Daily reminder that Hillary beat trump by 4.5 million votes...

Daily reminder that Hillary beat trump by 4.5 million votes. She was brought down by a stupid antiquated law that serves no purpose anymore other than to let stupids decide who the president will be. Time for a change.


Hillary is the most corrupt vile piece of shit on earth, not saying trump is great but he isnt that bad


guess who won on pic related.

tell me how is it fair that a single city decides how the rest of the country live.


Daily reminder that Trump is gonna be the president lol


did this faggot just hashtag on Sup Forums

Daily reminder that the United States is not, has never been, will never be, and was never intended to be a shithole democracy where the millions of idiots in california with the exact same circumstantial opinion as eachother get to make a decision for who leads the federal union of the states united. get shit on, idiot

>That's where entitled welfare niggers who don't know anything about the real world live
Fixed that for you

K, but when 90% of the country revolts, because 1 city wanted a president, you're fucked.

Trump, many times I should mention, brought up how bad that antiqueated law was and when he did liberals told him that's the way democracy works.

When liberals lost, suddenly it becomes an issue.

Fuck off, faggot, we are gonna make america great again.

fucking faggot hashtagging fucker

My popular vote from the party with superdelegates
Shut up and fix your corrupt party

No one was talking about this until Hillary lost. Leftists don't care what the rules are unless they're in their favor.


Won by a negative 4.5 million
His wins just get biggerly


Good. Then let's put this scenario under perspective.
A man on the countryside votes for Hofer because he doesn't want MORE regulations on how to grow his crop,

Industry workers vote for Hoffer because their job is at risk because of migrants (and because they can't live in High rise/are at risk of "peaceful muslims"

somehow, nationals living abroad have their vote tipping the country, even if they don't pay taxes from their origin country.


"Leftists don't care what the rules are AS LONG AS they're in their favor."

Sorry about that.

meh, the jews always win.

>if trump loses, says he will demand a recount
liberals: What a sore loser, just accept the results

>trump wins
liberals: holy fuck, no fucking way, we're not hypocrites, get us a recount


Which is also where crime is the highest, people are taxed out of their gourd, and happiness is generally lower. Surprise! That's also where liberal policies are implemented the most. That's what user was referring to. People that have no clue how things work in the rest of the country think that the socialist programs that screwed them over in the first place is going to get them out of the ditch they're in. And by the way, Trump will be your president wether you like it or not. I couldn't stand Obama but he was my president for 8 years. Grow up and stop acting like Chicken Little.


i can think of about 6 mil jews that didn't win.

So 4.5 million is the number you've pulled out of your asses now, huh?
You don't sound very convinced of yourselves when merely winning the popular vote isn't enough, but instead you've got to make up bogus numbers.

Since when did 2.8M(the final count) become 4.5M?!?!?

Next their number will be 6 gorillion.

Fuck off fag. Those of us with money already are going to prosper. I've wanted a business guy to run this country for years. My wish came true.

You obviously don't know shit about politics and political geography. One city shouldn't decide a leader because everyone there is more or less on the same perspective. This can cause an inequality in voting power, as cities with more people govern whole countries. For almost everywhere in the world, almost everyone not living in mega cities are left out and never get a say. The electoral college provides a bit of proportionality and lets smaller populated states have a powerful enough way to compete against mega cities.

Didn't you hear? The sky is also green and pigs fly. Also hell recorded its first ever snowfall.

Fuck the whole clinton family

Latest final count is 65.8 mil vs 62.9 mil, and California is single-handedly responsible for Hillary winning the popular vote. Congrats to OP on being a Mexican btw

try to guess how many countries got wiped out because they stopped giving a shit about land and agriculture.

You mad...i get that your trips say as much but user. No matter what, he is GOING to be president. Short of him being killed before taking the oath there is nothing that can be done. Give it up, its time to accept and move on



boo fucking hoo, every race has its sob story. i'm part irish/part native american. both of thsoe parts got fucked, best they got were some shit casinos and liver failure.

their race as a whole won, they got themselves a country and their 'holy land'. what other religion in the world owns a fucking country?

finally someone that makes sense. all of the welfare cucks are scared out of their minds.

They don't even realize the benefits of Trump.
While they all feel nice and safe with Obama and the rest of the lefts who value everyone's opinion (want your opinion valued? actually contribute to society), they don't realize that their programs are jsut keeping them in a hole.

They don't realize the lottery they won by being born in the US. Move the fuck out if you don't want it here.

Oh, other countries have strict immigration policies? stop fucking complaining about ours while you're at it.

Oh good. Guess I can bank on being a successful musician and can finally quit my job that has great benefits and I worked hard to get. But these guys wouldn't know anything about that.

Hillary also had the support of 90+% of the mainstream media and hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign powers/wall street/Hollywood AND SHE STILL LOST.

To be fair, mentioning California is like saying if Texas hadn't voted, trump wouldn't have won. However considering California has sanctuary cities like San Francisco, I wonder how much voter fraud was allowed/not found out. I live in Seattle, and even here it's as if the Hillary voters are few and far between.

While trips might confirm, imagine if the dems had an actual likeable candidate. Hillary lost to a literal walking meme. That's gotta hurt.

