you have 60 seconds to write a TRUE statement about your life that will impress her.

Other urls found in this thread:

I have an 8 inch cock.

My grandfather died in auschwitz when he was 6

can u impress her?

i once got dubs on Sup Forums

I see dead people.

Hi I occasionally post on /b because im a faggot, plz luv me.

I've learned to breathe through my ears

I am 6'7". Those are two different measurments

sorry, user, I don't speak "NEET"

I know that french toast used to be called german toast

My uncle works at nintendo

I was the CEO of a media company.

I'm pretty happy with who I am and if you can't see that I don't care

i've got 6 grand in the bank. come with me and travel the world, my queen.

By dicks almost twice the length of a gorilla's

I go rock climbing 5-6 days a week, and ive been to some truly beautiful places.

I'm an award winning essayist, and I have traveled across the globe.

I've been to 13 different countries, i'm 95% sure i killed people, i know what it's like to be stabbed, and i strongly believe you're a fucking whore.

Hey princess! I might be fat and ugly, but at least I'm poor. Would you bang the utter living out of me, just for the fun of it?

*tips fedora*

I have 10K on my bank account

I'm an outdoors man you know.
> I panicked and realized. I have to game plan when it comes to girls...

im 6'3 have an 8in perfect dik


ive kept my virginity all these years despite being fit and stuff

im really smart about philosophy and spiritual things she doesnt even know are possible to comprehend oh shit that means this doesnt count uh oh

I moved out at 18 i live on my own pay for everything uhhhhh

im not a chad nor a fedora and will honestly love you and have pure intentions to thrive with you.

shit damnit i have nothing

last season i was top 500 in overwatch

I wanna spend the rest of my life with you

legit impressive if legit

Every girl I've dated has fallen madly in love with me.

no lol

I've been really focusing on developing my career to support a long term life plan.

Sup Forumsetalord

I know how to make a good espresso

im a firefighter

I make 125.6K a year


I am fluent in 4 languages and studying 3 more.

Also check em

planning to be foreveralone while you try to impress people on Sup Forums to make up for your insecurities?

I'm really fucking good at not killing myself.

I can also cook an egg and not bust the yoke.

I grew out of my commie phase before everyone else in my generation

I have a gun of my own making. That cash is mine

Did you fall from heaven?
Because if you get naked, I won't beat you to death with that branch on the ground over there.

Wow, more impressed with grandpa than you user. He had already conceived your father or mother when he was only six years old?!?

I'm white with an 8 inch dick

I was athlete of the year in my highschool. I also make 2000 dollars a month. Im 19 and fuck like an animal.

t. Autist who isnt any of these

that's about what i make, but there's no way in hell i'd open with that to try to impress some girl
not a good way to start a relationship

I cry after sex

>Implying it doesn't happen for everyone else.

There's a reason ex's are always an option to fuck dude. Once you insert wiener your pants are like a wall for beaners

have a big dick, live in a large house in Bay Area hills, work for NGO that helps animals, ride a motorcycle
ezz blz 420 faggit

I want to die.

i cry after masturbating because no gf and no sex

I managed to cure my autism with LSD

I graduated at the top of my class in the Navy Seals.

What makes you so worth my time?

have nay ta offer ba' a lot of dialects,
many records books,and me smarts

Yeah, nothing. You never know what random aspect of yourself is going to impress a girl, unless you've achieved some kind of outstanding greatness, and even then....

you're spending your time on Sup Forums
your time isn't worth shit

And yet you're here...

not impressing Sup Forums, impressing 'her'. i don't give a fuck about impressing you haha

I will probably be forever alone to be totally honest but at least i plan to be financially secure. and if i find a special lady then i bet she won't mind that i have a career. it's modest but it's better than neet-dom

There's nothing impressive about me except that I've convinced everyone around me that I'm good at being an adult.

Being this new

Dick, Physique, Money, Shit you have, People you know, popularity.

I play roblox

>Being here.

> being this predictable

I browse Sup Forums

I'm a lovefool with big city dreams, a nice car perfect for crusing in the summer, and live my life doing the things that make me smile

I have here a possession that is on my person, that, if drained enough, will make all of your dreams still be dreams.

When I was ten years old I was the first and only kid in my class to beat Go-to in Mortal Kombat on the Sega, kicked the shit out of Shao Khan too

I was the best in my highschool at mathematics and programming

I drive a Mercedes Benz

Being a "student doctor" and wearing smart clothes always got me lots of pussy in the UK when I was in my 20s.

Now I pretend I'm happily married. Some women are such cunts, but thank god for them.

I am a certified private pilot

i'm a pilot

I have choccy milk at my place

Don't sell yourself so short user. At least let her know how many tix you have.


Yeah. Nothing impresses a girl like a guy just randomly saying how big his dick is.

I have money and a stable job

I'm a fighter pilot in the Air Force

You have to be 18+ to post here

I am a faggot!
PS I am OP


I own a can of Spam that's over 20 years old.

Why don't you come on over to my place, I'll crack it open and make you the best Spamburger of your life?

I have an IQ of 140 and I was an athlete on a national sports team for 5 years. I only did the sport for 7 years.

thanks for the heads up, I'll be back in ten years :^)

>Please release me from this pain. I have a gun but I'm too much of a pussy to pull the trigger. Can you do it for me?

I have Cherry Nyquil flavored GHB pops!

this will probably surprise you, but i don't own a fedora lol. It may seem like I do because of my financial success at such a young age, but nope. no fedora tipping here lol

I've been told my catfishing technique is unique and impressive.

i don't give a fuck what you think, i'm just going to continue drinking this beer

only 95% sure?


me and a couple of the brothers just got back in town from the bowl game. shit was so fuckin wild, and we fuckin won. i love sports

What school?

Your mother once blew your father after he fucked her in the ass and she swallowed a fuck ton of other yous.

>I bought this nice bodygroom thing, it's by philips, do you girls have anything similar that shaves, like, arms nice and easy?

I am indirectly responsible for 80& of the drama in the brony fandom

I once masturbated 15 times in a single day


played music for the governor and then drank his scotch