Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.
Previous: The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>No Claiming Waifu's/Husbando's that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>most important:Have fun!

Amatsukaze claimed

still here

My Nui


Being sick sucks

He he he he


didnt go to work?

Well hello everyone
>no life
>Juvia claimed

Couldnt talk so couldnt sell so no
Hello lovely



>hugs the yukki

sucks i hope you get well soon

>hugs back

Hello Tali, how are you?

You amd me both. All this acetaminophen is horrible.
Sick as hell
>kisses the yukki lovingly

Can I ask you something important?

Join the club, we have Endone

yeah it would be nice huh?

Go ahead

Who is that cum-gargling bottom feeding snatch?

Why you waking up so early?

What's endone?

I'm having deja vu here I swear...

I just happened to wake up, not like it was intentional

Who is she?



Why aren't you sleeping?

Synthetic opium


Anastasia, from Idolmaster Cinderella Girls.

How's it going?

Because I need to phone and get a doctors appointment in about 10 minutes.

Neat. I did a marijuana the other day
Just like your ass :^)

why you need a doctors appointment?

Oh yeah you told me, never mind.

Hmmm. Sounds bad. Anything i can do to help? Even if only a little

Did you inject it before or after taking the gateway drug known as ibuprofen?

Is this a cute I see?

I watched someone be a hero and roast someone sperging out, this made my night
How about you?

uh no

Cuddles and vitamins
I snorted it you heathen

Nope, not at all.

Twas a jest m8

Is this a cutie I've spotted?

Because I need more of my meds.

I'm pretty good, pretty sleepy but I'll deal with it. How good a roasting are we talking?

You like?

sure sure


I think it is!
How's the Makyoot?

It happens in mornings.
The kind of roasting where you see the person roasting in a different light, but for the better. It was simply amazing

>not injecting 7 marijuanas
Why live fam
Get off my lawn

i want to watch an user fuck my waifu and make me eat his cum out her ass

Order 66 has been brought down upon me. You all must perish non- Aryans!

Bc i can snort 12 marijuanas
It was m8. I have no idea what your ass actually looks like

I can imagine. I've seen more than a few of those myself, and been involved in a couple. It's pretty great

Only if you're looking in a mirror again!

So isn't!
Kinda tired, kinda salty, also cold. All in all, a pretty meh day.

what meds?

>Tfw regular bullets cant do shit.

You like this?

>Tfw regular bullets cant do shit

like one would?


I'm pretty sure I'm just looking at you, like always.

Does it matter?

>every waifu ever

Although i have no vitamins, i do have cuddles
(i also have lewds if you want them)
You fool how many times have i told you, conventional weapons don't work on my waifu

unless you don't want to say

Ok then you get this also

I'd prefer not to make a list of my medications.

B-but japs were allied with germans!

That would be a first for me, i want to see another one.
Anyways, I just remember you saying you're British, do you have a job?

So is!
Well, fuck me then. I was hoping you were in a good mood

thank you




>Imperial Japan
>Modern Japan
Two different times honey!

I'm a student at the moment, so no. I'll be considering looking for some kind of job within the next few months though

shitty tsundere

Pah. The real hit is from shelving.


Why did you ignore me?

Hehe, you're so sweet Onee-chan~

So isn't!
And I guess I'm in a good mood, all things considered.


Grabs the ass
When do i ever refuse lewds?
Your master
In the words of weird al, just eat it

Caresses the inner thigh

Which one were you?

Of course I am, when I'm talking to a cutie like you


Nah. Shove it up your ass. Its actually quicker.

Well if you bring the modern day into this, then Germany isn't any better. Importing sandniggers into Europe and whatnot

You poor thing :^). Couldn't stay into college, hated every seconds of it.

Then you're blind!
Huh, that's good little one. Keep the smile up~


The one asking you of you like penis.

want to see?


Very well. Go ahead and try
The same time i refuse to show them.
What would you like to see today?
>very cute pic is very cute

I live in 1943 Germany so it's ok.


I'm enjoying it a lot, I'm studying some pretty interesting things so it kind of works out for me.

I don't dislike penis, at least.

Hey juvia. Don't listen to these filthy weebs

Onee-chan pls, we all know who the cute one is.
>Protip: It's you!


Easier said than done, but will do!

Bites the ear
But thas gay
Even when you refuse to show id still accept them. I wanna see your favorite one



I don't know, I spot a cute imouto right there.

cute gif is cute

kisses the neck

Gets on the floor, dinosaur

that one is kinda cute
well sorry im hanakos