Daily reminder:
Hilly doesn't care about your efforts. She lost. Electoral college already voted. Congress, the new 2017 Congress, is set to vote Donny Trump in as President. Hilly doesn't matter anymore as a power player - she will face prosecution.

B-but the sky is falling!

Trump literally beat media. He beat the political machine.
It's time for a change.
You're all fucking fired

I can't wait until Trump's paramilitary take your kind away for re-education

citation needed

>voter fraud voter fraud!!!
>cant vote without a SSN
>illegals dont have SSN

ITT: OP cries like the trophy kid he is.
As if Hillary didn't know how the process works. The system is only antiquated to dipshits who don't understand its purpose. Get rekt faggot

No, now it's 42.71 quintillion to the 69th power.

At this point Trump could instill martial law upon the country and deploy the national guard to round up and deport dissidents, and honestly I'd be ok with that, it felt damn good giving you progressive liberal "we know thats best for you" cucks the finger. I honestly wouldn't care it felt damn good being able to give you the finger and say fuck you. The system works get over it.

You guys remember when Hillary didn't even com e out on election night?

All of those supporters waiting for her, and she abandoned them to go cry? that's who you wanted as your leader?

Go read the Federalist Papers.
Electoral college is still needed.
And Hillary's less is much less now after all the recounts.

Give it up millennial faggot.

>she will face prosecution

If Texas "hadn't voted" trump still would have more.


That's really not relevant though. Putting aside whoever is elected by it, how can you justify a system which can allow a candidate with fewer popular votes to win?

Considering how many welfare drains are out there... it's probably because you work hard FOR them.

There's plenty of media that was anti-clinton, pro trump. Stop with the made up myopic view that all media is liberal.

Yeah, but what happens when you become the most liberal person out of what's left?


>not understanding fraud means illegal
>voting without ssn would be illegal

It's called "people getting away with things" hence the "fraud" part.

www thepoliticalinsider com hillary-drunk-violent-meltdown-election-night/

my god what a joke.
imagine sucking every dick in high school, and not getting invited to the dance.

lol watching america is like comedy central right now

And a daily reminder to you that she lost, is a liar, a traitor, and a corrupt politicians just to name a few.

This poster is now OP of a ylyl thread.

Trap complete

True enough.

I know this. I don't feel bad for the ones that need it. I am outraged at the ones that don't(dope dealers with 24" rims on brand new escalades getting $400+ in food stamps)

>literally every wikileaks email, from Elizabeth warren cheating against Bernie to her having the questions handed on a silver platter.


lol watching america is like comedy central right now the clinton crybaby's are hilaryious

Oh and considering how some cities were reporting more than 100% voter turnout... yeah I would say voter fraud is easily possible.

I loved his recent Twitter exchange with Israel.
Not POTUS yet and he bypassed the MSM to tell Israel to chill and hang on until the 20th.
I can just imagine Obama and the media "literally shaking", Hehe.

>implying you can't buy a social security number from your local "weed and gun" dealer.


Citation Please

Not op but
Debbie Shultz
Donna Brazile
Bill meeting with Loretta Lynch
All signs of corruption

lol watching america is like comedy central right now the clinton crybaby's are hillaryious

wanna know how most americans get their news?
the television

those liberal cucks easily controlled the majority of what was shown

Trump didn't even have the support of Fox until after the nomination.

Don't act like it was an even race. Hillary even cheated to get debate questions early.

go cry more

Fags like you will run out of fingers to point four years from now. Stop thinking everything needs to run like a business. Businesses are full of the same fucked up corrupt people that are on government. That's what humans with power become. The only difference is that a businessman bases his worth as a man solely upon accumulated wealth, which is not that different from gold tooth gang banging niggers in Chicago. And both groups pull welfare and cannibalize their culture.

You'll most likely call me a berniefag or libcuck (both are incorrect), but that's because you've bought into a hollow ideology that has no future, and deep down you know it and it makes you angry when it is pointed out.

Good luck user.

All you need in cali to vote is a DL# and they give that to illegals there.

And also anyone who basically thinks that they shouldn't have to work when they're fully capable. Or that they should earn a 50k a year salary from 20 hours a week at Burger King.

Did you not read the post you illiterate fuck. I said I wouldn't even care. Go read a book on how to read you cunt.



So you think it is better for only a couple states to have any representation in elections over the rest? Like say 5 out of the 50 states tell the other states who will be their leader?

Daily reminder that if this country were a direct democracy, as you suggest -- and as it FUCKING SHOULD BE -- then neither of these buffoons would ever have even been a choice to begin with.


I think that it felt more like "Carrie" (prom night) to Hillary.
>at the moment of what's supposed to be your top glory
>recieve a cold (blood) shower instead.

>Being this retarded

Fuck man, ever hear of the first they came poem?


Not sure how hillary wouldnt have been a canidate but ok bro

My face when an American has a hs degree but can't recall Government 101...
the US is a Republic...
we vote for elected officials to vote for us, which IS a Democract process...

I will never understand how politics can make people this angry

>loser detected

Daily reminder that both of them knew full well going in that they weren't competing to win the national popular vote

Yes. If thats where the people are. The majority should rule. Its only fair

