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That was a very INTJ thing to say m8


I guess I'll start
>Gonna study mphys
>Last year in highschool
>Create a family and advance science somehow
>Have few friends, go out 1-2 times per 2 weeks. Stopped going to parties, don't drink but sometimes smoke weed lmao
>Not dating

I'm INTJ according to some internet tests, don't really know if i should trust them, so i don't know if i'm suitable to answer this, but i'll do it anyway:

- 21
- Male
- No degree (not yet, computer science anyway)
- Part time jobs like shit pizza pony, i don't really need a job since my family (father in particular) has a good job and enough money to mantain me. I do part time jobs to buy things for myself
- I think my only goal is to be remembered, still don't know how to achieve this
- Good social life despite being quite nerd, i don't really resemble that stereotype, i hang out with 2 different groups of friends
- I have a girlfriend

I heard that computer science is a shitty degree. Is it true?

->no fucking idea
>senior year (counselor told me I wasn't gonna graduate do to shit credits)
>make a decent living

All the time I used to get INTJ now I get ISTJ. Eh, bugger it, it's all nonsesnse anyway.

Not intj but just wanted to make a comment about how much you can change in two years.
When I took a test in high school I was INTP but now im ENTP

Sorry i meant computer engineering, i'm italian so at first i thought computer science was the best translation

->no fucking idea
>senior year (counselor told me I wasn't gonna graduate do to shit credits)
>make a decent living

also, you can't spell.

>Ph.D. in physics
>I just want to die already
>I'm dating a bottle of gin

>Not sure
>Really easy freelancing jobs, not really important
>Professional video editor dream
>No social life outside of games
>Have a gf, she's pretty much my social life
i'm a league of legends addict

in a way I agree. It is accurate for me right now but as this user said you change over the years

don't dissect me with the blunt ass tool
former machinist/former cost analyst/current cost accountant
>Goal(s) in life
find a good bitch to wife up, homestead in the rural parts of a burb i can commute to, be happy, have a few fuck trophies
>social life
what even goes here? i go out sometimes but embrace my seclusion. 4 friends hundreds of acquaintances. wrestling/mma/lifting/cooking/reading/camping/boating as hobbies? i like /k/ and my ak47? i like ck and my prime rib? i like fit and my 970 (shit) total? i like pol and their nationalism? i play csgo and mtg?
>Are you dating someone?
yes this awesome mexican girl that i might wife. been with lots of chicks and this is the first time it clicked.

>Also add something more about yourself if you wish
people are fucking hard and im still trying to figure them out. i dont think i ever will but shit ill try. you mentally ill broken pieces of trash are what makes the world go round. i also wish i had a burger right now.

I quitted league because the game is a salt mine. Life got a bit better after that

'wife' is not a verb you retarded mongoloid

>software eng
>Sup Forums shitposter
>acquire enough money and power to fix anything I deem to be a "problem" in society. probably not going to happen, but I can try.
>small group of close friends, pretty happy tbh
>no. kissless virgin actually. I skipped my highschool prom for my first ever DnD session. I regret nothing.

that is quite a catchy insult you got there

You can wife someone wtf

yes, according to
words are created by people. If tumblr can make "mansplaining" a thing, let user make "wife" a verb.

We should now spend the rest of this thread creating a formal definition, because, frankly, everyone here is really boring, fake, and gay.


What is everyone's pet peeve? Mine is when people use religion to justify inaction. "Oh, it's god's plan..."

Also, when people act like assholes then say "I'm not fair? Well the world isn't fair! learn to cope with that shit".


I know this is douchey, but my pet peeve is when people are noticeably stupid. Like to the point where they're lacking common sense. It pisses me off so much when someone doesn't know the answer to such a basic question or has to ponder for so long in order to answer something so mundane

>still studing in college
>not killing myself
>talked a lot with a girl for aout 2 weeks, then she stoped and won't answer me back
I like to play guitar...and go to tridentine mass

I can relate, to a certain extent. What's an example of a basic logic question, in your opinion? I'm bored

Unrelated, I fucking hate people who spew trivial facts and think they're smart. Trivial facts that can be found with a single google search, but nobody memorizes it because it's useless as fuck.

Mine in a similar way

If someone says "It's against my religion"
Don't get me wrong I'm perfectly fine with people saying "Because I think its wrong", but when you say "It's bad because its against my religion" that sounds like if they were asked if they would cheat they would respond with "No! My s/o thinks its wrong!" Instead of "No! Because I think its wrong!"

If that makes any sense


Mediator (INFP-t)

>Studying Political Economy
>Student Ambassador (kissing the University in the butt while making tours)
>Getting a nice house in a remote area, leaving a legacy
I have a mildly obsessive personality, but sometimes it helps.


tridentine mass? is that mass in latin?
what are you studying user? I'm

system engineering

yes it is...
I'm studying system engineering

>drugs and video games
>idc about social

Sounds rough, you got any life tips or regrets?

