I just wanna talk about something

I just wanna talk about something
Do you guys have anything to talk about?
Any shit you're dealing with? Secrets you can't tell anyone IRL?
I wanna talk about shit


Nice try, Frodan

firstly, your mom.

no shit to talk about here. things is better than they was before and look to be getting better.

lol who is frodan
whats up with my mom?

That's great. In what way man?

neither of my friends tried to kill themselves in the last couple months and neither have i so iunno, no reason to complain

>can't tell anyone IRL
Around 25 years ago, I threw the body away in a trunk into a dumpster.
My name was written on the inside of the trunk.
Sweat bullets all the time now.
>one day...

Is that generally something you have to watch out for?

holy fuck
it's just sitting in some garbage dump probably
that's suspenseful as fuck

you're fine you had a trunk and put it on the curb one day after some house cleaning

I could talk about how I told my friend I couldnt cover for him last thursday so he ended up leaving work early, i had to cover anyways, he got fired for it on friday, and overdose/was pronounced dead on christmas eve.

that's been bumbing me out

I make good money, but because of an eviction from a year ago, I can't find anyone who will rent to me, so I have been living in hotels for a coue of months with my handicapped kid. Shit sucks, and it is super expensive.

Hurt my lower back a week ago. I don't have insurance and it's hard to find a doctor around the holidays. I also have a check engine light on in my car. It's been stressful.

You got the right guy to do just that with, OP.

ye, for the last 3 years, 2-3 times a week often times
but i'm p optimistic that's all ogre now

I don't know how long fingerprints last though. Mine were the only ones on the inside.

That's really shitty.
If you don't mind me asking, handicapped in what way?

its fine people often wear gloves when dumping a body

My lower back has been hurting too, probably not as bad though. Keep looking, you'll find someone.

I had sex with a girl i loved for over 2 years and she also liked me( thats what she said) and pretty much she tols me during that night these words "i love you" "youre perfect" "marry me" "i love you" and then when she came back home snapchatted a pic of her living room and wrote "would be better if you were here" then a couple of days later I asked her if our relationship is going anywhere based off that night and she said oh hmm its nothing special it was a one night stand. 1st girl i fucked and she just crushed it hard for me, i always said no to marriage but i would have made an exception for her and now im just back to no marriage for whoever and my trust for women has gone down too.

Ex gf and I broke up maybe 3 weeks ago cause she cheated on me multiple times. I told her I wanted nothing to do with her. I'm moving states next week so she asked if we could catch up to clear the air and say goodbye. Wanted to come to my place; I said no and met her for coffee in a public place on Monday night. She told me she's missed me, I drive her crazy and she hasn't stopped thinking about me and is totally in love with me. We kissed and I realised my mistake and got up and left. Haven't stopped thinking about her since, what do? She was best sex I've ever had too

Don't blame yourself
There were many many many events that led up to that happening, and you were only involved in a very small part of it

I just finished highschool dont really know what to do now. Been passing the time playing call of duty, smoking weed and skateboarding wish i had some direction also working part time at a bingo hall if youre interested

what the fuck is up with the yellow one?

That's good. It's hard to get through those reeeally bad times
but when you do everything is so much better because you've been through the shit

Don't let one girl mess you up man. Some are a dime a dozen, but a soulmate is out there
and not just one, randomly floating out there
you can make a soulmate. find a best friend
even if it's hard, giving them a chance is the best first step you can take

I've considered that but things would have gone different if I covered for him. When he came in on friday expecting to have work, and didn't notice me loading the walk in-in the back. If I'd said hi instead of avoiding him out of awkwardness before he left, things could have gone different. Like maybe his family wouldn't have lost him on christmas. He lives around the corner from me... lived.

I can't speak very well on this. I cheated on someone, probably the nicest girl i'll ever know, because of my inability to control my dick. I don't know if that means I'm a bad person. I don't know if it means your girl is a bad person. It's up to you to decide. It's a hard choice. Me, though, I think you'd be better just getting a fresh start with somone new

I'm a very festive person in the last part of the year.

This year my family didn't celebrate Halloween or Christmas.

It felt really bad, and it's the worst holiday time I've had.

