Rekt bread faggots

rekt bread faggots

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That's a new one ? I've never seen it before

File name: abra kadabra




Do you think they're dead?

He ruined that dope shirt fam

allah had their back


Nice feet


Fake n gay

This is ISIS showing mercy. This isn't a bad way to go. Instant death.




He gets robbed and kills the robber?

No he forgot to give the rober the bullets he was keeping in his gun

the robber has a gun in his right hand.

he has a murrican flag on the wall

No. He shots him because he is black.


Love the way he used the girl as a shield

Sure looks like it.


>rekt thread on Sup Forums
>2mb file size limit
>no sound webms allowed

newfag. There's always rekt threads with hundreds of webms. Lurk moar.

of course it's a nigger




Good luck picking the dirt out.

thats the way to do it! throw that sand!

good graphics at potatocam resolution

Venezuela at its best.

just do it faggot

shut the fuck up

Is there a bird behind him?

Why every time i see this pic someone say 'nice feet'? plx explain this, i'm newfag

... and too, but i dunno how to get Sup Forums x working there

welcome to jackass

nah it looks like part of the flower wallpaper blowing around, possibly a fan on or something.

Perfect example of how to handle the situation. The people around him give no fucks.

It's quite old and from the Yemini branch from ISIS.

An hero

>this sorry won't allow me to post link
It's the worst