Idiots who don't think earth is overpopulated, explain your reasoning. Pro tip - you can't

Idiots who don't think earth is overpopulated, explain your reasoning. Pro tip - you can't

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there are people who don't believe this?

because I still don't have a girlfriend...

there's more than enough resources to go around.

the problem is one of distribution.

who cares?

Mormons and christians don't believe this.

this explains it in a way even you should be able to understand OP:

That's because you're a massive fucking loser. There will never be enough people for one of them to want you.

The Earth can reasonably sustain 10-12 billion people. The issue is everyone wants to crowd around coastal regions and poor distribution and use of resources.

World youth is leveling out at about 2.5. Billion. There is plenty of food to well support the current population. We actively chose not to. The world isn't overpopulated. In fact it can handle billions more. Other species will lose and go extinct but that's not the same as the planet being over populated

this is why we need another holocaust. except instead of jews we kill niggers this time

The problem is that there are no more meaningful social roles for the new generations to fill.

There's more to human life than having a box to live in and some food to eat.

Pro tip, I can.

The popukation explosion we are seeing now is a natural phase of developing countries. The west went through it during the industrial revolution, and countries like India and China are going through it now.
Perhaps you should try and learn a thing or two before you open your mouth and make an ass of yourself.

yes please

To play the devil's advocate, In 50 or so years most people will die and less are being born.

But that's a good thing, small utopia, large dystopia.

why not niggers and jews?

also illiterate people. can't deal with those motherfuckers.

>The problem is that there are no more meaningful social roles for the new generations to fill.
this is the thinking of a child. meaning isn't just sitting out there waiting for you. you create meaning. quit being so fucking cynical and take the risk to put yourself into something and stick with it. yeah, you're going to fail and be disappointed along the way. we all are. but it sure beats sitting on your ass waiting.

>there's more than enough resources to go around.
>the problem is one of distribution.
Resources will dwindle once people feel less motivated to make it. What is a good way to take away the motivation? Make a fair distriburtion across the globe to people who never paid a dime, and pay the people who does the work nothing.

>In a nutshell
Fuck off, lefty scum

shit, even better. i like the way you think

Perhaps you should read the what the OP said again.

Overpopulation is really not an issue. Frankly, it will be a driving force that pushes us to new boundaries as we desperately find a need for more space and resources, and even then we have plenty of room left. The US, for example, has a ridiculous amount of space for both farming and population to reside. We will be fine for hundreds of years I'm sure.
Regardless, ass said, humanity always needs some great fight to push them forward technologically and overpopulation and the lack of resources will be our next struggle. Anyone who doesn't understand that it is a necessity for humanity to continue to reproduce and expand our species is a moron.

unequal distribution is the result of exploitation.

but hey, let's keep doing the same stupid, selfish shit that doesn't work. i got mine, right?

you make me wet

Two words:

Population density.


>people move to places where there are more jobs and more demand for infrastructure
>this is a bad thing
lmao @ ur life commie

>look mom i'm an edgy Sup Forums racist
fuck off with this shit. stormfags are worst thing that ever happened here

>ignoring what they have to say because you've decided they're "lefty scum"

Kill yourself promptly

unequal distribution of resources, not people, dumb ass.

Earth isn't overpopulated. We're just wasteful as fuck.

Not entirely the case. I came to this Christian college for a degree I can only get there. I just had a class on why overpopulation and global warming are real. It was really intense.

I saw a timeliness of world population once and it pretty much made me positive that at such a rate we are fucked .
I guess that the demand for food is going to tip the amount that is grown sometime relatively soon
But be a piece of shit and have like 6 kids whatever.

now only if a truck was driving through that image

you must be a nigger. lol triggered much?

Pay no attention to Mulsims in devloped countries banging out 8.0 kids per family while french, german and others are 2.0 or below.
things eb and flow. there is overpopulation but things will work themselves out again and again

I think this user meant more like there's an ever increasing population alongside with the fact means of general production, farming, and statistical work are becoming easier and less labor consuming. I mean I'm all for the idea that everyone needs more initiative and dick but I will say there's a certain stagnation when it comes to landing a "standard fallback" job. Let's be honest a lot of them are caught somewhere between "not smart enough to work for NASA" and "Wasn't taught basic machine working" due to this idea that there's an astronaut in everyone.
Yet another riff in teaching going unfilled because a few soccer moms can't agree that their kid is average at best.

Jobs created where there are resources. People will seek employment there.

user takes resources and gives it away for free.

>wait, why am I working here for free?

hurr equal distribution of resources.

>k, fuck you then. I'm off.

Soon all regions are as shit as the negroidic parts

Do you think the lefties will listen to anything a right wing youtuber has to say, even if he might be correct? I don't think so.

>Racism on Sup Forums is a new thing

>10-12 billion

Based on what?

well, we'll have to make soylent green out of somebody...

If you think the earth is OVER populated, then tell me what the MAXIMUM population should be?

racism on Sup Forums used to be ironic and shock value racism.


The issue here is that the right is hardly ever correct where as the left tends to be correct more often then not.

Kinda like the boy who cried wolf. The right worries about people in tanks with fish gills and an army of left wing fishmen that will take over the world and the left worries about the mega rich exploiting the poor for profit.

Around 2 billion.


Leak your teacher or even your sister lol - snap leak .cf check the image

no it wasn't faggot nigger

Based on what? explain your reasoning and calculations.

Trump voters. We can eat them and they'll never be on Earth again.

