP dosed but you're probably right

>alex jones

Only people who aren't in possession of a working frontal lobe welcome.

Fuck the nbombs. Know way too many people who have had a bad time on nbomes

Nah fam. Thats just lazy fear mongering. Some "natural" drugs can be just as damaging used improperly. LSD is one of the safest and best tolerated drugs but it has to be created in a lab.

Well, I learned something, but, you're still a faggot.

Dropped 23:43

Firstly, time zone?
2nd, braces--how old are you?
3rd--your tongue looks like it has a yogurt layer

Fucking worst trip ever

>in a thread about illegal, recreational psychadelics
>assumes context is about prescription pharmaceuticals



Burns patterns into the brain, broseph. Thats why people get flashbacks.

Saved for my next trip got more?

Gonna need a source on that

>one tab
>doubt it
i only get flashbacks when im on LSD to previous LSD experiences

Do your own research. I'm already in bed, on a phone

Ya I'm pretty sure you're full of shit then

You're lucky enough then, but could be because most of the "acid" people get nowadays are copycat products.

I can't remember, but basically it engraves itself into the neural pathways at the top of your spine near your brain or something, but you have to trigger the exact same neural pathways to activate a flashback. However triggering such a pathway becomes easier as you do more and more acid

You do as much drugs without proper research as you want. Not trying to frighten anyone.

So far everything I've read has said this is a myth

Do you do acid?

I don't but I have interest

Dude nbome can kill you just from 1 hit