I know what you mean; religious people whose ethical views don't align with their religion (assuming they have their own ethical views), but they follow their religion without questioning this conflict in beliefs. Dogmatism, in a sense.

ayyy engineering

what's your petpeeve?

You missed out

>Still live with parents or Living in own place

I hate these threads but I'm bored as shit so...
currently in last year college
night audit
ye for 2y now

do you have any technical hobbies? rn i'm fucking around with html5 game dev and arduino

oh living in own place ever since I was 18
eat shit and die fucking neet failures

people who portray themselves the way they want to be seen


>21 (birthday today woo!)
>Some bachelor of IT, kind of accepted that adult lifes gonna suck soon.
>No job, uni. Working at telstra with my dad over summer though no pay.
>Goals.... not really. I'm content in life and just wish to keep it that way. Sadly not happening.
>2 close friends, few other more distant ones.
>tfw no gf ever

Some days I'm upset with my life, others I don't see how it can get better despite being in the exact same circumstances.

>Have a family
>Out with friends at least once a week. Still drink and party.
>No, its been a while

>>Age: 18
>>Male/female: Male
>>Degree: High School
>>Job: Website Designer
>>Goal(s) in life: Get high often, doe
>>social life: Very poor I barely speak
>>Are you dating someone?: Of course not women are a waste of money and time
>Also add something more about yourself if you wish: I fucking hate my self

1v1 me in MSpaint website designs

I'm on mobile, no based mspaint for me




tell me ur petpeeve pl0x

really not... out of study I haven't done anything yet because this first year has been heavy and I'm just resting, not because it was diffiicult but cause I had to do many shit, here in Costa Rican public universities you have to go through a lot of shit which is not related to your major but is mandatory and clasiffied as "universal knowledge"

>>Are you dating someone?: Of course not women are a waste of money and time
that sounds like you're justifying not being able to get a girlfriend

fuck, really? sounds gay as fuck

i'm studying in canada, waterloo is pretty lit fam
we even have our own anime opening

Some guy had a chart in one of these threads once showing the change in numbers of personality types posted here over the years. It was interesting.

Makes me wonder how many people lie about their type or on the test, how the 'honest' answers are influenced by social enviroment (irl and on here), and if the sort of people that frequent the site really are changing or its just chance.

I hate it with a passion when people chew with their mouths open, as well as tapping I hate that aswell, all social interactions are a huge pain in the ass, I hate it when I have to go off script when ordering pizza, I hate it when people breathe with their mouth, I hate it when people look at me, I hate it when people call me instead of text me.
There's plenty more but that's enough for now

night audit at hotel
>Goal(s) in life
short term is finish school, get degree, become financially stable and independent, long term is have a family, raise kids that arent complete assholes and one day try mushrooms.
>social life
decent 7/10. havnt made a new friend in like 2 years. but go out regularly and what not
>Are you dating someone?
yes for 8 years now.
>Also add something more about yourself if you wish
i have incredibly bad demons haunting my thoughts every single day. no depression. just really really tough choices and shit i dont want to deal with.
also im not taking that gay personality test.

What's the purpose of a girlfriend other than sex and food?
The rest of the time you're throwing away money for their gifts, education, bills, etc etc.

i was under the impression that computer science is basically the future. what with all the new robots and software and shit comin out.

depends on the days & times the surveys take place. If you choose friday/saturday night, expect exceptionally high values for INT*

I have never once naturally breathed through my nose. But the rest I agree with.

Why do people hate mouth breathers though? I don't get it. Its not like we all suck in air like darth vader, my breathing is no more noticeable than anyone elses.

>phd in physics
i call bullshit.

im not saying you're wrong but you cant really put a sex into a category and say they're all alike, humans thrive with a compatible companion of the opposite sex

It just annoys me to see people with their mouth open, and I they close their mouth in between breaths it just looks so un-natural, kinda like they are about to say something but recall that and keep it to them selves.

well you just made my 4:50 morning better.. thanks user

>law (LLB)
>lawyer for a national Australian commercial practice
>to be highly regarded,to be principled, to be good at what i do, and to do some good whilst on this planet
>not bad for a new father :)
>defacto spouse of 7+ years

>Become a lawyer and make boat loads of money.
>I have a large group of friends who I often hang out with
>Recently single
Last year of high school about to tackle college. My personality has changed from a ENTP, dunno why. Maybe it's because I've become more social?

well considering he wants to die, i think it's accurate.

