How smart are you, Sup Forums?

How smart are you, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>oh good
>this thread again

The answer is 30. There's a retarded amount of calculus involved.

Stop posting this thread you literal autist.

No calculus is needed.

are u retarded its basic geometry...




I think it needs more info to solve without guesstimating, maybe the length of a couple sides. I can get every angle besides x and one other in the same triangle as x and can't get any further

You don't need more info, you just need to think outside the box.

80 scale a shit
congruent angle symbolism
fuck your ruse
you got me once
get new material

well done

I'm just currently shitting and don't have calculator, even just a tiny more info would allow someone to do this in their head pretty fast.

That's why a tiny more info is not provided, as then it would no longer be a real puzzle.



if you post it for another 3 months i will verify it

I think this Nigga just schooled everyone.

I'm legit laughing at how simple this guy made it, and in the process proved it wasn't 30.

Lots of crap for an easy task faggot


x is 20
triangle is 180 = x+70+(y-180)
solve for y
plug into x
110 = x + y-180
-70 = x+y
-x-70 = y
replace y with x blah blah blah 11th grade algebra

god americans are such retards...
trig isnt calculus u niggers

I don't see how that is incorrect. you have the 60 and 50 at bottom triangle, and other side is just inverted because angle didn't change, so that would make it 70 on the other side as well, which leaves 110 as the degree on left and right. you have to have a total of 360, so if the math adds up, then I don't see how its incorrect. Triangles come to 180. the whole polygon at corners should come to 360 when added together, and they do.

your solution only works for this symmetrical special case homo.

Fuck all that shit.
The sum of all angles in any given triangle is 180°. The sum of all angles in any given rectangle is 360°. That's all you need to know for this problem.

its not an iscoceles you tard.

doesnt add up to 360

fourty dgrees

befriend the symbol


kek, the last time this was posted the thread was full of complete fucking retards who claimed that the puzzle was impossible to solve, all of whom promptly disappeared once someone actually posted the correct solution. Guessing you're pissed about this thread reappearing because you were one of those morons.