It sucks.
But new year's is going to be a great night hopefully

How old are you man? I'm a senior. I might be on the same path at the end of the year. I smoke a lot and skate and play video games and I'm content. But I don't want to get lazy.

If you met her you would like her. She has a great smile and personality and knows you cant stop the one pump trump. Fking hell i cant even watch vikings anymore because any blondie that gets fucked reminds me of us.

>dad died
>hella depressed
>wanted to commit suicide
>changed mind cuz suicide is for pussies
>said fuck it and took out a 60k loan and wasted all the money
>still figuring what to do next

well, living will always be really shitty. but nobody seems to be trying to stop living at the moment and i hope that lasts.

Everyone who ever interacted with him is thinking the same thing. If. The final decision rested with him, at that final moment
it wasn't you. The best thing you can do is live on and take care of yourself
don't let that bring you down too hard. that's a lot of weight to put on yourself.

Im 18 man yeah i try to stay active i only finished a week ago so i havent been out long its really chill though started selling bud to get some extra cash

I didn't do much festive shit this year either. But hey, summer's not too far around the bend, that's fun to look forward to

Try to fake your own death.

It'll be fun and you won't have to pay the loan back if you succeed.

Start a new life in a different place. It'll be great.

things wouldve gone different if they let hitler into art school.

im sure he wouldn't have killed himself if a ton of his own decisions had been made differently.

It is.
By then hopefully I'll be back in Gulf Shores.

Southern Indiana fucking blows.

hmm thats a good option. i have a 250k house. i kinda wanna sell it and go traveling

I understand man. Sometimes it isn't black or white
you can never really get inside someone else's head to see whether it will really work out or not.
Just know there are people out there that have gone through some similar shit. I've been cheated on as well. It'll hurt, but it'll probably be better to get away. I'm rooting for you man, you can do it.

Nigga how do you waste 60k

Why will it always be shitty?

lol well i bought a 7k AC system for my house. spent like 30 on drugs. miscellaneous bs for the rest i guess

Thanks ma dude. I hope everything goes well for you too pal

You have steam? or overwatch?

Fuck how long did that take you

workin on it man
thanks though. I hope you find whatever you're looking for out in the world

like 2-3 months

Here's another idea.
If you're single, not in a serious situation, sell the house, pay the loan(if you have to), travel to the best parts of the world. The US dollar still has a pretty good world value to it.

Nah man i just play xbox ive been playing diablo 3 reaper of souls lately its awesome but ive been thinkin about buying overwatch

I've personally blown over 100 grand since i turned 18 in 2012. its pretty easy when you're loose with the spending.

its okay
no tears, only sweet dreams

That makes me feel frugal af

HMMM Where would the us dollar have the most value right now

Overwatch is nice, but my shit-luck gets me crap in the loot boxes

I'm trapped in a cycle.

I got depressed as fuck and we out of shape after my last breakup. Wound up going to Amsterdam and fucking a bunch of whores, and I felt happy for a few months. Wound up booking another trip. Was feeling good, wanted to date again, but decided not to because I had the next trip coming up in a few months.

So I didn't date, and I started to get depressed again, because I felt like no one cared about me and the only action I was getting was pay for play. So I start eating again. Go out to Amsterdam, have an amazing time, I'm happy again. Book another trip, don't want to date because of trip, feel like shit, and, well, you can see how this goes.

I've been doing this for 3 years now. Have another trip coming up in March. Dunno what to do. I love my trips, they're the only time I really feel happy, but it's keeping me from having a healthy relationship, feeling loved, and getting back in shape.

He sure did

A few weeks ago I started getting close to this girl I've known for a bit. She expressed interest in me and wanted me to come up and visit her. Then, out of nowhere, she grew distant and now we barely talk. I had the same thing happen with another girl a couple of months before and it just makes me wonder if there is something wrong with me. Like I can't understand it, these girls tell me they are into me, then out of the blue, stop talking to me.

>made out with a girl my friend liked at a party, in front of him
>failed two classes this semester
>parents are getting divorced
But like compared to some of you guys I feel like I shouldn't even be complaining

It's a doppppppppppeeeeee ass game dude
you should get it if you ever get the cash

I beleive in you

blue discs forever

Same muthafucking boat need some direction but what i really need is a job

So im mid 20s, 300+ pounds
Was losing weight but my gf of 8 years and I split and it destroyed me. I want to be fit or just look decent, be healthy, but I struggle to do most things due to ongoing depression and mental illness that was only worsened by the split. I have a hard time finding meaning in life without love.

