I have 450 max to spend

I have 450 max to spend.
Do I go for the PS4 Pro? It has some, and some upcoming exclusives I would like to play, and all my friends that I game with have PS4.

Or do I go for a cheap pc? I would really enjoy playing some older games that I didn't get to on pc, like kotor. You don't get mod support on the original xbox. I don't really have any interest in playing newer outside of overwatch. Can 450 worth of pc even run overwatch without building it yourself?

What do you guys think?

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PC has the best games.


If you're not building yourself get the ps4 pro, you'd need to build it yourself to get any real value out of a PC. Low or high budget

do you already have a monitor, mouse, keyboard, headset or is this included in the 450 budget?

also dont forget that you have to pay for ps plus and most new games are more expensive on consoles than on pc.

Use a tv if your poor
>mouse and keyboard
10$ combined
Unnecessary, but 15$ if you really want one

450 is a super tight budget for a pc. you will probably have trouble playing overwatch on decent graphic settings/framerate.

i usually always recommend pc but if 450 is all you can spend and all your friends play on ps4 i'd get one of those.

but the best option would be to save around 1000 bucks and build yourself a great pc

yeah i know this stuff is cheap but it sitll puts the budget down on only 425 for the actual pc

build yourself a pc. Beware ps4 "pro"


check out this gay ass reddit article on building a pc

25$ is chump change and it's a bad idea to half ass a pc anyway, just get a job and spend 800-1200 on one and you'll be set for decades. It's only 2-3 paychecks on minimum wage, and if you're living on your own focus on getting a real job instead of fucking video games

save a little more, build yourself a decent pc. theres a fuckton of free games and you can pirate anything you want to play.

What says. I have a good 4k tv that I can use. So what can 450 worth run? Obviously it will run old games like kotor. But what about newer, like skyrim? Not saying I want to play that (already have) but just using it as example.

Have a job. It's called living on your own. Try it sometime.

Intel i3 $120
ASUS H81M-K LGA 1150 motherboard $50
Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 $120
8gb 1600mhz ram $40
1tb 7200rpm drive $40
case $50
keyboard and mouse $20
decent power supply $40


i went by the specs. i think it's possible and then you have much more than a stupid console for an extra 30 bucks.

450... that going to be the min. Requirements at best anybody saying it will perform well with 2016 games is lying.. pc is a never ending money pit

Better investment is ps4. If have that small mindset to budget 500 bucks for gaming pc you have no clue about pc building. My vid card alone was worth 600. Those cheap gaming rigs play old games and new games on shitty settings. They are more proof of concept then practical use.

Just wait for Scorpio.

Minimum means struggle

>reading comprehension


Keyboard and mouse can be found for 5 each, also go AMD if your going jew with your parts, might give the build enough to get a much needed i5

Go with pc, unless you have a pertraitor living upstairs of you who bombs you, you name it, air compressed waves and radiates and the stuff within' MK Ultra. If so, go with ps4 and the controller. Easier to "dodge" the uncoming attacks from that person.

Pretty sure you need the 4k monitor to go with the ps4 pro but you don't if you just get a normal ps4

$450 won't get you a gaming PC that can run any game that's 2014+

You'll have a glorified MMO machine

600 for a video card.. at that rate of spending you could buy 3 different consoles and be set for 5 years. ..givr up with the pc bs. To play ps4 like games.. u will not do it with a pc under 1000.

This is a fucking lie.

that's still a bit of cash for most people living under 50k with bills and all that.

I say go for Pc but def focus on being able to upgrade as you go rather than going high end right off the bat, it is more expensive in the long run but it's like mini instant gratifications along the way.

if you're buying premade then just go for consoles. it's less work and instant gratification.

are you retarded?

most view PC games as max settings or bust, and of course there are quite a few unoptimized games out there with retarded minimum requirements


thats a good pc, will play you some nice games

Games are most fun with friends, you'll get a lot more out of a ps4 than a PC for that reason.

UNLESS these friends are expendable randoms you found in games. You can find people like that much easier on PC


what's the difference beyond the resolution upgrade?

Why not buy a gun instead?

The PS4 doesn't actually produce 4k definition. It just simulates the effect

I spend like 600 on my right and I can play new games coming out now, 450 might be a little tight, I'd suggest save a bit more and built what you really want. Don't settle or you'll regret it forever trust me, I bought all my parts over the course of a year or so and it sacked waiting. But I regret nothing. Ps4 is cool and all but pc is just the better investment, you can do much more with a pc

OP You have all the time in the world to upgrade.
as long you have good cpu and a reasonable motherboard and 4 gig ram you already have a pc that can play most of the best games from the last 30 years, leave getting a good gpu and the extra ram for future upgrades

Pc mane, 8 rams, amd, 1050, 970 mobo around 400. Plays anything out there

There are many budget console killer builkds out there, but the best option is if you already have a desktop PC that you can upgrade. Even if itnismold, anything that you can reuse, will allow you to devote more mine into the CPU, and GPU.

Avoid newer consoles, as they place most of the desirable features behind a paywall, where you need a subscription for a service that has always been free on the PC.


its a little over budget, but it does outperform a ps4