I bet his life story is like this:
>be student
>get phd
>make 1/10th the salary of prominent youtubers and twitch streamers who spent only 1-2 years building up their stream and/or channel
>commit sudoku

Only because Meyers Briggs is horse shit. With that said, I've done various versions of the test and always get INTJ.

Yes, two
Yes; business development / project management
>Goal(s) in life
Own a house with a garden
>social life
Pretty good.
>Are you dating someone?
Not really.

u niggers think we will see our species go interplanetary in the next 60 years or so?


my hard drive is not organized.

After I'm done with that I'm gonna pour 24/7 in developing AI with my own LISP dialect. After that I'm gonna develop a better type of encryption and compression. Make my own OS which only runs on open source hardware and good ASM source code because everything's cancerous botnet.

Remember: Fold

well that's what all the people tell you who made bad choices in their partners

we thrive to reproduce, we naturally look for people who are similar to us, both in characteristics and in appearance.
Love is just an emotion, it is pointless due to the vast over population of this planet.
Why would anyone want to throw away money and time just to reproduce and have a child that won't amount to anything in their life? (I am not saying that I will amount to anything in mine either)
>I'm very nihilistic

yw fam :p
gl with your eng studies.

Why do you browse Sup Forums?

>Retail like everyone else
>Get a good job with good pension, and no kids
>Decently Popular with friends but bad with girls
>No but I am going for a hot chick my lesbian friend introduced me to
>Gamer, Ambitious, and Working on Streamer/Youtubing

>Own a house with a garden
my nigga
when im older and own a house im gonna be a god damn farmer with my yard.

also, i want to maintain a large saltwater fishtank.

people always look at me weird when i mention these goals.

thats a very nihilistic and egotistical point of view, but you might not be completely wrong, but you're free to your opinion

so basically a pathetic faggot who will amount to nothing in his life, got it

personality type?


What does the very last letter mean

that isnt very nihilistic.
its just pessimistic.

all that may be true in the grand scheme of things. but you are an individual. and as an individual you are in charge of creating a pleasant experience on earth. experiencing "pointless" emotions like love and spending time with your child may not advance the human race in any way. but it just feels good man. dont be so quick to throw the world away.

Pretty Much. I dont have any real goals in life but to have fun

Happy, Mildly shy but can easily get past it, Flirty, Kind, Generous, ENFJ I believe

Working on BSEE
No job
Famous musician or usaf pilot or astronaut, an hero if these goals aren't met
Pretty shit social life

>flirty, kind, generous
god how cringy
I do see how cringy I am myself for having the need to point it out but fuck me

Its cringy but it is who i am dude

A means assertive, T is turbulent. You can look it up on the site

TL;DR it indicates how stable you are. A is chill, T is not so chill.

We are alive due to our ability to reproduce, we are a plague on the planet.
If we want to do something good for man kind we would be remembered, but in the end we are all forgotten and someone else has taken the credit for our work.
So why even try, we're just gonna die and be forgotten, how we feel is not important.

nihilism and pessimism are subjective and borderline synonymous

In highschool, want to get into gamedev/writing or electrical engineering
I have extreme anger issues though, I can't wait to be the next Phil Fish.


that why its important to be happy, were all going to be dead in 80-100 years, probably sooner so might as well be happy with the little time we have

What's the point in that?

what platform are you interested in for gamedev?


Working on my AA
Probably just end up falling back to the computer sciences
Unemployed but searching for job, probably going to work night shift somewhere shitty. Usual type of thing I do.
>Goal(s) in life
Get AA, do art, try to become successful concept artist for videogame company or some shit. But anything to get me the moneys will do.
>social life
>Are you dating someone?
I have never strayed from the path of sorcery, and do not plan to any time soon
>additional info
Human trash in the making due to severe lack of motivation in all things.

My old online homes got shut down or just died a death. Weirdly enough, Sup Forums has been one of the few to keep going, and it used to have a lot of refugees from communities I used to be a part of. Those days have gone though, and the makeup of Sup Forums has changed somewhat. Guess I stay out of habit.

Fuck yeah dude. I'm going freshwater first, but badass fish displays are definitely part of the 'made it' check list.

If I get promoted faster than I expect, or otherwise accidentally get rich, Life Goal lvl2 is just to buy up land and plant trees on it. The aim is to have a protected-status forest ready to hand over to a suitably responsible steward by the time I croak.

we are a plague on this planet because we made ourselves that way. we could be doing just as good as we are bad but things like greed and fear keep us violent towards one another. yea we will be forgotten. but who the hell cares. that shouldnt be a reason to not even try to enjoy life. following your philosphy of life is just a waste of life imo. how we feel is vastly important. its literally the only thing that matters. if u want to spend your life not feeling anything because it wont last forever be my guest.

being happy is the point u tard.