What's the best melee weapon for a fight? I'd say baseball batt or machete

What's the best melee weapon for a fight? I'd say baseball batt or machete


> win - win situation

Flanged mace

Melee weapon you illiterate cuck

>He doesn't strap explosives to his fists for maximum pummeling damage


Sword of a Thousand Truths

Lethal: halberd


u can use it as one

Baton. Quick, compact, non-lethal, only takes 7 pounds of pressure to knock out someones knee sideways.

Smough's Hammer

Haemorrhaging wound and a t-shirt that says 'I love aids'

Depends on the fight. Baseball bats and machetes are pretty trash if you're fighting in a 2 foot high tunnel.
Or against someone with a spear or pike.
For versatility, I'm going to go with your brain. Use your head and you can avoid most fights and win fights that aren't in your favor.

This, or nudity work well.

I never go out without my trusted katana sword

Big melee weapons are useless, if your opponent is not scared of the big thing you keep swinging.
A baseball bat is need space to hit with it properly. Also you will be defensless while using it. And if you miss, its momentum will make you more defensless. if your opponent grab and try to take you down, it will be just a burden.

So a little knife will always be useful in a street fight.

Or use your heart, and turn those dark hateful feelings, into happy little feelings.

Hydraulic cutters

"A bomb's a bad choice for close range combat."

Nothing less than Glorious Nippon Steel. ~~~uguu~~


Shit like a bat you get 1 shot, and it's not going to hurt that much.

A knife turns into "How much do you want to fuck them up" after that first blow/swing.

Doesn't have much range though, if your opponent has a sword or golf club you'll lose


You can use the bat to block what ever your opponent has. You'll need good aim though because if you miss youre fucked

Spear, like Oberin in got.

>never been hit with a bat



Winter Solder's arm or Captain America's shield.

Assuming fiction, lightsaber.

Otherwise quarterstaff.

Antenna. It's long and light. You can swing that thing faster than any other weapon you can find and has the reach for a good defense. It won't be a quick fight, but you will have the advantage and it will fuck them up over time.

who gives a fuck about fighting, what's the best melee weapon for cooking?

I though we were talking about a realistic situation, but in a fucktarded situation, I think a Bo staff would be best, a collapsible one would be compact.
If you want to kill, a halberd, maybe a collapsible Halberd...

but that was not the last time he would feel the sting of mamas rolling pin

Manic johnsons fist with paper cuts



Best thing to keep in your car is a hammer. You can justify it to police as a tool, and it really does serve that purpose. A horseman's warhammer was only a bit longer and heavier than a good modern framing hammer.

Most effective weapon you could use is going to be a short spear, like 4.5-5.5ft long. Not a great thing to have on a medieval battlefield, but it's great for murdering anyone who doesn't have a shield. And doesn't take much talent to use effectively.

Did that come with your new purse, Sally?

4" blade, most lethal thing you'll meet

Full frontal armored assault

this, you won't need to fight if you love everyone.

Second only to the 5" blade of course

>not having at least a 7" blade


Small concealed knife with several stabs in vital areas, while making long cuts on their torso or throat. Just jump into him and roll around like retards always do in fights, but don't know you got a knife, so grab him real hard so he can't get away when you stab him repeatedly.

Being this much of a retard.

Because 4" is the maximum legal length, you Rambo wannabe

You can use a baseball bat in a spear like fashion as we'll. You can easily break some ribs this way or smash someone's face. I'm starting to come around on the baseball bat. It's a great defensive weapon too.

Against an unarmored opponent, a sword, probably a fencing sword is best. You don't need more than a small stab to kill someone anyway.

Against an armored opponent, a mace. You are not going to cut through heavy armor, but you can bash through it.

Against multiple opponents, probably a large sword would work best.

If you are fighting in a formation, it's a spear/polearm.

kids aluminum bat. light weight, easy to wield.

>Manic Johnson

a gun that way when you realize hitting him with a blunt object fails because they are bigger than you, you can take a few steps back, and kill yourself.


tits or gtfo.


my big dick

Katana obviously

>steel as strong as diamond
>razor sharp
>light and agile
>look badass and intimidating as heck

Literally the perfect weapon, superior to every melee weapon ever created, even superior to some guns

Not in Canada...
No blade length restrictions here, strange that in a country where you're allowed to bring a shotgun anywhere you please you're not allowed to carry a blade over 4"


Except if you have to hide it ...

