Halp Sup Forums

Halp Sup Forums
I found this cat outside my house
He's breathing, but barely responding to outside stimuli and not blinking
Wat do

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take it to a vet

Take to vet or shelter

take that pussy to the vet
>walk in set it down and leave so u dont have to pay for its shit

rape it

Take it to a vet, you retard, or, hell, call the pound and ask them, desu.

It's 2AM, no vets until morning

Poop on it

Keep it warm and regularly check on it

convert it to islam

Make sure hes warm and let him rest and check on him every 20 mins or so. Is it cold where you live?

Is it puking?

I'll do what I can

I don't know much about the word of Allah send help

Tropical country, it's about 20C inside

You're a good person op

Feed him you dicksnuggler.

Make sure it has water available near to it.

Good luck kitty :(

Dry him off as much as you can and keep him warm. If you can keep him company if not try to check on him regularly. If he becomes more alert try to offer him food or water (water drops on the tip of your finger or a little bit of ham might perk him up a bit). Other than that please get the vet in the morning.

He can't move, or won't move. Can't feed the lad
Like if I put my finger real close to his eye he won't respond, but does respond to his whiskers

Also, dubs names the poor boy

what is on his paws?

does he smell of viscous chemical?

does it blink if you touch around the eyes?

can he stand?

please answer- dont card me- i want to help

First of all the date is written 12/29/16. 20 degrees Celsius is 68 degrees farenheit.

If you used amercan metrics this kitty wouldn't die. We're always right you know.

he is high as fuck bro just let him chill

ok this answered some. does he look around the Room at all?

do pupils dialate from light exposure?

was he standing moving when you found him?

what can be said about the area he was found?

Scrape a small amount of wet food in his mouth. He will eat it.

>Not moving

>Not responding

>Eyes not moving

>Involuntary movements

>CANNOT move

It's spine is broken.

try wetting your finger with milk or water and holding it right in front of its mouth?

he looks shocked / high- if this is the case he may not be pleasant as he comes back to reality

in all of my hope here, this spears me through the chest because he may be right

please respond so i can actually assist you

Can he move at all or did he move?

Also, I suggest Jasper for a name

this but with semen

check em'

5 down 7 across is the word brigade.

Fuck off

Water on the paws, no chemical smell, just wet cat
Can't even move, no resistance when I pick him up but faster breathing
No response to touching around eyes, slight response to whiskers

No, just wide eyed af
Pupils dilate very slightly
Oh shit he actually blinked! For the first time since I saw him!
Wet street, nothing special. Lots of cats roaming around but no more obvious wounds

I really hope not...

Is this tiffany?

> suffering animal
> dosent kill it
Your fucking gay



Nah dude, did she suggest Jasper too? It's a solid cat name

not the one in hanford

Man fuck off with your edgy bullshit. OP is trying to see if he can save this cat's life

If you have a can of tuna, feed him the juice. Give him something very easy to chew or drink.

Do space program, all these faggots saying vet are fucking retarded.


Jasper it is, since it's the only name suggested so far

I've got water and skim milk, any of those do?

No balloons :(

or, you know, with milk or water. to see if it responds to having it directly in front of its mouth. to try to help a sick animal.

good luck OP, keep catbro safe, hope they pull through.

Shut the fuck you faggot edgelord

>he looks shocked / high- if this is the case he may not be pleasant as he comes back to reality

Try to dry him off a bit

gb2 africa nigger

Shut up fggt we already stated that taking the cat to a Veo is not an option right now


His name is Death Kitty

I'm glad you picked Jasper, it's a solid name.

Do you have anything more comfortable than newspaper to put him on? If there isn't anything that can be done at least give Jasper a comfortable end on a blanket or pillow or something.

Rolling for: corps


ok you hold this cat, then.

Dry it off, change its towl, and swaddle it. Give it a bit of water to drink, even if you have to use an eyedropper or similar into its throat. If you can get a can of tuna, eyedropper the tuna water down its throat, too. Keep it very warm, use your body too if you can, and speak to it calmly—it may start responding more the more comfortable it gets with its environment, and the more used to your voice/presence it gets, the better.

