Labia minora rate thread. Post them pussy flaps!

Labia minora rate thread. Post them pussy flaps!




Holy Christ.Some pussy just needs a tongue lashing.







Dark lips on dark girl

Dark lips on light girl

How sad, a thread about vaginas barely gets any attention when a trap or cock thread is sprawling with activity for nearly half a day.

Maybe if closetfags stuck to their pussy threads instead of shitposting in trap threads, they wouldn't get so much momentum that they would be "sprawling with activity for nearly half a day".

And there are obviously very specific times of the day that these threads appear. Visit /gif/ now and try to tell me about the trap epidemic. The visit it once again in 10 or so hours and lurk for a while.




This thread is about vulvas. Not vagina. Trap fag detected.



Its about labias not vulvas you dense thunder cunt






My gf's tight one


Tight, or is she just too fat for it to open?


5'4 and 145lbs, chubby a little but not a lardo

So shes a short stack then? Makes sense. My ex's short stack pussy.

This one was 4'11 though

This was after i fucked her hard enough that her pussy was swollen shut though.

This was after i fucked her so hard she was gaped open

She was gaping for a little bit but swelled right up after a few minutes lol








perfectly edible

I like my pussy like sports cars small, sleek and and can burn rubber at the push of a button. Some of this pussy looks like nasty as fuck, and been fucked 1000x's of times.

Thats the way i like em. Those little pussied whining bitches get on my nerves.

Been married for 27 years and i fuck her well over 300x a year so do the math that's a lot of fuckin and i still cum hard as ever and she has had 3 kids.

9th grader post, 300x times a year GTFO you liar!

Are you kiddin we fuck nearly everyday sometimes twice. When you get agirl if ever then you will see, if not then you have a erectile issue. Lol

My ex

> has literally never been with a woman, ever

One of the reasons I stopped fapping to humans.

I noticed that right off.

I have been married for 15 years, we used to fuck pretty much everyday.. now it's like 2 or 3x a week.

Are you the bastard that knocked my cat up!

rate pls


Thats too bad for you

More for better rate

here ya go

Damn nice i will give it a 9 and thats for lack of gape

video for even better rate. it's a 10

Gape =10


If this was full pic with face it would be amazing. Fap fap fap



Hahaha! Mother Mary....did you just reached puberty.

would you like another webm of her spreading?


Don't feel bad if you cum to this.

She a cam girl?


I lost it to her asshole, cleanup time...

It is beautiful isn't it?

Made me shoot!




She has a cat hair stuck to her finger and one on her ass

Maybe penis is more to your liking?

If it's not a human penis.



Thats shooped a little not sure why fag did it cuz she has huge lips anyways

not shooped


Posting for Sup Forums's approval

Here's my GF's