On the scale of 1-10 whats the ugliest you would date?

On the scale of 1-10 whats the ugliest you would date?


>implying there exists a gril that Sup Forums wouldn't date



So yall are saying that if there was a solid 5, not overweight but just ugly, who really wanted you, you would say no?

yes that's what they're saying
pic relate : Sup Forums

In my case: yes. I'd rather date a fat girl with a pretty face than a solid 5 ugly bitch. Because that's what you have to look at when you're with her.

Like I dont mean feminist ugly, just face ugly. Even tho there is pretty much a guarantee that she wouldnt cheat?

I dated an ugly chick. She approached me at a bar while I was flirting with a hottie. The hottie laughed at her and says "He's flirting with ME. What makes you think he would even LOOK at you." I immediately took the uggo home. Great lay, made me breakfast, took me places. I ended up dating her for almost a year. She ended dumping me because I would never bite the "please complement my looks" hint baits.

Even though fatter people tend not to wash themselves as well as functioning humans.


uglyness? prob a 2

but fat bitches? fuck no. annoying bitches with no goals in life? fuck no.

if theres a girl fun to be around who takes care of her body and has good goals but she has a terrible face, id take that instantly

I would be lucky with a 3.
Ex was a 2.

wym by 2? Isn't 1 supposed to be considered the deformed?

Could someone please post visual examples of a 1, 2, 3....10, please? Thank you.

OP here.
Only chart I have. These people saying 2 here are confusing the shit out of me.

Saved and Faved! Thank you! Now that I better understand the scale, I'd say 6 sober, and 5 drunk as a skunk. 1-4, I'd rather fuck the skunk.

7, third from the left is a 9.

I didnt make the scale

Some of those 5s and 6s I would smash

Ha! Upon first reading I thought you were saying you are so ugly you don't even make it onto this scale.

iunno, would you say ur mum is a 3 or a 4?

Im not on the scale because I'm not female :/

ok well now that this has been posted i'll say that the lowest i would date is a 5, if she was really sweet and loving

Seeing as I'm a 3, I wouldn't date anyone. Seeing anyone debase themselves so much as to want to be near me makes me physically ill, I wouldn't want to aid anyone in their self destructive behavior.

Ugly people should stay and die alone.


this is why I Sup Forums. ty user

I've dated a 4 before, craggly ass hair, never did make up, big ol nose, glasses.

But god damn something about her just made me want to ravage her all the fuckin time

Based user
Using this chart, 5's the lowest I go.

tbh ugly girls that havent gone full feminist deserve to get some dick every once in a while

Some adjustments + opinions added to 9-tier.

Solid chart though, its 95% accurate I reckon.

>people who dont read the margin

I concur.

I read the margin, just wanted to share my opinion on the 9-tier. Like I said though, solid chart and I agree with it overall.

between 4 and 6

So 5?

its between there. thats the range of chicks i go for


I don't value looks but her will to do lolicon ERP with me.

After a session of sibling sex (age 5-7) I fuck anything in a whileechaiir.