If I get dubs: name it Chet Spineland

Bro post more pics... you are a good person op...keep catbro alive please

If dubs the name is pupper

Rolling for space program

The name shall be GushinGrannies

cats are allergic to milk, feed it a shit tonne of the stuf so it will DIEharrea.


honestly dude, youre a good guy OP but the fact of the matter is you cant do shit except keep him warm and safe. after that you just gotta wait that shit out. if he lives he will eat when he can

reroll x2

The newspaper is on top of a cushion
It's so it absorbs the water from his fur

I'll try to open his mouth for water and find something to keep him warmer

thanks lad

offer water, if he tries to drink and cant, put a little in his mouth with a syringe

Buy some balloons, throw him really high, or use a bottle rocket/cheap toy rocket.

No dont move or touch him if his spine/bones might be broken

Rolling for Pablito

Name is Black Bill

where did u find him just laying on the floor? this makes me want to cry hope hes ok

Take care of him. Give him some soft food like tuna fish or salmon. Give him some milk. Wrap em in a warm towel and place a clock that ticks besides him. If you have a fireplace, make a fire and put him next to it. If you are religious say a prayer. If you aren't religious say a prayer anyway. Hum a pleasant lullaby to him for a while. If you believe in reincarnation, remember you might be dealing with a past member of your family. If you can't get that Emergency vet, there are hot Kat lines or links for the SPCA or some other sort of wildlife protection agency that can help. If you can't do any of the above either call or go to a ER room whit the Kat in a box (still bundled up) and ask for help... any help... don't take no for an answer... there are plenty of med-a-doodles in the ER who love pets too... they will give you free advice or possibly some free amoxicillin if they think he needs it. Good Luck!


Bilbo Baggins rollin


Go back to facebook.

honestly, if its spine is snapped, it's gonna have a pretty grim outlook. trying to make it a little more comfortable is the best thing for it right now.

this person. listen to them and keep catbro going OP.

Make sure u do not pour it in, so he doesn't choke on it

Oh that's good know he's comfortable. I agree with other anons though, try to get water. Do you have a dropper? That helps making sure they get it.

A small amount of skim milk can help. They can process the calories and muscles need calcium to function.

thats because cats cannot see things that are close to their face, and use their whiskers to 'see' things that are too close

no emergency vets where you live?

Is he old? he looks old just from seeing his face?

are there any venomous snakes or anything where you are? the no blinking thing makes me think maybe he was bitten by something poisonous

I owned a cat with a tiffany before, named jaspar. Not sure where she lives these days.

reroll till i win niggers

ok a few things

A. they already named it japser you dumb fucks

B. all you retards telling op to feed this fucked up cat while it cant even blink its own god eyes are ridiculous.

C. fuck you

Make sure u do NOT pour it down its throat. As it will choke and die. Just enough to wet its mouth should be fine.
If it's paws are wet, it had water.

his name is shitfaced

no dubs faggot rerollin for BILBO BAGGINs

kick it in the ribs

Do a fucking space program


No vets until morning, no snakes. Looks relatively young.

Lemme find a dropper and try. Should I open his mouth or...?

Feeding it milk is more likely to kill it than help, cats can't digest cow milk, just gives them the shits and with a cat that weak it wouldn't be able to survive it.

Don't listen to this guy.

Put a warm hoodie on him.

His new name will be Czarnachovka (царнъчовка)
btw it spine is probably broken
It might also be in shock, if its spine isnt broken

OP, is it's back arched slightly up, as in its somewhat curved upward if it were standing up?




hey op its the one with the post full of questions.

using index and middle finger run them along his spine (a finger on either side)
do you fee anything YOU would think is irregular- im sure youve pet a cat before

dont mess with it keep it warm maybe darken lights a little look for swelling or pee in urine things like that....look for a nice vet in morning there are some emergency clinics open all night for pet emergencies...other wise dont bother with food or water....wont need it ...it looks shocked ...just leave it alone ...put on some classical music or reggea...cheers

this is actually one of the more "intelligent" suggestions

It did blink. He should obviously offer it wet food to see if he's interested. Lapping up tuna juice or eating a little wet food does wonders.