But katanas break incredibly easily if misused...

Whoa there, Sally. I didn't realize your Aunt Flo was visiting.

So does ur mum but I still use her



Can't wait until "winter break" is over.

Im talking about 1v1 you each get to choose your own melee weapon. A baton wouldn't do shit if your opponent had a longer range one and even then a knife would beat a baton. If you watch cops use them it isn't one hit and they're down, when your adrenaline going you wont even feel it

>when your adrenaline going you wont even feel it
That's why I specifically stated that it only takes 7 pounds of pressure to blow out the knee from the side, you might not feel it, but you won't be standing anymore..

anything w longer than a 3 inch blade is illegal to carry w/o a permit

Twice as effective if you use the costume in that picture, too.

A knife ofc. Probably the better is the one from eskrimo


Youd be exposing your whole upper body to do that Your opponent wouldn't even need a weapon he'd punch you in the face and do more damage then you will fucking retard

Against 2 and/or more enemies, baseall batt.
Only one enemy, machette.

You're all idiots the best melee weapon is a fucking rhino

Some states you can just walk around your house with your sword or gun. I'm sure you could figure out which ones. Or just carry the thing.

nokia 3310, just throw it on someones head.

I keep a wakizashi under the bed for home defense. Anybody runs at me and I split their head in two

Almost anywhere you can walk around in your own house with a sword.

I would go for a Katana since I have some training in Kendo.
Why in their right might would go for a baseball bat over a sword?

Ill guide the bat when it is swung so it will hit my arm or torso instead of my head. Then youre rekt son. I used to carry an axe handle until someone showed me how usless big sticks are. Go with a karambit instead

Also that's zb-020 and do not bother, it bends, chips and has a built in pommel that literally stabs your hand if you try to use it ungloved. Go China. Still trying to solve this problem without 60 feet of paracord.
Avoid these products, this one was free to me but I wouldn't pay the $18 they ask anyways.

> its not bad with adrenalin

It's your entire property here. Having a deadly weapon in plain view is fine unless you're terrorizing or screaming at people while holding it. I won't put it past a cop to ask what the fuck you're doing with a sword, I keep it close but down on the ground.

>for a fight
What kind of fight?
This question is too vague like asking what the best weapon is. Remember that every weapon is a tool designed for a purpose.

Every situation is different and different weapons will be effective during different scenarios. If you believe there's one weapon that trumps them all you need to get some perspective.

Also is the fight a duel or an actual fight to the death. Because that changes things even more.


How do you know they are not australians un summer break?

Shit Americans don't have to worry about. God damn I love my 2A

read the thread, 1v1 you each pick a weapon

So it's a duel?
That's stupid.
Still it doesn't change the fact that we don't have enough information.
How tall is my opponent?
How much training do they have?
What weapon are they choosing?
What is their preferred style?

Knowing that it's a duel doesn't change anything really but it's better to know. It means that we're assuming whatever weapon they're bringing they're proficient in. Meaning you'd need to account for whatever weapon and style they use.

Silly question is silly and unanswerable.

Depends on the situation. If we're put in the open I'd take any mother fucker on with a machete, but if someone attacks me in a hallway or in my house or something I'd rather use a knife. Or if someone is wearing thicker clothing I can say from experience that trying to cut them with a machete is at best just going to cut them a little and likely get caught in their clothing before they start hitting you with whatever they have. For those situations, that's when you break out your baseball bat or crowbar.

I'm not american

You're over thinking it so much you'd probably lose agaisnt anyone. The question is whats the best all around melee weapon regardless of their skill or size

A pistol

t. low test American

punch a fucker with another fucker, only way to go

Whip? Those shirts break the sound barrier, has lots and lots of range, or in close range you can use it to choke people. Win win

Yeah all your fingers and wrist is broken that does not even hurt

Obviously the katana, or as you might know it, the "samurai sword" is the best weapon in any situation, melee or otherwise. In the hands of a practiced swordsman, such as myself, no other weapon can stand a chance.

I'd post a "pic related" of me with my katana, but a true master swordsman doesn't flaunt his talent like that.
