You have the option to completely extirpate one of the following ethnic groups:

You have the option to completely extirpate one of the following ethnic groups:

1) Africans
2) East Asians
3) South Asians
4) Europeans
5) Native Americans
6) Latin Americans
7) Jews
8) Arabs
9) Aboriginal Australians
10) Other (Samoans, Maldivians, Iranians, etc)

Once you have chosen your group, every non protected person belonging to it will instantly drop dead. This includes people of that origin around the world, e.g., a black person living in America. You may spare select members of your chosen ethnic group but they will be sterilized.

Choose wisely.

Other urls found in this thread:

I voted kill the niggers because I live in America.

It's the right thing to do.

Other, Mexicans

Who's gunna do their jobs though

Blacks, their destruction can be seen throughout the planet.

>Not realizing Mexico is part of Latin America

There are over 1.6 billion muslims. Alot are arabs.

So i chose them. Or can i just chose muslims and get it over with?

Trump voters please?

Whomever likes 2 girls 1cup !..

8 definitely

A better tactic would be to just get rid of Christians and their neo-pagan crap.


I despise Luxemburg with every fiber of my being

heh, gringo

Arabs. Basically a subhuman species of rape and sexual perversion

>Basically a subhuman species of rape and sexual perversion

You just summarized the entire human race in just one sentence.

specifically the goat-fuckers though

So, like Sup Forums but IRL?

No, not like Sup Forums at all. A tiny minority of Sup Forums is comprised of pedophiles. They're just very, very visible.

Pedophila is the norm in many Muslim countries. Except they don't call it pedophilia, they call it arranged marriage and the people who speak out against it are imprisoned or stoned to death.

nigga u soft

I chose other (everyone in the top 1% globally)

Nigs. This isn't even a difficult choice.

Alright which one of you faggots voted for native americans?

We'll die out soon enough just let us die in peace.


It would overall improve the world, lowering crime rates and such. I live in America so our country would become more powerful than it already is, with no force to take the lives of potential workforce as much as they already do.w e could easily stomp on Iraq at that point.
This would also greatly help the overpopulation crisis, making lots of room for people to live.

This. God I hate those fucking coons

alt right. and what does extirpate mean retard?


>Gets rid of IS
>Gets rid of all the immigrants and refugees that pollute our country.

>what does extirpate mean

Other: Whites/Caucasians

>Whites aren't Europeans
I sometimes forget how retarded people on Sup Forums actually are. The title Sup Forumstard is well deserved.

Native Americans please

You dipshits.avi all need jesus...


By the way, coon seems to be a word blacks use on each other these days. I don't think I've heard a nonblack use it in years.

Make everybody take an test that measures general intelligence (think IQ test). If the test is measured the same way an IQ test is, everybody that scores under 100 dies.

There are plenty of intelligent people of all ethnic groups, it would be a waste to kill those people. Not only will this killoff be beneficial in the short term, it will also increase the overall intelligence of the human race.

I basically agree with this. The thing of it is, if you were to IQ test everyone in the world, you'd be amazed by how dumb the average black actually is. No doubt there are high IQ outliers like President Obama, Neil deGrasse Tyson, et al. But the average black IQ in America is 85 and much lower elsewhere in the world.

I do want to stress I am all for the elimination, or at least sterilization, of low IQ whites.

Kill all asians i hate them fucking ugly eyes and subhumanlike eating rice with sticks and living in bamboosheds disgusting. No culture no technology and nothing ever invented fucking subhumans. Also they kill my dolphins these assholes and pollute the world. Kill kill kill and dare you assholes say anything about my black husband you idiots what is this site even for?

>Mongolia's IQ higher than France

Colouring maps is fun!
At least pick a PISA chart if you want to troll

White people. No one likes Americans. They are responsible for the way blacks act in america through poor education and pushing the agenda

shut the fuck up and go back to africa if you are sooooo inteligent

Firstly you used extirpate wrong. Secondly how much African or White DNA must someone have to drop dead if chosen? Quarter? Half? One drop?

Blacks aren't violent criminals don't group the actions of a few into the majority

where are the americans?

Knowing how to do algebra doesn't stop some little shit from imitating the cool gangsters he saw on TV. A good parent teaches them respect and how to be a productive member of society.
Guess who the parents of black children are.

Definitely blacks. Not as bad as mexicans but the higher quantity of shitskins makes up for it.

Wtf is an African?

a nigger

Jews are not an "ethnic group," kid. It's a religion anyone can join. There are black, white, Arab, Turkish, Persian, Chinese, and Latin American Jews. I know an Orthodox Jew girl convert who is Venezuelan.

A descendant of a mass of land that we have dubbed "Africa"


Actually getting rid of arabs would only reduce the muslim population by 300 millions or so. The vast majority of muslims live in central and east asia. Though most of the violent ones are arabs if that is what you want to get rid of.

>Firstly you used extirpate wrong
No, I didn't. And if you want to play grammar Nazi, you missed a comma after "Firstly." But really, who gives a shit?

