Guys i got sick yesterday, lay in bad for the last 13 Hours

Guys i got sick yesterday, lay in bad for the last 13 Hours.

Please gift me something, my christmas has been - like everyone's - complete shit.

Would love Arma 3

> beg thread

Other urls found in this thread:

> funnyasf


shameless self bump

thanks so much user!

Not a begging thread but I'd really like Fallout 4

I've seen some gameplays on youtube and I'm really interested

I'd love some paypal bucks so I can buy a graphics card, current one's absolute shit and I cant play most recent games, even at lowest settings.

Please, help a Sup Forumsro out. Even a little would be tremendously appreciated.

holy sh1t man you are everywhere get a life

I dont need a life, I need a card ;)

Real Slim Santa user, idk if you can hear me

but i please have Insurgency to fulfil my Christmas this year? I love you so much Santa

Post your specs faggot and maybe i'll contribute

Mee too, Christmas eve I came down with the flu. I feel ya. Plenty more time to make up for it.

Any kind user willing to gift me H1Z1 King of the kill or anything else from my Wishlist?

Nigga, I play on a Athlon II x2 and Geforce 7050

Thanks for considering me man. Here's my rig:

>Core i7 2600 3.4 Ghz
>Intel Original Motherboard
>32 GB Unbranded DDR3 RAM (8 GB x4)
>VIP Golod 650 Watt PSUI
>1 TB SATA3 Mechanical Hard Drive (Samsung)
>Galax GT610 2GB DDR3 RAM

I got this one used for really cheap. Literally the only thing that sucks is the graphics card

Begging for Overwatch

Dude wtf
>32 GB RAM
How much did you pay and what gpu do you want ?

[email protected]***********

Mechanical hard drive dude, not SSD.
And I paid like 30 USD for the RAM lol, long story but got it cheap

As for the GPU, it really depends on how much I'm able to get/save up and how patient I am but I'm currently leaning over the Zotac GTX 1050 4GB GDDR5, but at least two other anons have told me that it's not a good card, so idk.

I paid about $225 for the entire build, got it used hence cheap

I got ill to. Yesterday my temperature was 39.8C. Today is better. I hope, i will be ok to ney year.

Wait for AMD horizon to come out. Intel and Nvidia will lower prices on cards
Get the gtx 1070 ASUS 6G

I'll keep that in mind user.
Would still need some money though :)

Please, someone give me fallout 4 ?
I was watching some gameplay and I was very interested...

overwatch plox
[email protected]

How much do you need ?

All my friends are playing overwatch and I'm here stuck with paladins.
Pls help me
[email protected]

As much as possible really, even a small amount would be fantastic.

If you mean how much the card costs, it's about $175 (for the Zotac GTX 1050 4GB GDDR5). And if you mean how much I have saved already, a whooping $10

Can a kind user willing to gift me H1Z1 King of the kill or something else from my Wishlist I would be eternally grateful

AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series

If you too think that this is garbage, please donate some to [email protected] ... if im lucky i can run league of legends with casual fps LOL

who the fuck are you m8 and why are you responding to a question meant for me?

proof that I'm the first one

im saving for a new graphic card and could need some help

cheeky cunt



oh boy with you being so nice to other people i rly belive someone will give you money

nah just to you lel

Please, someone give me overwatch ?
I was watching some gameplay and I was very interested....

[email protected]

you still here m8?

Please, someone give me overwatch ?
I was watching some gameplay and I was very interested....

[email protected]

Any kind user willing to gift me H1Z1 King of the Kill on steam or anything else on my Wishlist I would be eternally grateful

Please, someone give me overwatch ?
I was watching some gameplay and I was very interested....

[email protected]