It's almost 3 am and I wanna watch some movies

it's almost 3 am and I wanna watch some movies.
tell me your favorite film and ill watch it.

The human centipede

Ive seen it already

Boku no pico

Childhood's End. It's a 3 part series about a sentient species that comes to earth who've been watching us for a long time. If you liked Prometheus you'll like this.

Cannibal Holocaust

watch this
it's p cool

sounds promising

holy fuck

What is up my fellow EST friendo

Anchorman or Pulp Fiction

Its midnight right meow and you should watch dawn of.the dead and get down with the sickness, you cant just turn it away cj, get that fucking gun outta my.face

yea man. It's definitely underrated. I can't believe I overlooked this, or rather just didn't hear about it.

Enjoy man. Check em.

watch this

Eyes Wide Shut

Last life in the universe


pic related

The Cell, one of the most unsettling movies I've seen in a while

Not really spooky or disturbing, but the imagery is really something, something I've been wanting to see in movies for a long time.

currently watching 28 days later

is that jlo tho

you bet

she was a real cutie in this one too


Blade Runner
Chill and slow, nails the scifi noir

Man from earth

Before Sunrise



Shutter island