>Secondly how much African or White DNA must someone have to drop dead if chosen?
That's up to the person deciding who lives and who dies. Do you want to spare someone because they're 50 percent something else? If so, that's up to you. I stated up front you're in charge of who lives or dies.

>Jews aren't an ethnic group
The meme that won't die. Keep telling yourself that. The rest of the world disagrees.

Race is just an illusion it is merely our eyes perceiving different colors based on the chemical differences in the person's skin partly due to the sun's rays, were all just meat we can all get along

Arabs Yo. Then we can stop giving a fuck about the middle east.

jews, bad enough they're trying to commit white genocide.

>Jews are not an "ethnic group"

go way, big nose kahzar
am snek
very venom
hithhh hithhh

>using PC terms while talking about genocide
1. niggers
2. slopes
3. slopes
4. faggots
5. prairie niggers
6. spics
7. jews
8. sand niggers
9. niggers
10. various niggers


it was a tough choice between Arabs and Blacks, but I'm content with my choice

Jews with out them pulling the string the nigger wont know what to do so the panic riot and kill them self's off

South Asians aren't slopes, they're poo in loos.

Guess I'd vote African simply based on the territory it would open up and the reduction in human population. It would be interesting to watch the expansion of powers as they fight over newly emptied Africa. I guess Asians would be also on that list for the same reasons. I don't actually hate Africans or Asians but I like the idea of the ensuing chaos

We prefer curry nig

you used firstly wrong

no punctuation

sub-par grammar



Jews are Arabs just with a different faith

Even a drop of negroid DNA means you're dead

kill the fucking jews, they take all the fucking money from us, and they all run hollywood, no wonder it succs dicc

>1.3bil population
> 100+ IQ
Either China has a couple dozen stephen hawking or this chart is not very accurate

Jews. Every problem you tend to blame on other ethnic groups has been orchestrated by jews.

So I can wipe out the entirety of the US, the cucked parts of Europe AND all of Africa with one choice?

Suddenly I am way harder than the choice.

You have to be 18 to post here.

No question, it needs to be the Jewish people.
Find Joy in Satan

we need another holocaust!

Other, Aryans

>implying 18 year olds aren't this retarded

reddit is full of edgy ratheists in their 20s.

>Not liking it
I choose you

Uhm blacks you fucking moron, there isn't any other race that deserves death more. Their average iq In America is 75-85, most are borderline retarded. In Africa their IQs are even lower because they have no white in them.

Other, The crazy SJWs

I smell a jew

they are almost extinct fucking dumbass poor decision

China probably has tens of thousands of people as brilliant as Hawking in terms of raw IQ. But many parts of China are rural and impoverished, so it's not like those people ever get the chance to become famous physicists.

Pick jews. Then you increase gubmint gibs for people living in Chicago and build a big fence around New Bartertown and let the problem sort itself out.

2 for 1 you tard.

tbh There Is a Huge Difference Between a Black Man And a Nigger

the uncivilized


>no culture
Im assuming you mean laos and vietnam. dude eating with chopsticks and living in bamboo sheds is their culture. Now look how stupid you are.

Why aren't white people on this list?
Or are they all under Europeans

>"No true scotsman"

You're mistaken. They're brilliant alright, but they're not people, just brilliant things.

naw man that's only when you try to say the whole group is universally not flawed because anyone who's flawed isn't allowed to be considered a part of the group

the person you're talking to didn't make a universal claim like that, he didn't say ALL blacks aren't criminals, he just said blacks aren't criminals

What do you think, Tyrone? Put that 85 IQ to work.

I fear all options would yield terrible results. All other religions or races would interpret it as being correct or superior and become more zealous.

Let's see...

1) Africans. We could re-locate so-called refugees there. Plus an all-white South Africa again, this time up to the Sambesi.
2) East Asians. China, Korea, Japan could be settled by Europeans.
3) South Asians. Would be settled by Persians, Arabs, S-E-Asians.No benefit for us.
4) Europeans. No, as I am one.
5) Native Americans? Too few, not important.
6) Latin Americans. In general, not important for an European. But would allow White settlement of South America.
7) Jews. Well...
8) Arabs. Would take a lot of pressure from Europe.
9) Abos. Too few, not important.
10) Other. Mostly too few, not important.

Conclusion: A difficult question!

>Mostly too few, not important.
Maybe not a lot of people, but it's a lot of land to free up for cultivation, containment of refugees, colonization, et cetera.

"Other" encompasses the islands of Oceania, all of central Asia (the 'Stans), Iran and Indo Europe (Georgia, Azerbaijan, etc; pic related). There's definitely some oil to be taken in Iran after wiping out the Persians and whatever other groups live there.

You are fucking retarded. Blacks are fucked naturally. How do you blame what goes on in Africa on America? Asshole loving faggot.


Arabs they have taken over England and are coming for America

other, every man thats not me. the world will end in 3 weeks but at least i'll finally get laid

we need a second crusade

Central Asia, Iran and Caucasus are, for the most part, mountains, steppes and deserts. We could use Turkey - if we're there before the Arabs, which I doubt. Oceania is nice for vacationing, but that's already done today.

2nd? there were like 9 of them