Sup Forums fucking sucks now

Sup Forums fucking sucks now.

And not in the "I MISS OLD Sup Forums WAHH" Its not that im sick of Sup Forums just that it's fucking cancer.

To start off, Rate My Cock threads. Literally cancer, get the fuck out.

Trap threads. "It's not gay!" You're jacking off to someone with a dick getting fucked in the ass. That's gay.

Trump/Hillary. Theres a whole separate fucking board dedicated to your cancer. Newsflash: Politicians don't give a shit about you. And nobody reads your shitposts.

FB fap/What would you do/Pics you shouldn't share/roll for nudes, etc. They're all the same fucking thread. Literally turning Sup Forums into facebook. Underage faggots fapping to pics of CLOTHED, AVERAGE WOMEN.

YLYL Threads, more like the shittiest stolen screenshots of black twitter. Congrats.

Porn Webm threads. 1% fucking porn, 99% underage fuckboys and shitposters yelling "SAUCE".

Gore/rekt threads. Oh shit, you said you can handle pictures of dead people! You're pretty fucking edgy, man. You're so much cooler than us. Just kidding. Fuck you.

Wincest/R34 threads. Put together because I don't know what's fucking worse. Jacking off to pictures of cartoon characters or pictures of porn with half-assed text boxes of "Gee golly big bro, your penis is in my vagina!" Fucking sad.

BBC threads. Because Sup Forums can never get enough of fucking cock in their life.

Feels threads. 33-year-old kissless virgin (OP) relates with 14-year-old depressed kiddies. Go. Out. Side.

Dubs threads. WOW, there's a series of two identical numbers next to each other in a nine-number ID! Fucking groundbreaking.

Copypasta threads. Why do dumbasses even respond to obvious bullshit?

P.S. Chloe Grace Moretz will never know or care you exist. Taylor Swift is attractive, sure, but not in the holy-shit way. And Suzy and/or Kat aren't the "QUEEN" of Sup Forums.

Did I miss anything, faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:

R8 please

Sup Forums was never good



fugg off OP newfag

remove penis from pants, obtain erection, insert in vageen

Yeah, but what can you do? The more you try to fight the faggot and new fags the stronger they grow.
Sup Forums's just destined to be the cesspool of Sup Forums, i suppose
>implying it was every anything else

Your pathetic whining is diverting attention from the holy spectacle that is Andy Sixx's warm, brown log.

Holy and pure, the log is to be administered by mouth. The reason we are born as human beings is to pursue and receive this wonderful gift.


What this nigga said.
I hate this cancer. but the whole reason i still visit Sup Forums is because everyonce in awhile. EVERY. ONCE. IN. A. WHILE.
You will find gold.


all these fucking newfags RN fucking kill yourselfes m80s

serious cancer meter is off the charts.

this is what happens when watching people get fake-scared while playing sub-par video games becomes a norm.

And when a bunch of 12 year olds get angry that girls might like video games too, which in turn may prevent devs from making every girl have DD tits hanging out of their A-cup bra.

Sup Forums is cancer because the generation that started Sup Forums mostly grew up. Almost all culture suffers from the same shifts.

Something starts off as unique, which makes it interested / valid.
Then a bunch of kids who don't understand the culture try to use it to feel cool.

And you end up with a bunch of sparkly vampires who listen to pop musicians with black eyeliner claiming they are gawth.


>dubs threads.

I actually was Goth growing up though...

Anyone else out there?

good job describing the evolution, am saving to txt

Good news is we have autism threads like OP now, no normal person would take the time to type all that shit up.

Habeeb it

No, even that isn't new. I myself did a shitty thread like this 8 years ago.

And Sup Forums was always shit, but the shit had a different tone to it.
Come back here occasionally for the nostalgia times and such...

Because you have a "Tranny" as FLOTUS

>Thats been pushing gay/tranny agendas since the faggots got in office!

>Michelle Obama has a bigger dick than BOTH of us!


I dunno if I count as an oldfag, but I used to lurk everyday in like 2008 to 2010. I came back tonight to check it out. Pretty disappointing. Sup Forums was always shit but at least it was sometimes fresh. Now there's nothing new here. Same old title text, same site, same santa hats, same threads. Where are the fresh jokes? i don't give a fuck if it's ponies or giganigger or furries or spiderman or whatever. But there's literally nothing left here, it's just facebook pictures. Also the fucking wincest text posts are still alive?

I'm sure this OP is copypasta too but fuck it.


Ya know I had seen that Joan Rivers comment, and also the rumours but that video sealed the deal.

It also gives big validity to the rumours that Obama is a faggot, and the stories about pizzagate just keep gaining traction.

TL;DR? The seppo shithole is run by faggot pedos who want to kill everyone. Fuck you Murrika, just die would you.

Yeah but it was better

It's worse now

this actually made it better again

Are you really comparing to 2014?
Like, really?


So, what we are supposed to post then, OP?

Fuckin easy bait

if you don't know what to post, you shut your fucking newfag mouth, and lurk more until you come up with something.

Fucking newfags i swear to fucking jesus christ you are the stupidest peice of shit cancer.

Why are there so many faggots these days and what is Trump going to do about it?

Traps are just a logical next step to a society without women.

It was never good but at least it was random.