You're not wrong

I agree overpopulation is an issue, but that image is misleading. A lot of people think these images of chinese beaches being insanely crowded are just due to the hug population, but it's not. There's a cultural difference between us and the Chinese. They prefer to be surrounded by lots of people when in nature, rather than seeking solitude.

We could make them out of Hillary voters but it would be too salty.

2 billion is roughly enough for our resources.

Ideally it would be several hundred million per populated world.

Earth isn't overpopulated at all, the issue is we're too condensed.

Simple, people generate demand, demand generates supply, we need more people to feed the machine.
Ex: China, India

OP is right. That image is representative of the entire density on planet earth.

The US doesn't have anywhere near a billion people like the Chinese you stupid nigger.

>whining like a faggot about being salty
>on Sup Forums


CAN WE START DEALING WITH THIS MODS?! only people who aren't cucks welcome.

If we do that then all you Hillary kids will have to find another group of people to harass in the streets!

Wouldn't that take away all your fun and lack of responsibility for property damage?

And what's your formula for calculating available resources vs. distribution?

Based on the millions of miles of empty landscapes across every single country. Central America is a wasteland.

I wouldn't want to eat that shit, full or hormones and preservatives and rage. Eating trump himself would be like eating a leather suitcase. Bad meat.

But china and other shithole countries make a surplus of cheep labor that can be exploited to make a surplus of goods which are then regulated to the point of creating a demand.

Meanwhile the people who used to make those goods are out on the street because they are not willing to work for $0.10 a for a 20 hour day with no bathroom breaks.

Im not sure what you mean by "our resources"?

Can you explain how you have calculated what our resources are, and ho they can support 2 billion but no more? You can wend me links to peer reviewed papers, or UNESCO, or WHO, or UN, or WHO reports - i have access to them all by virtue of my job at a uni :)

We also have the natural resources and food production for roughly 10 billion. (studied this in multiple classes at uni) The problem is with distribution of wealth and waste. Not to mention everybody wanting trying to pack into shit-tier cities like LA

shut up --you're one of those dipshits who think we could easily sustain 30 billion people aren't you fucking faggot fuck

do you not realize where you are?
LOL back to facebook with you. I think you took a wrong turn at albuquerque.

>be salty that we dident get a PC wimmins president
>get called out for being salty
>call him a faggot because that will show him!

>jumps to conclusions like a bitch
No, I just want you to fucking justify your math. Jesus Christ, you triggered fuck. Calm your fucking tits.

They can't sustain 7 billion. We are running out.

2 billion is a good conservative figure until frankly we start colonizing other planets.

We are not a sustainable species.

Well, to be fair, an army of fishmen will have a bigger impact on our lives than greedy corporations - Would you rather be poor or dead?
Jokes aside, i see where you are coming from- I still believe, that the left is always watching the world through pink glasses tho, possibly denieing everything bad about certain topics.

I'm pretty sure republicans think it'a a hoax made by the Chinese

11billion is the number reached by a scientific consensus.

WE could sustain that much easily if we switch to green tech and stop poisoning the oceans with plastic and mercury.

we would probably do better killing white people.

fuck you

we're barely making it now

>scientific consensus

what? Goldman Sachs?

Ill ask again: for: "links to peer reviewed papers, or UNESCO, or WHO, or UN, or WHO reports - i have access to them all by virtue of my job at a uni :)"

Otherwise, ill just assume you are a moron who has puled these figures out of thin air and that you don't have a clue what you are on about.

>scientific consensus

sure the earth is overpopulated and shit going down the drain but i dont give a flying fuck about that. it not like it gonna help me get my dick wet or anything

god you're a fucking faggot

2 billion people
take it or leave it

there are too many of us now and we need to reduce our numbers not increase them

2 billion is a decent compromise that could be reached by the use of contraception

>my opinion is not fleshed out, my opinion carries no weight at all with no fucking thought behind it or actual backup so when someone ask me reasonable questions that i should be able to respond to in regards to the opinion i stated since i don't know shit about what i'm saying i'm gonna fuck him up


Why are all you hipsters trying to make "salty" a buzz word again? You sound like my fucking grandparents.

are you listening to vinyl on your turntables and wearing wooden heeled shoes as well? Fuck off internet hipsters.

>the left is always watching the world through pink glasses tho


>possibly denieing everything bad about certain topics.

Yes. Islam is a prime example of this. The left worries too much about keeping christfags down when about the worst thing i have seen them do in my lifetime is hold up signs that say "god hates fags!" and "God loves dead soldiers".

Christfags really are not that bad. they might ask you if you want to go to church on sunday and give you a bible. but thats about it unless you seek more info from them.

When the sand people get enough numbers they dont ask you to go... they tell you will convert or they will just cut your head off.

Yeah, there isn't a lack of food at all, there's a lack in some areas, but other places with it have more than enough.

Issue is greed, it could easily be delivered, but that costs money.

OK fine be a huge faggot about this

you know what's going to happen if you richfags don't go along with this?

you richfags water supply will be hacked to make you sterile

half the world's population will plummet


What are your qualifications? What evidence do you rely upon in support of your claims?

It sounds to me like you are just making stuff up. Can you prove that you are not?

>durr hurr the left
tinfoil faggot fuck


more like what's your fucking beef with it?
is somebody goiing to make you recycle? Against your will?


stop it you're embarassing yourself

shut the fuck up

Sup Forums IS SALTY

Barely making it yes. Thus the need to switch to green tech and stop polluting. Why do i always have to repeat myself to you useless twats. Learn reading comprehension.