Hunger games thread

Hunger games thread
first 24 are in

Athletic Girl

Professor Pyg

Toejam and Earl


A 15yo slut

Big Smoke


Sex Dino

Cute Trap

New Spain

Jared Fogle

Clay Matthews


Clay Matthews's Husbando



Lifts Her Tail

I would post more tributes, but I want to keep it low in case he comes

Epic Fail Man

ITT Poster number never ascends above 20

Party GoDDD

who's he?

Larry David

It did a few hours ago.


The scatman


>It seems I have missed a miracle once again...

Dante Alighieri

Hes going to get murdered first round

I'm about to cum. Does that count?

You're still giving a shit about him? Why?

2 places left

You wouldn't have liked it mr. play doh it had the spammer



Gay Liverpooleans

Coke logo

A 85' chevrolet camaro

You just gotta not give two fucks when the splammy appears. Or even tougher, give the two fucks but make them kind and welcoming fucks. It has worked.

this is the teams


>Clay Matthews and his husbando on a different team
wait what the fuck?

Pretty good

have a (You). Oh wait

day 1


day 1.2

>Snip tool
Come on man. Use fireshot

Already off to a good start it seems like.

day 1.3

day 1.4

day 1.5


Open that ass OP

whoops fucked up, that was the cornucopia.
this is true day 1

true day 1.2

>Epic Fail Main failed epicly.

Lived up to his name.

true day 1.3

true day 1.4

What the hell is Clay going to do with a slingshot? Place his fist into it and shoot it at someone?

first deaths


Get HG autocropper

night 1.1

Full Page Capture or Fireshot OP

night 1.2

Clay wants that boipussy

night 1.3

>Cute Trap attempts to seduce Clad into death

idk how

You got chrome? Type in Fireshot and download it from the Chrome store

Look on Google for either plugin. Chrome has full screen capture and Firefox has fireshot. Finish this games first in case tho

day 2.1

day 2.2

day 2.3

RIP Mercy, Carl & New Spain



15 people remain. will they survive the night?

he thinks about the train


And he pulls it off anyways. Are you fucking kidding me?


never trust a cute trap


Rest in Peace Clay

No not play doh

Fuck. Quick headcount. OP and I can't possibly be the only anons in here

Night 3.1

night 3.2

You're never alone.

How can he sing so cheerfully when clay's ded?

day 4.1

day 4.2

Athletic Girl's marking her target I'm fucking shitting myself

arena event, so much death

more death

8 frigging deaths