I think you have to break out of what's comfortable
Maybe do your trip thing
but search for a relationship after that. Even if you aren't feeling like you want it
maybe by the time you find one you'll start wanting it and it'll be great again

You didn't make a move so they moved on.

I graduated 2015, got a job in may and am making decent money. Trying to save up so i can have some reserve money if i get into a radiography program in May, since i also have to pay for school out of pocket. ive got a work permit to renew in about 6 months, but the next president might stop that, who knows. I don't mean to turn this into a political discussion, just uncertain of what's to come. I'm not entirely sure how to plan for having a work permit renewed, or worse, deported.

user I have the perfect solution
Or stay in Amsterdam then you can find a grill there

are you too fast maybe? Do you push too much?

No man. Everyone has their problems, and just because someone else's are more severe in different ways doesn't mean your problems aren't meaningful
just don't be a pussy about it and feel bad for yourself

Do you eat badly?

I want to hurt someone, I don't know who, and I don't know why

I'm just angry, and I need a way to fucking.. get it out

I've been close to hurting myself, out of sheer.... I don't know what

Well op my stomach hurts and shit is falling out of my ass. Oh don't get paid for 6 weeks. Got enough money to get me half way there. I'm stressed as fuck. Well there went to "cork" shits flying now. Still money has me freaking out. I drive to far to get a part time job on the side. Worried man. Hope your doing better.

i want to fuck chandler riggs in the ass

Well, the problem is, I always come back feeling fantastic and my brain is like "guck yeah, I wanna do that again!" so I book another trip within like a week.

So if I do get a girlfriend, I'm stuck with this trip coming up. It's non refundable, I can't take her with me, and basically the only reason I'm going is to fuck whores, which is kind of a no-no in a relationship. So starting a relationship with one of these trips coming up is kinda a bad idea.

>Move to Africa
>Feed village for a lifetime with about 30USD
>Become emperor and live like king off about .50C/yr
>Build legacy that lives on amongst the negroids forever


There is a girl I dated in school for three years, and we broke up on really bad terms, now I've been spending a lot of time with her best friend (who my X feels insecure in relation to her), and I think her friend has a large crush on me, am I a shitty guy if I start dating my x's friend if I know that she'll have a hard time with it?

Nope, not at all. I'm really oblivious when it comes to signals, so girls have always made the first move on me.

Yea. I binge, always with a "fuck it" attitude. Other than that, im not active due to lack of enthusiasm

holy fuck, is the us dollar really that worth in africa? ill become a fucking king i swear

Maybe Iran, but you don't want to go there lol

But the trip is non-refundable, so I'd be down like 4k. And I can't just live there. It's a very expensive place to live and it's not so easy to get a visa/citizenship for non-EU citizens.


I get that, but I'm directly responsible for most of mine, except my parents splitting up.

I've made up a fantasy that I had a best friend who killed herself and use it as leverage in almost any situation that I need to get out of. Its gotten to the point where I've even convinced myself and woken up crying because of it, no joke. Truth is, best friend and I just grew apart and so it was easier for me to lie. I've been prescribed Xanax and Clonazapan to deal with it because I've convinced and played myself into this lie for four years

especially 60k guy over there fucken kek

Why would it be? Who gives a fuck what another girl thinks? Do what makes you happy.


I don't know what you mean. Me and the first girl hooked up and the second one was the one sending me nudes and telling me to come visit her. I told her I would, but things have obviously been busy because of the holidays

Did something happen to cause that? sounds pretty fuckin tough to deal with

Do you have any idea what's going on man?



yeahhh fuck that shit

hurt yourself first, its just shitty to hurt someone randomly even if thats the point

I might agree with what the other dude said. Tough one though.

I know that issue dude. I'm pretty well built for no reason. Crazy metabolism. I'll have a weight problem when I'm older for sure. The willpower is so hard to muster, most of the time i just dont care
food makes me feel better