You're all literally rapists

You're all literally rapists.

You're violating these women by viewing and sharing their private photos without their consent. A big part of what defines the act of rape is the lack of consent and there is clearly a lack of consent here. The images are even more appealing to you because there is an aspect of "forbidden fruit" due to the nature of the nude photographs being stole and originating from celebrities, which basically means that you're being aroused because their non-consent turns you on. This is a form of sexual assault. You don't see it as such because you have been blinded by rape culture.

If I were to punch you in the face, you'd be in pain. If I were to shoot you in the torso, you'd be in more pain. Both actions cause you pain, but one more than the other; the lesser act of assault is not negated simply because you could be a victim of a greater act of assault. Likewise, the act of sharing and viewing these nude photographs is still a violation of these victims/women regardless of whether greater forms of sexual assault exist. If you sick individuals have a conscience, you will cease viewing and sharing these stolen photos because you are currently no different than a common rapist.

Source: Ph.D in clinical psychology.

Furthermore, I am aware of the fact that legislation is now being pursued to make the act of stealing and sharing nude photographs without the consent of the other party a punishable sexual assault crime that can either be a felony or misdemeanor depending on the severity of the crime. I'd be careful if I were you, future law breakers...

dome something about it ya faggot


is OP fag? OP is fag


or bait

Nice fresh pasta, chef.

op is autistic fag

>You're all literally rapists.
Congratulations, you figured out human nature

Yeah. Well. That's my fetish.

Lemme guess...lesbian?

Excuse me? I will have you know that I only view the photos of professional pornographical actresses who have been paid for their services.

I will not sit idly by and let you slander my good name.

OP is literally retarded if OP thinks posting a thread on Sup Forums will stop anything


Stale copy pasta


Forgot pic

>Ph.D in clinical psychology.
you may as well have a doc in voodoo
go shake your rattle somewhere else

best dubs ever.

even better.

>literally rapists
>supposed Ph.D
>mfw: OP never had "English Comprehension" classes...

These are better dubs.

jesus man if you wanted a fappening thread that bad you could have just asked.


This kike needs to buy Sup Forums from the Asian fuck-up already...


End yourself


>If I were to punch you in the face, you'd be in pain. If I were to shoot you in the torso, you'd be in more pain. Both actions cause you pain, but one more than the other; the lesser act of assault is not negated simply because you could be a victim of a greater act of assault. Likewise, the act of sharing and viewing these nude photographs is still a violation of these victims/women regardless of whether greater forms of sexual assault exist. If you sick individuals have a conscience, you will cease viewing and sharing these stolen photos because you are currently no different than a common rapist.


Fuck sake I'm so bored of these retards.



>I am aware of the fact that legislation is now being pursued to make the act of stealing and sharing nude photographs without the consent of the other party a punishable sexual assault crime that can either be a felony or misdemeanor

Good luck enforcing that, faggot... Tell me exactly which amateur nudes on Sup Forums are shared with and without consent.

Definition of rape

: unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent — compare sexual assault, statutory rape


stop shit posting new fag, This is a fappening thread now. Contribute or gtfo.


Ay OP fuck yo mama

Actually, being punched in the face is assault, and being shot in the torso is aggravated assault because of the use of a deadly weapon... In fact, a torso shot makes it attempted manslaughter, murder if the person dies, and even premeditated murder if there's evidence of that....

So the argument isn't just retarded, it's tier-one autism.

We're gonna need a bigger boat...

Series of tubes

OMG all this newfag shit posting. Seriously back to facebook guys. It's not even summer.

ITT the shell that's left of what was once Sup Forums gets trolled by a newfag.



I'm dead of cancer now.

Hope you feel better soon.

What is she watching on TV? You can see the reflection on the picture frame. 1 free internet to the person that can identify the movie or show from that frame.

Your mental gymnastics are top notch!

Listen, I have never posted a nude photo of *anyone* online, and I have no idea if the people that post them got consent from the people they're posting pics of or if they *are* those people. If they don't have consent, it's wrong and they need to stop. If they *do* have consent, I personally don't think it's a good idea, but, hey, they had permission.


Gilmore Girls season 3 episode 6

your cockholster is full of nigger semen!


>Gilmore Girls season 3 episode 6

I appreciate the trips, but that really doesn't look like a gilmore girl. Looks like some blue elf creature with spiky hair.

>all literally
Nice troll, op! Good OC!!!!

Tits or gtfo

says the gender that routinely texts received dick pics to group chats with other females to make fun of.

Stop raping me guys!

I didn't rape anyone, and I cannot be held accountable of those that rape, so please stop accusing me of something I didn't do, don't plan on doing, nor advocate doing.

Just fucking stop accusing me of shit I have no part of.

Using your own definition of rape "lack of consent" you just raped my eyes and mind by posting this fagotry

Whats worse ??? The rape of a photo or your rape of my mind ???

Go fuck yourself OP