A new meme appeared

A new meme appeared.

Other urls found in this thread:


3,8/10, better luck next meme!

Pity he's Scottish. It's the MuriKKKans that are making everything illegal these days.

fuck you

>A new meme appeared.
And immediately died

ITT: newfags who don't know what's going on.

>I took a picture of a yellowbelly up close yesterday

Heartiest kek in years going on right now.

Get in the thread


Sup faggots.

Being a good father over here.

Welcome original OP.

Thread is kill

Being at ground zero for this has made my 2016

I wish I was at the aquarium with her so I could seal the deal! Get it dad?

What happened to that thread??

This fucking thread made me an hour late for work, but it was worth it. Thanks OP. You win the internets for today.


kek is pleased by this thread

mfw Sup Forums still has hope

>with the birth of a new godly meme comes the birth of a new newfag

Putting my mark down here cause this is going down in history. Put me in any screenies!

I was at ground zero for the guy who showed ass/balls/dick while trying to hide his face to "troll" us then fucking asked us to delete the picture

God I hope he gets turned into a meme

i don't think original OP is here

Is there a new thread??

Donald Zeiszler is a veteran too. He deserves this.


Uninstall Photoshop.

>i wanna fuck mom

"Thats Edipo Syndrome, Son"


Guys,this dude knows he is getting rused.
What he said might actually be true but he doesnt care.

anything new OP? FA



Shit they delete the main post, We're fuck guys

Can u fuckn spell m8?

This was too good to die yet. Plz be OP

no, just don't

Uninstall your pulse, faggot.

Also, the fun is over. Been a good run fellas. A meme is born.

Are we heading towards a Sup Forums renaissance?



lol go back to school

>doesn't understand this is just another thread with someone forcing a meme

Oh lawdy


You mean... that's illegal?

Thank you OP from original thread this was fun. You should do this to some other fags.

OP is a god

Were you not in the other thread that 404'd?

You mean I didn't know that was the father that posed as a teenager to get nudes of his own daughter, pretended to bve the mother who texted that the "teenager" had killed himself. It all came out when he was accused of molesting the daughter - 350 years.

That not knowing what's going on?

And no, it's not a meme

..and we're done.

What a time to be alive

your newfag is showing


you are fucking wrong dude,holy shit



where's the user that messaged his sister? Still waiting to see her reply

I did this one a few weeks ago

please tell me someone saved it

Everyone say shut the fuck up and thread is over

That is illegal son.


Hahaha, well done OP, well done.


he knew the whole time you weren't his father, he probably made that all up too

So close but so far away.


Fun times.

>be a newfag
>miss best thread of the day
>don't get joke
>thinks opinion matters
>should kill self
>but that's illegal, son

meme 2

I bet he didnt expect his messages to go to his sister though, stop hating on this are you jealous of OP or something?

Nah. He has felonies. He believed me all the way up until the dick pic lol

Thats completely irrelevant to whats going on you fucking retard.

Not the same story dude holy shit newfag reeeeeee

keep going!

Haha, what video did you send him? I hope she is getting fucked in the ass.

xD lololol im making some memes! thats illigal son!

Kek over 9,000

>Sup Forums: a new hope

Someone post screencaps of previous thread, please

>inb4 it's illegal son

The best thing about that thread was the fucking QUINTS

It's me laughing.

Any good archive sites?

Satan wanted that phone charged.

Charge your phone OP


we making another git thread?

Hail fucking Satan


show us ya tits

When OP was low-key a cutie

xD lololol my 4th meme thats illigal son this meme is awesome im making more ahahahah hilarious!

but don't you know him?

Dangerous femanon. You are a badass.



Does anyone have a screencap of the previous thread?

ITT Faggots (faggot?) trying way too hard

I was in the thread and it was entertaining but youre all faggots for calling people newfags for not seeing a thread that was recently created. At least try with your insults

Can I get some context? I came here to jerk off in the shower but I found this thread.