Hey Sup Forumsros I have a question...

Hey Sup Forumsros I have a question. What is more gay fucking a woman taking testosterone so she looks very manly (in the literal sense) or a man (with implants) and is taking estrogen?

Gayness scale:
OP > 2nd one > 1st one

OP sorry but I don't give a FUCK about what this thread is about, what the fuck is that thing??

a young gentleman from the lands of the former jugoslavia

>more gay

you are implying that "gay" is quantifiable
in my opinion, it isn't
either it is gay or it isn't

don't fret, because many people aren't 100℅ straight
for example, only 15% of women is totally straight
so, i propose that not every straight male is 100% straight
but the ratio isn't determined by the quantifiable amount of gay of the things he does, but rather rhe number of times he does straight/gay things

in this case, both would be totally gay, but if you fuck women regularly and then two traps (one male to female, one female to male) you did gay things but that only brought down your straightness and didn't make you homosex completely

both are fucking gay

i remember asking this question all the time in high school. the consensus was that it's more gay to fuck an actual guy, regardless of what he looks like

Fuck off cuck.

if female features on a guy arouse you it is more gay than male features on a gal?

now that's plain stupid

So you fuck an actual woman trying to be a guy or you fuck a guy trying to be a girl. More gay to fuck the man trying to be a girl.

you sure showed me

Hey OP here. Just to broaden the thought. This is much to the same aspect as chick with a dick and man with a vagina. But the man is an actual woman. And the chick is an actual man.

it's not about being aroused. the assumption is that you wouldn't really be into it either way. but at least one way, you fuck a woman, and the other way, you fuck a man. The answers seems clear to me

That's what I thought. You fuck a woman trying to be a man or you fuck a man trying to be a woman. I like thinking of actuality. That's why I'm not into those disgusting trannys.

so in that scenario there's a gun to your head?
or why would you fuck anyone without being into it?

#2 obviously


well, option A you're having sex with a freakish woman
option B you're having sex with a freakish man

So it's B that is the more gay option.


>a gun to your head
yeah pretty much. I mean I would never willingly fuck either of them. Are you saying you would? Are you trying to rationalize your tranny preference?

>I like thinking of actuality. That's why I'm not into those disgusting trannys

you fuck a tranny, you fuck a guy. end of story.

>Implying girls can't be trannys

if i were out and saw a woman or a guy sitting at the bar then i'd talk to the woman, not the guy
after taking her home and seeing that "she" has a dick i wouldn't smash

but i guess your situation takes place in the bed and mine outside in real life

So in the end which is more gay, fucking a woman trying to be a man. Or a man trying to be a woman.


in this scenario, you already know who's a guy and who's a girl


are you talking about ftm trannies, Chaz Bono? they're pretty rare these days, now that every mentally ill ugly butch dike is calling herself "genderqueer" or some shit.

both are fucking gay
gayness isn't quantifiable
it's just gay

I'm talking an actual woman taking testosterone (she has a vagina but looks masculine) or a man taking estrogen so he is starting to develop boobs and still has a dick.

gayness is having sex with a guy.