What hurts the most?

What hurts the most?

Testicular torsion.


A spinal tap (Lumbar Puncture)


is being so close?

Watching her walk away?

Can confirm. Suffered a testicular torsion while getting blow by a prostitute. I felt that shit in my stomach, all the way up my spine, into my temples. Couldn't move at all. Had to get her to call an ambulance.

That was a weird night.

close enough

my nigga

Who buys coke from a prostitute?


Arterial cannulas

*getting blown

being rejected by the one you love, only to find they are dying of cancer.


>Testicular torsion.
I never had this.

Anal fissure was my most painful combined with ulcerative colitis acidic diarrhea. I almost killed myself.

My pinky toe. I stubbed it against the corner of my coffe table before climbing into bed.


Deffinitely where I went with this too

if you hit that with a hammer itll break.
probably getting slowly sawed in half while every inch of your body gets covered in acid.

Learning that she hasn't loved you for the past two months and only stayed to keep you happy.

Also learning that you cant refund the engagement ring you bought a week ago to surprise her.

Knowing you're the one in control of your life even though you're weak

Nerve pain.